TaeNy fanfic

The next day we got a lot of recording done, we got new cast members in too. We had Jung Soo-Yeon's younger sister and a few other males. There was a scene where the main character played by Taeyeon had to kiss one of the males, but I made sure that there wasn't too much contact. When it was the lunch break, I called Taeyeon over.
"I wish I could kiss you now.. But rumours would start going around.." She mumbled, I grinned at her.
"Kiss me.. Nobody's looking.." I whispered.
Taeyeon grinned at me and kissed me softly. Luckily nobody saw, and if they did it looked like we were whispering to each other, which we kind of were.
"Sleep with me tonight.." I whispered.
"I will.." She whispered back.
Then we parted and the lunch break ended and Taeyeon had to do more acting with everyone else. I watched her closely and found myself staring when people were waiting to see what to do.

The next day, I was reading the paper when I saw an article about me. Usually I didn't take a lot of interest in things like this, but this looked different.
'DIRECTOR SEEN WITH GIRL' it said. I read on.
'The famous director Tiffany Hwang has been seen countless times with actress and model Kim Taeyeon. It is also rumored that Hwang asked Taeyeon to move into her home with her. Yesterday, the two were seen whispering to each other during their lunch break and have been seen going into Hwang's office after recording.'
I sighed and put the paper down. People were getting suspicious. When Taeyeon came down, I showed her the article.
"Do you think we should stay away from each other in public?" She asked, blinking.
"No.. But people are getting suspicious.." I said, thinking deeply.
Just then Taeyeon's phone beeped. She took it out of her pocket.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"..A model I work with.. Kwon Yuri.. If you know who she is." She said.
"Ah yes.. I've worked with her before." I said, remembering the time when Kwon Yuri used to work in one of my films. She took a liking to my asisstant Yoona.
"She wants me to go to her house after recording." She said.
"We're recording till 6pm.." I said sleepily.
"You're still tired.." She mumbled, my hair.
"I have to work hard you know.. Its not just all sitting around and shouting." I said, grinning at her.

We went to the studio and did more recording, including a dance scene where all the girls dance.. And of course I had to stand at the front.. Then we had to do a singing scene which I guess I was okay at. Tiffany seemed happy with it all, she never shouted at me but she bossed the others around a lot. She called me over during one of the short breaks we had.
"How long are you staying with Kwon Yuri?" She asked.
"I don't know.. It depends what she wants.. Why are you asking anyway?" I said, blinking. "You have my number.. So I'll text you when I'm coming back. She's picking me up from here when we're done."
I went back to the others and filming started again.

At 6pm we all cleared up and Yuri came and picked me up and we went back to her house in the countryside.
"Hows life?" I asked as we sat down in the living room.
"Its alright.. Gets a bit boring now the fact that nobody needs me at the moment.. Yours?" She looked over at me.
"Busy.. I was changed to the main character of the film I'm recording..." There was a silence. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked.
"..Yeah.. Sure." She said.
"The director Tiffany Hwang.. Shes my girlfriend.." I said seriously.
"No way?!" Yuri gasped. "How long for?" She asked.
"..I don't really know. Not that long.." I said, grinning. "Me and Sunny live with her now."
"Does she still have her assistant?" Yuri asked.
I nodded. "Yoona lives with us too. We hardly see her though." I said.
"..Take me there. Now.. Please.." She begged.
"I need to see what Fany says.." I said, then texted Fany.
'yuri wants to see yoona can u pick us up plz x'
I got an answer almost instantly.
'k x'
"Fany's coming to pick us up now.." I said.
Then we both waited, Yuri was almost crying. I think she was excited to see her old friend Yoona.

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zakizaki #1
Chapter 4: your story line is good but i suggest that it will be much better if you put some deep emotions in this story. i mean, u know. i cant really feel their emotions. somethings lacking here. thanks! but its good though..