Chapter 1

TaeNy fanfic

We all sighed and moved away from each other and looked up. The director stared hard at us all and shook her head.
"..Re-arrange yourselves." She said.
We all groaned and moved into different places. We'd been trying to record this scene for a few hours now and nothing seemed to satisfy her. My friend Sunny shuffled over to me.
"She's never this bad.." Sunny mumbled to me.
"I know.. Maybe she hates us all?" I said, shrugging.
Our director was called Tiffany Hwang, and she'd won a lot of awards too. Nobody messed with her. And the rest of us on the scene were models. We were doing a movie about high schools. I had no idea what was going on though.
Just then, Tiffany looked up.
"Kim Taeyeon! A word please!" She yelled across the room.
I shuffled over nervously, expecting to be attacked or something. She lead me into a small room and eyed me up and down. There was a small silence, then she spoke.
"..Kim Taeyeon. I am very impressed with your acting skills.. I'm not impressed with the current lead character.." She said, gazing at me.
"..What are you going to do to Jung Soo-Yeon then?" I asked, peering up at her.
"You and Jung Soo-Yeon are going to swap roles.." She mumbled.
Suddenly, she pulled me closer, my hair and kissed me passionately. I found myself enjoying it.. I kissed her back. I don't know how long it was before we stopped.
"Come to my office later.." She purred, sorted her clothes and hair out then left me to do the same.

Kim Taeyeon was very cute, even when she looked confused.. I couldn't hold myself back anymore so I asked her to come to my office later for time alone..
For now, I could only watch her at a distance. She was a good actor.. But there was more to her than acting.
"Jung Soo-Yeon! Come here!" I yelled.
The girl called Jessica came over.
"Yes?" She said.
"Swap roles with Kim Taeyeon." I said.
"..Okay.." She mumbled, then walked off to talk to Taeyeon.

When the time came for recording to end, I left and went into my office. A few minutes later, Taeyeon came into the office. There were no words exchanged, I pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately, ripping off her shirt.

Three hours later, we were still at it. That was when my assistant Yoona walked in awkwardly.
"Tiffany we- OH."
The was an awkward silence. Nobody moved.
"..I think you should lock your door." Yoona said awkwardly, then she left again.
Me and Taeyeon grinned at each other.

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zakizaki #1
Chapter 4: your story line is good but i suggest that it will be much better if you put some deep emotions in this story. i mean, u know. i cant really feel their emotions. somethings lacking here. thanks! but its good though..