Chapter 6


Eunhyuk’s POV.






Poke poke poke poke poke poke.




Poke poke.






I sat bolt upright, rudely awakened by something…or someone. I waited a moment for my heart to calm down and my vision to clear before I noticed Donghae grinning sheepishly at me.


‘Hello sleepy head~’


I blinked at him. ‘Hnngg Hae? What time is it?’ I yawned.


‘4 in the afternoon! You fell asleep on me silly!’


‘Oh.’…wait what?! I fell asleep?! In Donghae’s house?! Oh why am I such a fail? Way to make everything more awkward Eunhyuk, well done. Just then I noticed a pain in my cheek.


‘Donghae did you slap me?’ I asked, rubbing my face.


‘Nope!’ He laughed. Oh of course you didn’t, I was slapped by a ghost was I? Before I had the chance to protest he pulled me off the sofa.


 ‘Come on there’s no time for sitting around! It’s time for the grand tour!’ He exclaimed.


‘Right grand tour, okay.’ I hastily flattened my hair and stood up to follow him.


He dragged me out of the room and showed me the kitchen that he is not allowed to use because he is a terrible cook, the downstairs bathroom that he once nearly fell over in while wearing a single roller skate but was saved by the trusty sink, the living room which I ‘already knew because we had just been in there’ and then the dance studio.


‘Are you ready for this Hyukkie? This is my favourite room!’ He grinned.


He threw the door open and ran inside, then turned back to look at me expectantly. Why is he so cute?


I stepped inside and my eyes widened. The studio was huge. One wall was covered in a giant mirror while the one opposite (I had to do a double take) was covered in hundreds of pictures of NU’EST. So I’m guessing he’s a fan?


I watched as Donghae ran over to his shrine…I mean wall and looked at it proudly. ‘I am their biggest fan! I have t-shirts and everything.’ He explained excitedly.


‘Y-yeah, they’re quite talented.’ I agreed, still in a state of shock.


Suddenly Donghae was right in front of me, how the heck did he move so fast?! ‘You like NU’EST?!’ He all but shrieked.


‘Well uh, yeah?’ I said hesitantly. ‘Their songs have good meanings and they’re pretty good dancers.’


‘OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU.’ He shouted, then paused. ‘Wait. I mean yay.’


Well that was awkward. He stared at me silently, as if he was waiting for me to do something about the situation he created.


‘So uh- you like to dance?’ Wow, way to state the obvious. 5 stars, really, you are so smart.


‘Yup!’ Donghae sung. ‘I love dancing!’


‘Show me?’ I asked before I could shut myself up.


‘Um-well-you see-‘ He stuttered. Oh no, not more awkward.


‘Please? I’d like to see you dance Hae.’ At this his eyes seemed to sparkle. He ran over to his stereo and the familiar opening of NU’EST’s Face played through the speakers.


Then he started to dance.


My mouth dropped open, he was amazing! It took me a second to notice that he was singing too. How is he so talented? After a minute of staring I decided to join him, I quite enjoyed dancing myself and I actually knew this one.


He stopped dancing and stared at me like wtf, I just smiled and followed the steps, after a second he grinned and continued.


The dance was honestly a mess, even though we’re good dancers neither of us had danced this with someone else before and we didn’t know exactly who’s part we were dancing, but it was fun.


We flopped on the floor when the song ended, exhausted but happy.


‘Hyukkie you are so cool.’


‘Me? No you! I had no idea you could sing and dance like that!’ I praised, feeling embarrassed.


‘Thank you.’ He smiled. ‘I don’t normally tell people, not since Kyuhyun and Sungmin. I don’t want more people to laugh at me- but I don’t ever stop practicing.’ He confessed.


Wow. Now I have even more reason to destroy KyuMin. Despite being mad at the two I was glowing, happy that Donghae was opening up to me.


‘Make sure you don’t ever give up Donghae, I’ll make sure they don’t get in your way.’ I replied softly.


Donghae didn’t say anything, I was suddenly worried I’d upset him somehow, but I caught his eye and he squealed. ‘Thank you Hyukkie! I promise I won’t give up!’ He grinned, giving me a hug.


I just smiled to myself, feeling happier than I probably should have done that I had helped him.


‘Come on lets finish the tour.’ He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. ‘Next we’re going to see my room!’


His room?


I followed him up the stairs, trying to come up with some excuse not to go into his bedroom with him.


My heartbeat quickened, we were going to Donghae’s bedroom. His freaking bedroom! Why is this a big deal to me? I don’t even think I want to question it. Stop it already.


He had one hand on the door about to open it when there was a loud knocking on the front door, someone seemed to beating up the poor door with their fists.


‘OI FISHY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! YOU BETTER ANSWER THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!’ I heard someone scream through the letter box.


Donghae gasped and ran down the stairs. ‘It’s Heechul!’ he informed me as I ran after him.


Heechul? Kim Heechul? That crazy man woman from the year above? Oh crap. Why was he here?


Donghae opened the door, luckily before it got beaten down. ‘I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD YOU STUPID FISH. DON’T DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT.’ Heechul shrieked, embracing Hae in the most fierce hug I thought possible. I thought he was going to suffocate.


I tried to shrink into the shadows to avoid being noticed by the psycho, but it was no good. He looked up from his merciless hug fest and glared at me.


‘Who the are you?’ He hissed. I whimpered.


Donghae went to answer him but someone else got there first. ‘That’s Eunhyuk, the one he told you about before.’ I didn’t even notice Heechul’s boyfriend standing there until just now.


‘The monkey?!’ Heechul questioned in all seriousness, causing Hangeng to laugh. Monkey…?


‘Yes him’


Heechul looked back to Donghae and with another ear splitting shriek, ‘What the hell happened to your face?!’


He ran over to me and before I knew it I was slapped by a manicured hand. ‘What did you do to my baby?!’


‘Um…ow?!’ I retorted, my cheek stinging.


‘No, no Heechul!’ Donghae laughed, can’t he see I’m in pain?! ‘Hyukkie’s been helping me!’ He explained calmly. How on earth is he so relaxed?! This man woman is crazy!


Heechul went over to his uh…baby and his head. Why the is he so weird?


‘Are you sure you trust this guy Hae?’ He said in a voice that was actually normal.


‘Mhm! He’s really nice!’ Donghae grinned. I felt a little floaty.


‘So what? I’m nice and I wouldn’t trust me.’


‘That’s not the only thing though! His dancing! Oh my god his dancing. He is so- so…HOT!’




‘The monkey? Hot? What’s gotten into your brain?’


Well excuse me.


Donghae pouted adorably. ‘It’s true! When we were dancing his shirt lifted and let me just say- abs.’


I think I died. I must have smacked my head on something this morning.


‘Hmm.’ Heechul pondered seriously. ‘Alright.’ He looked back at me as if they hadn’t just been talking about me as if I wasn’t there.


‘Come here monkey.’ He ordered. I gulped nervously but complied, too afraid of this man to even ask why he insists on calling me monkey.


As soon as I was within reach he grabbed hold of my face, which was still sore from where we oh so kindly slapped me, and stared.


He was so close I could see the mascara that coated his eyelashes. He squished my face and turned it side to side as if he was examining it.


‘Good.’ He finally said, patting my face harder than necessary for good measure. I bit back a whimper.


He clicked his fingers. ‘Hannie.’ He said expectantly, I had forgotten he was even there.


His faithful boyfriend (servant) came over and immediately lifted up my shirt. ‘Woah woah woah wait!’ I flailed. But it looked like nobody was listening to me.


Heechul took a step back, looked for a second and then noticed. ‘I’m done.’ He clarified, at which Hangeng dropped my shirt, leaving me to pick my dignity up off the floor.


They turned to go. ‘Oh and one more thing-‘ oh no ‘If you ever hurt my Hae in any way I will rip out your lungs and feed them to a pack of angry lions.’ He threatened. I wrapped my arms around my chest protectively, not doubting for a second he would live up to his word if I screwed up.


‘Okay byyee~!’ He called almost too sweetly, grabbing Hangeng’s arm and making his glamorous exit.


‘Bye guys!’ Donghae grinned. Apparently oblivious that I had just been ed on.  ‘Ah Heechul’s great.’ Yeah great. Fantastic. An angel. ‘I’m glad he likes you.’ Donghae patted my shoulder…what?


‘Okay back to the room tour!’ He exclaimed loudly.


Oh …the bedroom.



This is like, the longest update ever. And no, I still don't proof read things :3


I love Heechul hehehehe. Please excuse his language!

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeee
Chapter 6: lmao heechul is just hilarious xD
Chapter 6: Lol XD Heechul..
Update soon!^^
Chapter 5: EunHae is so lovable <3
Chapter 5: Eunhae so cute XD
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Why Kyuhyun so mean? :(
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: omg Kyuhyun wtf -.- He's so mean ><
Chapter 4: Well, seems like both of them we're too hasty with being happy about KyuMin finally leaving Donghae alone :(
And that Minnie tried to stop Kyuhyun was kinda unexpected, but it seems that he still has a good heart somewhere, like in chapter 3! and yay, Hyuk accepted his new nickname, that was cute :D
Thanks for updating! ♥
Chapter 2: Poor haehae :(
Urgh,not suprising that Hanchul is making out when Donghae barged in..keke...
Update soon! Make more bullies! Hehe
Chapter 1: Aigo~ Donghae really breaks my heart here, I just want to hug the living daylights out of him when he's sitting at the floor while crying :'(
But Hyuk can do that, I'm sure he's going to protect Hae from now on :)
I loved reading the first chapter and can't wait for the next one! In fact I'm really excited :D
Great job! :) ♥