Chapter 3


Ryeowook’s POV.


9.30, I was late, but I didn’t hurry. My enthusiasm for school had rapidly sunk since that new guy joined causing Siwon to turn even more sour than usual, every moment consisting of ranting about KyuMin and how gay they were and how new boy Eunhyuk was just as bad and probably an outright .


I sighed to myself, I missed Kyuhyun and Sungmin, even months after Siwon had kicked them out.  


That was a hard time. It had been coming to the end of the week and as they often did, Kyuhyun and Sungmin randomly disappeared during the lunch hour, but this time they were gone longer than usual and over protective Siwon announced he was going to look for them, leaving Yesung, Kibum and I to ourselves.


We waited until the last students had left the cafeteria to actually start searching for them; it was unusual for them to be gone this long.


We hadn’t got far before we heard shouting…What was going on? Siwon never raised his voice.


‘What the hell is your problem Choi Siwon?!’ That was Kyuhyun.


We ran round the corner to find Siwon standing an inch from Kyuhyun who was glaring up at him, with Sungmin clinging to his arm with tears streaming down his face.


‘You’re my problem! You’re disgusting! How could you do this?!’ Siwon shouted again, causing Sungmin to sob.


‘Hyung stop!’ Kibum cried as Siwon grabbed hold of Kyuhyun’s shirt.


‘Rot in hell Siwon.’ He spat, shoving the taller man away from him.


Kibum and Yesung took this opportunity to grab Siwon’s shoulders, he was shaking.


‘Let’s go Minnie.’ Kyuhyun mumbled, wrapping his arm around his crying friend.


‘Wait.’ I said softly, tears filling my own eyes, but Kyuhyun just looked at me sadly before they both walked away.


The following day they stayed away from us and I haven’t spoken to them since.



omg why so short?;;; I'll stop being lazy! i'll write more I swear!

At least KyuMin have a reason to be horrible


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HanBaram #1
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeee
Chapter 6: lmao heechul is just hilarious xD
Chapter 6: Lol XD Heechul..
Update soon!^^
Chapter 5: EunHae is so lovable <3
Chapter 5: Eunhae so cute XD
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Why Kyuhyun so mean? :(
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: omg Kyuhyun wtf -.- He's so mean ><
Chapter 4: Well, seems like both of them we're too hasty with being happy about KyuMin finally leaving Donghae alone :(
And that Minnie tried to stop Kyuhyun was kinda unexpected, but it seems that he still has a good heart somewhere, like in chapter 3! and yay, Hyuk accepted his new nickname, that was cute :D
Thanks for updating! ♥
Chapter 2: Poor haehae :(
Urgh,not suprising that Hanchul is making out when Donghae barged in..keke...
Update soon! Make more bullies! Hehe
Chapter 1: Aigo~ Donghae really breaks my heart here, I just want to hug the living daylights out of him when he's sitting at the floor while crying :'(
But Hyuk can do that, I'm sure he's going to protect Hae from now on :)
I loved reading the first chapter and can't wait for the next one! In fact I'm really excited :D
Great job! :) ♥