Chapter 4


Donghae’s POV.


The next morning I found myself skipping into school, I should have been exhausted from dance practice earlier that morning (that and realised how stupid I must look) but I felt so free I didn’t care.


On my way to my classroom I spotted my wonderful saviour further down the corridor. ‘Hyukkie!’ I shouted before realising that I probably shouldn’t call him that. I shook off my ridiculousness and ran towards him.


‘Oh- Donghae, hi.’ He seemed startled; maybe I should tone down my happiness a bit.


‘Hi’ I grinned. ‘Umm’ I looked at the ground, suddenly shy. Why did I talk to him?! Stupid Hae. ‘Thank you for- for yesterday.’


I heard him laugh and I looked up. ‘Oh yeah that? It’s nothing. I just hope they stay away from you from now on.’


He smiled at me…oh my god he smiled at me. Wait, wait, where are you going with these thoughts? Stop it. You too heart, stop beating so fast.


‘They will! I know they will, thanks to you’ I smiled too, trying not to look too enthusiastic.


He smiled again. ‘They will.’ He confirmed ‘Now I’ve gotta get to class before I’m late, I don’t fancy getting in trouble already.’


‘Aww okay.’ I pouted, remembering that I too had somewhere to be.


He turned to walk away. ‘Oh and Donghae?’




‘Hyukkie, I like it.’ Then he walked off, leaving me with very red cheeks.


I waved my hands in front of my face to try and calm myself down, internally fan-girling over Eunhyuk.


I was about to continue my uh…skipping…to class before I felt my shoulder ram into the lockers beside me.


Before I had the chance to react something came into contact with my stomach. I doubled over, trying to catch my breath.


‘You’re dead Lee Donghae. You think you can just escape like that?’


I needed help, but nobody else was around, classes had started. I picked myself up off the ground and stared wide eyed at Kyuhyun. He looked mad.


‘I’ve already told you that you’re nothing, that you’ll become nothing, so why are you still trying?’ He grabbed hold of my hair, pulling on it.


‘St-stop it!’ Tears started to form in my eyes. ‘Leave me alone!’ I pleaded.


He laughed once. ‘What? You thought because that guy told me to go you were suddenly safe?’ he hit my stomach again. ‘Well you were wrong.’


I shakily grabbed hold of his arm, trying to ignore the pain. ‘Leave. Me. Alone.’ I forced out, staring at him with what I hoped looked strong.


He glared at me, letting go off my hair and letting me fall to the floor. I tried hastily to get back up; I’ve never been so scared of someone in my life.


I had one hand on the locker to hoist myself up when Kyuhyun’s fist came into contact with my face. I cried out in pain and fell back down again, clutching my face with my hands, trying to sooth the pain.


I curled up tightly, terrified he was going to hit me again.


‘Kyuhyun!’ That was Sungmin’s voice. I started shaking, not him too, I can’t handle both of them.


‘Kyuhyun stop you’ve gone too far!’ I saw him grab hold of his arms. ‘Just look at him!’


I watched as Kyuhyun visibly paled. ‘.’ He muttered.


Then they ran off, leaving me on the floor.


Eunhyuk’s POV.


For the rest of the day I tried keeping an eye out for Donghae, I honestly wanted to spend time with him, but he was no-where to be found. How can someone disappear so quickly? I did one last check of the classrooms before giving up and going home, feeling disappointed.


The following morning I searched for him again, eventually finding him sitting alone in a deserted classroom.




He flinched. What the hell happened to him?


I walked over to him and he turned away from me, letting his hair fall in front of his face. ‘Donghae what’s wrong?’


‘Nothing.’ He said quietly, still not looking at me.


I moved round to where he was facing and finally got a look at his face. My eyes widened as I noticed the dark bruise circling his eye. ‘What…’


‘It’s nothing Hyukkie, it’s okay.’


I frowned. ‘No Hae, it’s not. Who did this to you?’


At this he seemed to break down, tears now falling from his eyes, he shook his head. I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him tightly, letting him cry into my shoulder.


‘I can’t.’ He whispered. Then I knew exactly who did this.


Cho Kyuhyun, you are so dead.


OMG the drama. Kyuhyun you are so mean.

I wrote this half asleep. Sorry if it makes no sense :D this is what happens when I write fanfiction in the wrong order.

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeee
Chapter 6: lmao heechul is just hilarious xD
Chapter 6: Lol XD Heechul..
Update soon!^^
Chapter 5: EunHae is so lovable <3
Chapter 5: Eunhae so cute XD
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Why Kyuhyun so mean? :(
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: omg Kyuhyun wtf -.- He's so mean ><
Chapter 4: Well, seems like both of them we're too hasty with being happy about KyuMin finally leaving Donghae alone :(
And that Minnie tried to stop Kyuhyun was kinda unexpected, but it seems that he still has a good heart somewhere, like in chapter 3! and yay, Hyuk accepted his new nickname, that was cute :D
Thanks for updating! ♥
Chapter 2: Poor haehae :(
Urgh,not suprising that Hanchul is making out when Donghae barged in..keke...
Update soon! Make more bullies! Hehe
Chapter 1: Aigo~ Donghae really breaks my heart here, I just want to hug the living daylights out of him when he's sitting at the floor while crying :'(
But Hyuk can do that, I'm sure he's going to protect Hae from now on :)
I loved reading the first chapter and can't wait for the next one! In fact I'm really excited :D
Great job! :) ♥