Chapter 2


Donghae’s POV.

After school I ran straight to Heechul’s house, bursting straight through the front door (he never locks it) and into the living room, walking in on an extreme make-out session between him and Hangeng. Oops.


‘Hyung!’ I exclaimed, my eyes catching sight of a bra on the floor…who had been wearing that?


Hangeng pulled away immediately, earning a whine from Heechul. ‘Go wait upstairs Hannie.’


‘Hey Donghae.’ He said as he passed me, as if I hadn’t just walked in on them. Heechul is really rubbing off on him.


‘Well if it isn’t my favourite dongsaeng.’ Heechul said, pulling his shirt back on.


I took a moment to process what just happened before Heechul spoke again. ‘So? I assume there’s a reason for interrupting our baby making session.’


Oh my poor innocent mind.


‘Uh-oh, yeah! HE SAVED ME CHULLIE!’ I shouted excitedly.


‘Wait what? Who? From what?’


‘Hyukkie! I mean Eunhyuk!’ I started bouncing on the spot.


‘You mean that monkey who’s been trailing after the brigade?’ He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.


‘Mhm! It was so cool! He told Kyuhyun to leave me alone!’ I spun around happily.


‘Woah, woah Hae calm down, you’re acting like a love-sick puppy. Remember this guy was with them when they were bullying you?’


I stopped spinning. ‘I know hyung, but he seems-’ I paused and smiled. ‘Nice.’


‘Alright.’ Heechul placed his hand on my hand before screwing up my hair. ‘I’ll trust your judgement for now, but if that monkey tries anything- he is so dead.’


I grinned. ‘Thanks Heechul!’


‘Whatever.’ Always the Ice Queen ‘Now excuse me my prince is waiting.’ He said before running out the room, tearing his shirt off in the process. ‘Let yourself out!’


Behold the worlds shortest update.

S-subscribers?! ;~; omg you guys actually want to read it? I love you <3

I should have posted this with the first bit omg.

The next part will have a look at Siwons mysterious group. dundundun. Anyway.



p.s. I don't proof read things. lalala~

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeee
Chapter 6: lmao heechul is just hilarious xD
Chapter 6: Lol XD Heechul..
Update soon!^^
Chapter 5: EunHae is so lovable <3
Chapter 5: Eunhae so cute XD
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Why Kyuhyun so mean? :(
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: omg Kyuhyun wtf -.- He's so mean ><
Chapter 4: Well, seems like both of them we're too hasty with being happy about KyuMin finally leaving Donghae alone :(
And that Minnie tried to stop Kyuhyun was kinda unexpected, but it seems that he still has a good heart somewhere, like in chapter 3! and yay, Hyuk accepted his new nickname, that was cute :D
Thanks for updating! ♥
Chapter 2: Poor haehae :(
Urgh,not suprising that Hanchul is making out when Donghae barged in..keke...
Update soon! Make more bullies! Hehe
Chapter 1: Aigo~ Donghae really breaks my heart here, I just want to hug the living daylights out of him when he's sitting at the floor while crying :'(
But Hyuk can do that, I'm sure he's going to protect Hae from now on :)
I loved reading the first chapter and can't wait for the next one! In fact I'm really excited :D
Great job! :) ♥