Chapter 1



Donghae’s POV.


‘Hey fish-face! Oi! Where you going?’


Keep your head down, maybe they will leave you alone this time.


‘Hey we’re talking to you Lee Donghae!’


Suddenly, Kyuhyun and his loyal sidekick Sungmin stepped out in front of me. I didn’t dare look up at them; I didn’t want to hear what I knew they were going to say.


‘Are you ignoring us?’ Sungmin questioned, bending slightly to catch my eye line.


‘N-no.’ I stuttered, trying and failing to seem indifferent.


‘See Min, he can make conversation after all.’ Kyuhyun jeered, prodding my chest harshly.


I took a step back and looked up at them, trying to keep my tears in my eyes.


‘Aww baby what’s wrong? Did you fail to get a part? Again.’ Kyuhyun smirked. ‘Me and Min did tell you you’re wasting your time.’ He laughed, which was echoed by Sungmin.


‘L-leave me alone.’ I ducked my head again and tried to walk past them, but of course that wasn’t going to work.


Kyuhyun grabbed my shoulder and spun me round, his stare piercing through me. ‘Who do you think you are? Walking away from us like that? Do you think you’re superior or something?!’ he shook me.


‘N-no I-‘ I tried to look for a way out, but now Sungmin stood beside him, blocking my exit.


‘You better not act like that to us again Lee Donghae.’ Kyuhyun hissed.


‘I-I-‘ I couldn’t say anything.


‘What are you guys doing?!’ A loud voice rang down the corridor, echoing off the walls.


Kyuhyun’s head snapped up, meeting the deathly glare of my saviour. ‘C’mon Min’ he mumbled, releasing his hold on me and walked off down the corridor, Sungmin at his side.


As soon as they were out of sight I buried my face in my hands and sunk to the floor. ‘Oh god.’ I whimpered my voice breaking.


I had forgotten about Heechul until he sat down beside me, his beloved Hangeng standing to one side.


‘Why do you let them do that to you Hae?’ he said softly. It wasn’t very often Heechul spoke like this, usually he snapped at everyone who wasn’t me, he even argued with Hangeng every other day.


‘I’m sorry.’ I looked at the ground.


‘You have a dream, you should defend it! Not let low lifes like them bully you for the sake of it!’


‘I know I just…’ I trailed off, I couldn’t answer him.


He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. ‘Don’t worry Donghae, we’ll try and keep them away from you. I’ve been wanting to kick that Kyuhyun where the sun don’t shine since he called me a woman at the start of the year.’


‘Well Rella you don’t exactly help yourself.’ Hangeng pointed out, gesturing to Heechul’s current outfit, which in fact was very feminine and tight fitting.


‘Shut up.’ He retorted, causing me to laugh.


‘There we go!’ Heechul grinned. ‘Now that you’re happy me and Hannie need to stand somewhere and look awesome for the football team.’


‘It’s hard to believe you’re not actually single.’ Hangeng said, taking hold of his hand.


‘Thanks hyung.’ I smiled.


‘Yeah yeah, just go to your class or something.’ He replied before strutting down the corridor, clinging onto Hangeng’s arm like it was a lifeline.


Eunhyuk’s POV.


One thing I like more than going to school, is going to a new school. Yeah sarcasm! I forced a smile at myself in the mirror, today was going to be tough.


I doubled checked my appearance, seeing as I had cut my hair recently (and it is now amazingly blonde I might add), I had to make sure I looked alright. I didn’t fancy being kicked straight to the bottom of the social pile.




Only a few hours into the school day and I was bored out of my mind, once I’d gotten over how huge this place is and how everyone else already had a social group and I didn’t, and had sunk straight into the lessons are so boring mode.


I lazily picked my bag up from the floor and started to make my way out of the classroom, I had to find the cafeteria, and I really had no idea where to go.


I was about to make a left turn when my path was blocked by two students I remembered from my previous class.


‘Hey new kid, I’m Kyuhyun and this is Sungmin.’ The one with red hair said, pointing to the blonde (psh my hair looked better) beside him.


‘Oh.’ I replied, unsure of what to say.


‘We’re going to eat lunch, are you coming?’ Sungmin asked.


Blimey these guys don’t waste time do they? ‘Well uh- sure. I’m Eunhyuk by the way.’


The cafeteria, was awfully loud (surprise surprise), I almost ran straight back out again when I saw the amount of people. But that would leave a pretty crap impression on the two who seemed to want to befriend me.


So instead, ‘Kyuhyun, Sungmin, there’s a free table over there.’ I said, pointing to a table on the other side of the room.


The two looked over and immediately frowned. ‘We are not sitting over there.’ Kyuhyun said sternly before heading off to a more crowded area.


‘What was wrong with that table?’ I wondered aloud as I followed him.


‘It’s next to Siwon and his group.’ Sungmin explained from behind me. ‘Complete cows the lot of them, Ryeowook, Kibum and Yesung. They are dirt at this school, they look down on everyone yet people somehow look up to them.’ He said bitterly.


So basically these two hate that group, I guess that’s just school for you.


I slumped my shoulders and continued to follow Kyuhyun with ease, it seems like people got out of his way when he approached them, I frowned, I thought that other group were the so called leaders of this school, but Kyuhyun and Sungmin seem to have a lot of respect from the other students.


Ah, so this is a rivalry.


How did I land myself in this mess? I wondered, as I glanced over to the rival table only to find the tallest one of them all, glaring at me.




After we had eaten, we made our way to our next lesson (well I just followed the other two, I had no idea where I was going). Once again students got out of the way, I honestly felt pretty cool.


However one student apparently didn’t get out of the way, Kyuhyun and Sungmin both rammed into him, almost deliberately, but no that didn’t seem right, from what I saw they were nice-ish people.


He stumbled and nearly fell over, but the other two just ignored him and kept on walking.


‘Sorry!’ I apologised quickly on their behalf before hurrying after them, leaving a very shocked kid behind me.



The rest of the week followed the same pattern as the first day, I went to my lessons, got bored, followed KyuMin (it’s easier to call them that) around and watched silently as they bullied the out of this Lee Donghae.


Call me a wimp but I didn’t want to ask them about it, I’d managed to fit in nicely with the princes of the school, I wasn’t about to lose that status over something that wasn’t my problem.


I was just running to my locker before my next lesson (I had forgotten my text book) when I heard someone sobbing, I rounded the corner to see Donghae sitting on the floor, his head buried in his arms. I immediately felt awful.


I walked over to him slowly. ‘Uh- Donghae?’ He looked up, flinching at the sight of me. His terrified expression made me feel worse, how could I have let this happen?


‘It’s okay.’ I said softly, sitting beside him, once again he looked scared. ‘I’m sorry, I am so sorry Donghae. Those two, at first I thought you must have done something to them to make them act like this, but they’re just bullies, they don’t even have a reason and I- I just stood there. I really can’t apologise enough.’


I glanced over to him, his eyes were still filled with tears but at least he had stopped crying.


‘I’m Eunhyuk by the way.’ I smiled, holding out my hand. He blinked at me for a moment but then he smiled and took my hand. He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak but something caught his eye over my shoulder.


‘Oh no.’ He whimpered, his smile vanishing.


‘Oi, Eunhyuk! What are you doing talking to that loser?!’ I frowned. Kyuhyun.


I stood up quickly and turned to face him, not surprised to see Sungmin just behind him.


‘Back off Kyuhyun!’ I shouted.


He glared at me clearly taken aback.


‘What the hell?’


‘Are you deaf Cho Kyuhyun? I said back off. Leave him alone.’


He took one last look at me and Donghae before grabbing Sungmin’s arm. ‘Fine.’ I said bitterly before they retreated down the corridor.


‘Hyukkie.’ Donghae said softly behind me.


Hyukkie? Well that’s new.


Yay part 1 is done -bows- thank you thank you.

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeee
Chapter 6: lmao heechul is just hilarious xD
Chapter 6: Lol XD Heechul..
Update soon!^^
Chapter 5: EunHae is so lovable <3
Chapter 5: Eunhae so cute XD
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: Why Kyuhyun so mean? :(
Update soon!^^
Chapter 4: omg Kyuhyun wtf -.- He's so mean ><
Chapter 4: Well, seems like both of them we're too hasty with being happy about KyuMin finally leaving Donghae alone :(
And that Minnie tried to stop Kyuhyun was kinda unexpected, but it seems that he still has a good heart somewhere, like in chapter 3! and yay, Hyuk accepted his new nickname, that was cute :D
Thanks for updating! ♥
Chapter 2: Poor haehae :(
Urgh,not suprising that Hanchul is making out when Donghae barged in..keke...
Update soon! Make more bullies! Hehe
Chapter 1: Aigo~ Donghae really breaks my heart here, I just want to hug the living daylights out of him when he's sitting at the floor while crying :'(
But Hyuk can do that, I'm sure he's going to protect Hae from now on :)
I loved reading the first chapter and can't wait for the next one! In fact I'm really excited :D
Great job! :) ♥