Chapter Six

Selfish Lies

OMG! I'M SO SORRY for not being able to update for almost a month now... I'm such an irresponsible author. Mianhe mianhe readers. We had to move out of our house to another new house, so that was a hassle... The packing, and moving, and unpacking took FOREVER. Plus school, exams and such were a bother too. I'm really really sorry... Hope you still haven't forgotten me, or at least just this story keke~ But anyway, here's an update. A little bit longer one just to make up for the lateness...




I heard my phone ringing and excused myself from the others to take it.

“Yeoboseyo?” I answered. It’s my secretary, Mr. Kim, calling me about the work that I suddenly left back in the city. “I already told you to cancel all the meetings today and tomorrow…”

“Sir, I already cancelled your meetings for today. But there’s one important meeting tomorrow evening that could not be cancelled nor postponed. Your father will be there as well. You’ll have to fly back to Seoul by then.”

 I brought my hands to my forehead, pinching the worry that’s starting to show there as I remembered the monthly meeting with my father, the President. Taking a deep breath after weighing my options, I gave in and said, “Arasso. I’ll get there before the meeting starts..… Ne..” I sighed, and ended the call.

I was thinking of staying here longer to figure out how I’m going to make things work out with Sandy, but I guess I’ll just have to go back next time. But I can’t leave now, especially with that annoying little boy in there, who seems like he can’t take his hands off of Sandy. Then I suddenly thought of an amazing plan, and so I came back inside, stood in front of them, looked directly at Sandy and said,

“Uh.. I’m sorry, I know it’s rude to say this, especially since I’m a stranger and also since this is a home of two young ladies, but… Can I stay here for the night?”

I noticed how Sandy’s eyes widened in surprise as soon as I asked, followed by the annoying boy’s outburst of “Mwo…?!?!?!?!”

I bit back the urge of yelling at this boy, I mean seriously, he’s not the one I’m asking permission from, nor does he even live here so why the over-acting reaction?… Wait, he doesn’t live here with Sandy, right? I tried not to show any expression on my face with this thought, and quickly explained,

“I’m really sorry, it’s just that I couldn’t find the resort that I was supposed to stay in, and my Secretary just called me that apparently there’s… uhh a problem down at that resort... and, well it’s also getting late so I figured maybe I could just.. stay here since I’m already here..?”

The whole time I was just looking straight into Sandy’s eyes, which was also staring back at me, with an expression of confusion and maybe, interest. I took a quick glance at Bom, who was grinning and looked like she was enjoying a show. I didn’t even bother to look at the annoying boy, since I know that he’s already about to explode in anger with what I just said.

“What the heck are you talking about? That’s just very rude and stu—“

“—Sure!” Bom interrupted the boy’s unnecessary rant, who in return screamed a “WHAAT?!?!”

I admit, I wasn’t really surprised that Bom easily agreed to me, cause somehow I knew from the moment we met that she was on my side. I smiled at this confirmation.

“NOONA! ARE YOU CRAZY?! First you let a stranger into your home, and now your letting him STAY FOR THE NIGHT?!?!”

“Kevin-ah, it’s just for one night..” Bom replied with a smile, but wasn’t really looking at the boy, but instead staring at Sandy, like she was waiting for her reaction. But the said girl was just looking down at the floor, and seemed like she was in deep thought.

“But noona!” Kevin whined, with a pout, as if trying to get his way with his aegyo antics. Almost like a child. With a smirk I thought that oddly enough, somehow this boy reminds me of the mouse back in Seoul.

And then for the first time since my little announcement, Sandy talked. She looked at me, with a blank face, like she doesn’t know exactly what emotion she should express, thus settling with a simple nothing. “I guess it’s okay. We do have an extra room anyway.”

“Dara noona!?” the boy gasped in shock with her decision, I smirked at his reaction. I bet he was expecting her to side with him, but no, both Bom and Sandy were fine with me staying, and the little boy got nothing to say considering that he doesn’t even own the house. Ha-Ha-Ha too bad for him.

“Kevin, it’s alright. It’s just one night…” Sandy assured him.


“—And don’t you even make that ‘he-is-a-stranger’ excuse on us, because remember… we were both strangers before too.” With this, Kevin didn’t argue anymore and let his head bow down, eyes settling on the floor in defeat.

“Strangers before..? What does that mean?” I thought in curiosity as to how that simple sentence made the boy shut up.
“Alright! It’s settled then. Jiyong-ssi is staying for the night.” Bom stood up and clapped her hands in delight. “I should go and prepare dinner now then. Dara, why don’t you go ahead and show Jiyong-ssi his room?”

Sandy  threw her a glare in response, then she took a quick deep breath which she let out as a sigh right after turning away from Bom. She was just about to stand up when Kevin spoke up, “I’ll do it. I’ll show him the room.”

“Ugh! Why does this annoying kid keep on interrupting people?! He needs to shut up!” Kevin had already stood up and was about to walk towards me, when Bom suddenly said, “Ah! Kevin-ah, I believe we ran out of garlic and onions. Will you please go to the market and buy some?”

It’s official. Bom really is on my side.


Following Sandy, we arrived in a hallway with four doors. Stopping in front of the first room, she spoke up without even looking at me, “That room at the end is our parents’, the room next to it is mine and Bom’s. The one on the other side is the restroom. And this...” She paused to open the door, and finally look at me before saying, “ is yours… for tonight.”

She stepped in first and walked towards the closet, I followed her inside. Looking around, I see that it was just a simple room, with nothing else but a double-size bed, a closet, and a bedside table with a lamp. There was a window hidden by curtains right by the closet, where I saw Sandy take out a blanket. “There are more blankets and pillows in here if you need more.” She told me before walking towards the bed, placing the blanket on it. She turned to me and asked with a smile, “You… you do have clothes… right?”

I froze as I realized that due to the excitement I felt when I heard the news about Sandy, I rushed out to Jeju-do without even bringing any clothes with me. “Ugh, babo.” I brought my hands to the back of my neck, a gesture of embarrassment as I sheepishly replied, “uhh.. no.”

Sandy giggled at my answer, “I think Appa left a few clothes that might fit you. Wait, I’ll just go take a look.” She left the room, but quickly came back after a minute or two, with clothes in her hands. “Here, you could try these.” handing me a loose pair of pants and plain shirt.

“Ah thanks” I reached out to take it from her, and added, “Your parents aren’t here?”

“Ani, they’re somewhere abroad. They don’t really live here anymore. Well, I’ll go ahead and probably help out Bom in the kitchen.” She smiled before turning around to walk towards the door, but then stopped midway, and turned back around to face me, “Oh, by the way, I’m sorry about Kevin. He’s just… really like that.”

“Ah it’s alright, he has his reasons. Uh, and I’m sorry too, for suddenly barging in and asking you such a favor, but thanks for letting me stay anyway..” I slightly bowed in apology, I heard her giggle a little, before heading out to the door again.

“Uh S—I mean… Dara-ssi, right?” I called out, stopping her from going. “Aigoo, I need to get used to calling her Dara now.”

“Hmm yeah. But you can just call me Dara noona.” She replied with a friendly grin.

“Eh?” I was shocked at her actions. Just awhile ago, she looked like she was very uncomfortable with me being here, but now she’s all friendly and smiling… and making me call her noona?

She raised her eyebrows at me, “Why?”

“I..uh I mean, well… what made you think that you’re older than me?” I quickly thought of something to say that is reasonable enough to explain the rude “Eh?” I said moments ago. Seriously Ji, you are so dumb. I guess, nothing had changed, huh. I always acted like this with Sandy, making myself look like such a fool.

“Cause I know I am.” She replied with a smirk, before finally leaving.

I bit my lower lip, stopping myself from smiling, as I remembered something.



“Yah! Why aren’t you calling me noona?” A girl yelled at a guy sitting across from her, pounding her fist once on the table.

“Aish. How many times do I have to explain, you don’t look like a noona at all, so why should I call you that?” The guy replied with a sly grin.

“Psh. You’re a really rude dongsaeng you know?” replying with a frown, the girl crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back on the chair. She kept on glaring at the guy in front of him, who in return, continued to slyly smile at her.

They went on with that staring competition until another person came to join them, “Sorry I’m late, noona.” The third-person said as he sat down beside the girl, gave her a quick hug, and then greeted the other man with a smile, “Hey Ji.”

Flashback ended


I took a seat across from Sandy—I mean Dara, and watched Bom place the last dish on the dining table before finally taking a seat herself.

“Where’s Kevin?” Sandy asked Bom, who nonchalantly replied, “He had to go home early today, couldn’t stay for dinner.”

“Ah the kid is gone huh? Finally.” I smiled to myself after hearing that.

“Let’s eat now. Jal meokkeseumnida.” Bom announced quickly, before picking up her chopsticks and started eating.

I heard Sandy laughing lightly at Bom, before explaining to me “She really loves eating.”

We both started eating too, and soon enough we were all done. The food was really good. “Ahhh Kamsahamnida” I told them, in thanks for the satisfying food.

I  was going to offer to clean up and wash the dishes, as like my payment of me staying overnight, but Bom who is now clearly becoming a matchmaker, decided that me and Sandy needed more time to ‘get to know each other’.

“Well since I was the one cooked and prepared the food. Why don’t you two clean up, ne?” She said standing up and quickly leaving the two of us alone, once again.

Sandy—I mean Dara, had already stood up too and started gathering the empty plates. While I just foolishly sat there, staring at her until she looked down at me, and raised her eyebrows, “What? You’re not gonna help me?” I scrambled to stand up and immediately picked up the other plates as well, which earned me a snicker from her. We headed to the kitchen, and placed the plates on the kitchen sink.

“I can just wash the dishes myself.” She offered, but I insisted, thus we compromisingly settled with me, washing and her, drying. So there were were, standing side by side, washing the dishes.

It became silent, which drove me crazy. I wanted to talk to her, but I really don’t know what to say. Usually, whenever I was with Sandy, there was no moment of silence. It was either we’re arguing on something or we were just simply talking and laughing. That was how we were before, but I guess that’s because it’s our only way to connect. We were bestfriends… the three of us

“So.. uh what exactly are you doing here in Jeju-do?” She curiously asked in a quiet and calm voice, interrupting my train of thoughts. Clearly, it wasn’t just me who felt uncomfortable with the silence.

“I—“ I stuttered, still deciding whether I should let her know. My selfish and coward self tells me no, but the angel tells me yes. “—Nothing. I… Well, actually I—I’m looking for.. someone..” It was a vague answer, an answer that would usually lead to another question. It was an answer that was just on the thin line between the yes and no.

“Ah...” Half of me was relieved that she didn’t ask anything else about it, but the other half wanted her to do so.

“Oh, how old are you again?” I finally thought of a question that would hopefully lead to a proper conversation, as I remembered the “call-me-noona” thing just awhile ago. I took a glance at her from my side as I handed her a plate and saw her smiling, “Older than you..”

“Tch. How do you know that? You look like my age, if not younger…” I retorted. I’m not gonna back down on this, even though I already know that she really is older, I would still insist that she isn’t… that’s how we were before anyway.

“Hah, well then… tell me your age, and I’ll tell you if you’re right about that.” Looks like she’s not backing down either.

“Hmm.. how about you guess mine?” I said, passing her another plate. I tried to slow down with the washing, just to buy me more time to talk with her, even though the topic is simply just about our age.

“Uh.. a 90-er? No, I mean.. 89-er?”

“Wow… I didn’t know I look younger than my age..” I pretended to look shocked, teasing her with a laugh, “But you’re close..”

“Hmm.. 1988 then?”

“Got it..” I told her with a grin as I tilted my head to face her.

“Ahh.. I feel old..” She exaggerated a sigh and shook her head a bit causing me to laugh. “I’m an 84-er.”

I handed her another plate before arguing, “I still don’t believe you.. You don’t look 4 years older than me.. How about Bom? Is she your unnie?”

“Ani…. We’re.. the same age.” She said slowly, almost like she’s unsure if she should say that.

“…R—Really? I.. I thought you were sisters.” Okay so I lied. I knew they weren’t sisters. I’m pretty sure of that. But I just had to say it in hopes of getting something out of this Sandy-is-now-Dara thing. “Are you twins then..?” Handing her the spoons and forks, I only have one bowl left.

“Hmm.. nope..” She replied slowly again. Taking my time on the last bowl as I quickly replied, “Eh? I don’t get it..”

“Well.. we’re not really.. umm, sisters…” Hesitation, that’s what it was. She was hesitating on how much she should tell me about her. I didn’t really want to push her into telling me more. Besides, for her I was still a stranger. But I was curious and selfish, “Ohhh… how come? Awhile ago, I thought you said, 'our parents'?” I was rinsing the bowl, waiting for her answer that never came. I had thought of one question that would maybe get her to answer me, but I didn’t think it was nice to ask that to a 'stranger'.

But then again, like I said, I was curious and selfish.  I passed the bowl to her, washed my hands clean, took a towel to dry them and then faced her. She was still wiping the bowl dry, but as soon as she reached out to place it on the dish rack, I pulled a “I’m-hesitating-but-still-very-concerned-and-curious” look on my face before asking, “A-are you.. adopted by any chance…?”

She looked at me, more like a glare, and she just turned around and started walking away. But right when she reached the corner on the way out of the kitchen, she turned her head back around to face me and answered with another one of her friendly smiles,

“I guess you can say that.”



There! Uhhhh I'm sorry again lol. Oh and Yes, I'll be somehow switching from calling her Sandy & Dara, cause as you can see, Jiyong is having a difficult time getting used to calling her Dara lol But hopefully in time he'll get used to it already, cause really, it's getting confusing to me too Hahahahaha..

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New reader! Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #2
ahah thanks for the updates!! aigoo poor ji.. hmm who are the 3 bestfriends?? ji,dara and one more?? but who??
new reader here!<br />
i love you story!<br />
kathypufi #4
yes Bommie is such a nioce friend...she knows whats best for her friend<br />
:) i hope to have more progress between our couple :) thank u for the update :)
mine2love #5
The award for the Best Cupid goes to....<br />
<br />
BOMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you Bom!!!<br />
<br />
thanks for the update! i wonder if Dara<br />
<br />
really had amnesia..she knows her age I guess..<br />
<br />
or she's playing dumb.. hmmm...
Bom the matchmaker is so cute.<br />
This is really getting interesting.<br />
I want more so I hope you'll update more often.
What is ji thinking telling them he doesn't know Dara?<br />
Update soon!!!!
mine2love #8
stay JI!!!!!!! by all means!!!! (shheeessh do i own the house?)<br />
<br />
why is it again he didnt mention that he knows Dara?<br />
<br />
aig0o0o! i think it would have been better if he<br />
<br />
Jiyong will always be Jiyong ^^ and Kevin's here!!! the<br />
<br />
loyal ultimate fanboy! ^^ i can imagine their house <br />
<br />
is like house of the really cute people ^^ Kevin likes<br />
<br />
Dara here more than a noona? tsk! Bommieee!!! i love your<br />
<br />
idea of Ji stealing Dara's heart!! ^^ please connive with him!<br />
<br />
thanks for updating!!! update soon!
happilylonesome #9
<br />
I like this! looking forward for more updates!<br />
whoa! Ji is sooo JEALOUS with the #1 dara fanboy.. kevin!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks much :)