Chapter One

Selfish Lies


I just got home from school and I went straight to my office. I’m still in college, but being the son and supposedly the heir of a huge company, I’m expected to be already starting to familiarize myself with the work.


I sat behind my desk and stared at the picture frame sitting at the corner.

Three teenagers. One girl & two boys, happily smiling with their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders.


I continually stared at the photo for minutes before getting on my work. But before I even get started, I suddenly got a phone call from the private investigator that I hired.

I found her” he said.


And with just that simple statement, I froze and my eyes slowly went back to the same photo sitting at the right corner of my desk.

I quickly rushed to my car and drove on full speed to the airport. If I could, I probably would’ve just driven there.


Well I didn’t really care, as long as I get there.

As long as I’d finally see her.


I sat back and tried to calm down my oh-so-excited self while waiting for the plane to take off. However, with all the excitement, worries and the rush I’m feeling I couldn’t really just sit down and relax. My brain just can’t work properly. A lot of things, or more like questions, are currently running through my mind.


How is she? Is she alright? What happened? Why is she there? Why didn’t she contact us? Did something happen?

Had she changed? What should I tell her when I see her? How will she react when she sees me?  Does she still know me? Does she still…


My mind stopped asking those questions when I suddenly remembered and the picture of the three of us flashed in my mind. I stared at my phone that I’ve been holding since I got on the plane…


Am I being selfish?


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New reader! Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #2
ahah thanks for the updates!! aigoo poor ji.. hmm who are the 3 bestfriends?? ji,dara and one more?? but who??
new reader here!<br />
i love you story!<br />
kathypufi #4
yes Bommie is such a nioce friend...she knows whats best for her friend<br />
:) i hope to have more progress between our couple :) thank u for the update :)
mine2love #5
The award for the Best Cupid goes to....<br />
<br />
BOMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you Bom!!!<br />
<br />
thanks for the update! i wonder if Dara<br />
<br />
really had amnesia..she knows her age I guess..<br />
<br />
or she's playing dumb.. hmmm...
Bom the matchmaker is so cute.<br />
This is really getting interesting.<br />
I want more so I hope you'll update more often.
What is ji thinking telling them he doesn't know Dara?<br />
Update soon!!!!
mine2love #8
stay JI!!!!!!! by all means!!!! (shheeessh do i own the house?)<br />
<br />
why is it again he didnt mention that he knows Dara?<br />
<br />
aig0o0o! i think it would have been better if he<br />
<br />
Jiyong will always be Jiyong ^^ and Kevin's here!!! the<br />
<br />
loyal ultimate fanboy! ^^ i can imagine their house <br />
<br />
is like house of the really cute people ^^ Kevin likes<br />
<br />
Dara here more than a noona? tsk! Bommieee!!! i love your<br />
<br />
idea of Ji stealing Dara's heart!! ^^ please connive with him!<br />
<br />
thanks for updating!!! update soon!
happilylonesome #9
<br />
I like this! looking forward for more updates!<br />
whoa! Ji is sooo JEALOUS with the #1 dara fanboy.. kevin!!!<br />
<br />
Thanks much :)