The Confession

Ice Cream Sundae

[A/N]: Hahaa, I can tell from your comments that all of you are dying of curiosity why did our Ji yong cried here. Read this chapter and find out!




  "Cherry..." Ji yong cries.

   "No oppa you can't die!!!" Chaerin tries to grab him.

  "I have to go, the world don't need me."



   "NOOOOOO!" Chaerin wakes up screaming. She gasp for air and tries to calm herself down. It's just a dream Chaerin...just a dream. She told herself.

       It is the third time Chaerin is having nightmares about Ji yong again. She gets up from her bed and gulps down water. Her heart is still beating fast, Chaerin wipes the sweat from her forehead and tries to calm down. She glanced at the clock, which says its 4:30am in the morning. Knowing that she can't go back to sleep, Chaerin starts to revise for her exams.

   "What's wrong with me? Am I worrying too much about Ji yong oppa? I need to stop these nightmares already."Chaerin sighed. 


~The next morning 

 Chaerin opened her eyes and realised that she had slept on her textbook while revising. Her head was aching. She got up and went down the stairs.

 "Good morning mama."Chaerin greets her mum.

 "Good morning my dear Chaerin. Later Ji yong will bring his stuff over to our house." Her mum replies while making breakfast.

 "What?! Why will Ji yong oppa bring his stuff here?"Chaerin asks, confused. Her mum stares at her.

 "Haven't I told you? Ji yong's mum is going overseas and I invited him to stay at our house since I thought that he might be lonely." Chaerin slowly shakes her head.

 "Well anyway, Ji yong is coming to stay for 3 days and he is going to be sleeping in the guest room. Chaerin can you go and tidy the guest room?" Chaerin nodds and went up stairs to clear out the guest room. I can't believe Ji yong oppa is coming over here to stay, that means we will see each other a lot. Chaerin thought to herself. Strangely, this thought made her feel excited.

   "Ding dong!" Ji yong oppa is here! Chaerin rushes downstairs and let Ji yong in.

    "Hi Cherry," Ji yong smiled at her. Just then, Chaerin's mother rushes out of the kitchen.

  "Oh Ji yong you are here already? Come in come in, Chaerin will show you your room. Chaerin have you done tidying up the guest room?"Chaerin nodds and led Ji yong up to his room.

  "Wow, this room is really clean."Ji yong said while admiring the room. "Where is your room?"

 "Right next to yours,"Chaerin smiles. Ji yong suddenly leans in to her and she tries to take a step back but felt her back hit the wall.  

  "Thank you Cherry," He whispers.


    *                                  *                                                  *                                             *

  "Thanks for dinner auntie." Ji yong stands up from the table and bow. "I will go up to my room now."

 "Welcome my dear." Chaerin's mum says. Chaerin watch him leave and feel that something was wrong. Ji yong oppa is usually bright and cheerful but today he seems moody. Shaking her head, Chaerin continues to eat. She finishes her dinner and went up to her room. 

 "I should do my homework now..."Chaerin started to do her homework but develops a headache as she made no sense of the tough questions. She gets up and leave her room to get a glass of water. As she walk along the dark corridors, she suddenly saw a figure standing out in the balcony. It was Ji yong. Chaerin go up to him and hugs him from behind.

 "Oppa what's wrong? you have been moody for the whole day." 

   "Nothing."Ji yong replies.

  "Oppa, I wanna ask you something."Chaerin said nervously.

  "Why did you cry after I gave you my necklace?"
   Ji yong pauses, and felt the pain in his heart again. "I...I..." He bits his lip and look at Chaerin.
  "I am leaving Korea soon to study in Canada." Ji yong whispers, and a tear fell down his cheek.
  "Aigoo, oppa. I thought something serious happened to you. What's wrong with studying in Canada?"Chaerin look at him. 
  "KABOOM!" The sudden thunder made Chaerin scream. Ji yong hugged her against him.
  "Cherry, I can't leave Korea..." Ji yong said as it started to rain heavily. The balcony has no shelter and they were getting soaked.
  "Why oppa?"
 "Because...I LOVE YOU CHAERIN AND I CAN'T LEAVE YOU." Ji yong shouted hopelessly.
  Then he kissed the cold, heavy rain.
 [A/N]: Woah! A kiss in the rain <3 how lovely is that? So now you know why Ji yong cried. He loves Chaerin all along. 
And sorry guys, I dont think I can update in the next few days as I have camp, but I'll try two update TWO chapters on saturday when i come back. Yes, two chapters. because you readers deserved it!




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AnitaD #1
Chapter 24: Re-reading this for the second time, I love it, it's so well written and descriptive, thank you :D
eka_kartini #2
Chapter 42: aww.... so sweet...
Chapter 42: Epilogue so beautiful XD
_haeismine #4
Chapter 42: Sequel please!! I really wanna know, skydragon life as a newlywed with a baby in chae tummy, it supposed to be a cute story
WifeyOfKyungsoo12 #5
Chapter 42: OHMY!!!!! This is really moving! :D I LOVE THIS STORY! SKYDRAGON FIGHTING! <3 I was smiling the whole time while reading this. Especially the epilogue. XD :")
Chapter 42: OHMAIIII *sobs tears of joy* this is probably one of the best Skydragon stories I've ever read!!And thanks for doing this chappieee.I know you love me.XD jk ok bye.Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.