Chapter 40

Ice Cream Sundae

This is it guys:), last and final chapter. But don't be sad xD as soon as I finish this, I'm gonna post the first chapter of [One stop closer to Paris]. DO CHECK IT OUT!<3 I planned a lot for that story so yeah, check it out haha. ;) get ready for chapter 40!




I was slumped on the sofa, lazily reading a book. I'm not a book person, but it's the only thing I could do to distract myself.

My cell phone rang impatiently, calling loudly for attention. The caller ID glowed 'Bom'. I answered it, trying to sound the best that I could.

"Hey Bommie!" I almost squealed.

"Haha Hi Chaerin! Looks like you are in a good mood."

Quite the opposite Bom, quite the opposite. I wanted to say.

"Sure am." I said through clenched teeth.

"So, the dance is tomorrow." Oh goddammit I was hoping she wouldn't talk about it. "Do you want me to go over to your house? Then we can go together." 

Bom sound so lively and happy. I couldn't just tell her straight out that I'm not going. I really dont feel like going.

"Uh...Bom? Actually, I'm not feeling quite well. So I don't think I'll be able to go." There, I've said it.

There was a moment of silence at Bom's line. "Ohmigosh CHAERIN! I'm so sorry!" 

I was actually kind of surprised that she bought my story just like that. "It's okay." I managed to fake a hacking cough.

"Does Ji Yong knows about it?" Damn....

"Yeah, I told him just this morning." I said, lying through my teeth.

"Then who is he going to go with?!" Bom shrieked. "Don't tell me he's going with the Victoria girl."

I cringed when I heard that name. "Well, it's his own choice."

There was a deep sigh at the other end of the line. "I'm so sorry Chaerin." 

"It's okay." I reassured.

"Oh, mum is calling me over. Guess I'll call you later! Bye!"

"Bye Bom." I hung up, feeling horrible about lying to my best friend.

"Stupid idiot." I said to myself, returning to the book I'm reading.






Bom's POV


I can't believe it. Chaerin is not going to the dance. Poor thing...

I stared at the dress that she helped me to pick out. It wouldn't be fun going without her.

Suddenly, my cell phone gave a ring. Ringggg!

I hate my phone. Other people gets an IPhone 4 or 5. Here I am, still using Nokia.

"Hello." I say. I don't recognize the number that my caller ID showed.

"Bom...Bom..." An urgent voice called.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Are you a stalker?" I shrieked.

"Psh, stalker? I'm Ji Yong for crying out loud."

"Oh Ji Yong. Right. How did you get my number?"

"I got it from Chaerin a long time ago, Miss BOMbastic."

"Enough with the nicknames." I choked. "What do you want?"

"Is Chaerin coming to the dance?"

"Duh no?! I thought Chaerin already told you that she's sick."

"Ahhh, so she's using a sickness as an excuse. Very nice, clap clap." Ji Yong said, full of sacarsm.

"What do you mean?" Ji Yong is really weird.

"Did she tell you that we had a little battle?" 


"Right. I take it that she didn't."

"No no no...Ji Yong, WAIT." I commanded. "Tell me everything."

I heard Ji Yong sighing. "Look, don't tell her but, I was preparing to propose to her." 

I squealed.


"Alright alright." I said impatiently.

"I got the ring and everything. And two days ago we were out on a date, I was taking out my wallet when the ring fell out. Chaerin didn't see it, thank goodness. But she immediately suspected something when I dived head-down to catch it. Then she stood up, accused me of dating someone else, and ran out, jumped into a taxi. And there you have it." Ji Yong's voice is actually bitter.

"Oh alright. I get it now."

"And I want to propose to her tonight, at the dance. So I need your help Bom."


"Make sure Chaerin comes to the dance. If she really doesn't want to come, text me and I'll go to her house." 

I did a salute, even though he can't see me. "Yes sire!" Now that I know the truth, I was determined to bring those two back together. And when I'm done, those two will be sticking together like...fridge magnets.




The day of the dance.


Chaerin's POV


The doorbell rang. That's really weird, mum usually comes back 2 hours later.

"Coming!" I yelled as I ran over and opened it, revealing...

"Bom? What are you doing here?" I asked, completely surprised at this stunning girl in front of me. Bom had her make up on, dress on, everything.

Bom didn't answer, she stepped forward and place the back of her palm on my forehead. "No," she says after a few seconds. "Not sick at all." 

"I didn't say I was having a fever." I said, pushing her hand off.

"Oh yeah? So you aren't sick now?"

"I had a sore throat yesterday..." 

"I see it had recovered pretty fast." 

"Bom, what is it? Why are you stomping into my house now?" 

"The dance is starting in an hour. Hurry go get changed!" Bom ordered.

Oh god...the dance again?

"Bom...I can't go." I said.

"And why not? You've fully recovered I see."


"No buts, this is the dance Chaerin. Please, just come with me. We are best friends right?"

I bit my lip. I couldn't say no when Bom said the two darn words 'best friends'.

"Alright." I agreed. Even if Ji Yong was there, I could easily avoid him for a few hours.

But little did I know.




"Wow." Bom said as we entered the gym. The normal, sneaker-smelling gym, is now decorated with hundreds of streamers. Red, pink and white. A DJ is up on the makeshift stage, mixing up all the latest pop songs.

"There's Seung Hyun. Come join us Chaerin, he wouldn't mind." Bom offered. 

That's what you said Bom.

I had my enjoyment when I saw Seung Hyun's reaction when he saw the gown Bom is donning.

"Seung Hyun? Hello, earth to you." Bom waved her hands in front of him. Nope, his eyes tell us his not coming to his senses.

"Bom. Tell me honestly, are you a living human being or you are actually a goddess and you hid it from me for two years?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Bom laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. Seung Hyun then pulled her to a kiss. 

I didn't mind that they actually forgot about me. They are in love. I couldn't bear to watch the scene before me, so I went to the fruit punch table, and got myself a pineapple punch. It taste sickly and sweet.

I glance around the entire gym. Well let's be honest, I am looking for Ji Yong.

I caught sight of Victoria flirting shamelessly with a guy. Luckily it isn't Ji Yong.

Suddenly, I see him. Not exactly, but I see the back of him. I recognize his hair and the way he's standing. Yes, it just had to be him.

I walked over with steady steps. Apologize. That was the first thing on my mind. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ji Yong look I'm really sorry that I-" I begin, but when he turned around, I stopped in mid-sentence. 

He wasn't Ji Yong. 

"Yes?" This guy had a confused look on his face as he stared at me as if I was crazy. 

"I'm sorry I mistook you for someone else." Gosh Chaerin. Really? You had to go and make a stupid mistake like that.

"Interesting." Said the guy before me. He must be a senior, judging from his body shape. His eyes travel to the revealing gown that I'm wearing, and I felt the very need to cover myself, even though I'm fully clothed.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked. Eyes glistening with lust and need. 

I wanted to slap myself for stumbling upon this stranger.

"Gi Taeeee~" the girl standing behind him whined. "Did you hear what I just said?"

This Gi Tae guy ignores her and continues staring at me.

"Well hottie? How about that dance?" I stopped myself from cringing at what he just said.

Suddenly, he reaches out his right hand. Before he could touch me cheek, a hand grabbed it from the side.

I turned, bewildered, to see a panting but gorgeous Ji Yong. 

"Gi...Gi Tae..." Ji Yong smirks. "How about giving that dance to me, hmm?" 

Gi Tae shrugged. "Oh who cares? I was just checking this hottie out." He winked at me and placed his arm on my shoulder. Ugh. 

Ji Yong slapped the hand off. "You're coming with me Chaerin." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.

I was still furious at him actually. But him saving me from practically getting by Gi Tae is

"Why are you talking to him?" Ji Yong asked, his tone a tad gentle now.

"I thought that he was you...and I went to apologize."

"Apologize? So you're feeling sorry that you misunderstood me?" He grinned. Don't look at his handsome face Chaerin. Don't look, even if you can't control yourself.

"What do you mean? Misunderstood? Oh and you said I would know whatever you are keeping from me right? Can I know now?" 

"Of course." He smiled and...ran up the stage?

I stared, dumbfounded as I see him talking with some of the stage crew. One of the emcees began talking into his mic.

"Hello everybody! How are ya feelin tonight?!" 

Some people actually shouted back, "Great!"

"Now, I would like to do something for my friend, Kwon Ji Yong from class 3E, you guys might have seen him around. I will hand the mic over to this handsome young man right now, Ji Yong! It's all yours!"

"Hey everyone." Ji Yong's smooth voice rang out. I hear a few girls scream and point. Someone beside me shouted, "OMO, JI YONG?" Even Bom and Seung Hyun are startled.

"I hope everyone is enjoying themselves. It's our Prolouge dance right?" Ji Yong teased. What on earth is he doing?

"Tonight, I would like to do something special. It's dedicated to Lee Chaerin from class 2D. Let's invite her onstage!"

People started to clap. A few are glancing around. "Who is Chaerin?" I heard one of them say.

"C'mon Chaerin you're wasting everyone's time! And don't you try to hide because I can see you from here." Ji Yong called. 

I swear I'll kill him for this.

Everyone began clapping as I stood awkwardly on the stage. 

"Beautiful isn't she?" Ji Yong asked the crowd. I shot him a death look. 

The crowd actually respond. Clapping and shouting reassurance to him.


"Totally hot!"

I was stunned. Like totally lost for words.

Ji Yong grins at me. "Now I would like to show you guys a video I made." He raised his hand and gestured to the AV crew. 

A video began playing. "For Chaerin." The opening said.

It's him, Ji Yong. He's holding the camera and talking to it.

"Hi, you guys know Lee Chaerin right? You better, or else I'll kill you. Just kidding." Ji Yong in the video laughed.

I think he filmed it in his room, I recognize the waredrobe in the background.

"Actually, in case you didn't know, I've been dating her for a couple of years already. I love her a lot. Like with my whole heart, really I do." 

All eyes were trained on me. I lower my head, hoping they would see the blush on my cheek.

"She lives right beside my house, if you look over here." Ji Yong rotated the camera such that its facing the window. "That's her house." 

"We gew up together, played together, laughed together. I had feelings for her when I was about nineteen but I hid it from her. She didn't knew until I confessed a couple of days before I had to leave Korea for Canada."

"It was really hard. When I was in Canada, I would spend all day thinking about her. Is she alright? Is she doing well? Those questions would submerged my mind."

"But no, she wasn't alright. One day her mother called me, telling me that she got herself into a car accident. I dumped all my work and rushed back. I had to see her, even if she hadn't tell me that she loves me, I loved her and its all that matters.

"Imagine my biggest shock when she didn't remember me. The car accident had impacted her memory and she had forgotten me. The boy who grew up with her, the boy who kissed her when he confessed."

I started tearing up when he said this.

"When I visited her one day, I wore a Calvin Klein jacket. When Chaerin saw me, she did this funny thing. She extended her hand like this, and she said 'oh you must be Calvin right? It says so on your jacket.'" Ji Yong in the video did a poor imitation of me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So from that day onwards, she started calling me that. I didn't try to remind her, because I didn't want to confuse her. It's like meeting someone new all over again for her. I tried my best at being a good friend."

"One day, she said something to me which made my heart stop. 'Ji Yong.' She said my name. I was speechless. Did she finally remembered me? I was overjoyed. I arranged to meet her that evening to talk about it."

"We met at out usual playground. We bought ice cream and sat on the grass. I asked her who did she think was 'Ji Yong'. She sat there for a moment, and finally said 'you'. I was insanely happy. She remembered me. The next day, we visited the doctor and he confirmed that her memory was back."

"So that's our story. And tonight at the Prolouge dance, I want to ask her something. Chaerin, get ready for it!" And the video ends.

Someone hands me a mic. " what do you want to ask me?" I said, turning to the smiling Ji Yong.

"Are you ready for my question?" Ji Yong smirks.

"Yeah, go ahead." 

Then, what he did shocked me. Ji Yong got down on one knee and pull out a blue velvet box.

"This, my dear, is what you saw dropping at the restaurant." He flicked the box open. And Oh.My.God. Inside held the most beautiful diamond ring anyone has seen.

"Lee Chaerin," he began. "We've gone through a lot a stuff. Good stuff, bad stuff. They all left us a memory. Even though you lost yours, I still loved you as much as I did in the past. And here, right in front of the whole population of Seoul University, I, Kwon Ji Yong,  promise that I would love every single memory that we would continue to make in the rest of our lives. Would you do the extraordinary honor of marrying me?"

My tears can't hold back anymore. I hear people applauding, cheering, whooping.

Ji Yong. I loved this guy for my life.

His face, his eager eyes waits an answer from me. 

I grin through my tears and gave my answer.

I hold out my right hand.

"Put a ring on it baby."







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AnitaD #1
Chapter 24: Re-reading this for the second time, I love it, it's so well written and descriptive, thank you :D
eka_kartini #2
Chapter 42: aww.... so sweet...
Chapter 42: Epilogue so beautiful XD
_haeismine #4
Chapter 42: Sequel please!! I really wanna know, skydragon life as a newlywed with a baby in chae tummy, it supposed to be a cute story
WifeyOfKyungsoo12 #5
Chapter 42: OHMY!!!!! This is really moving! :D I LOVE THIS STORY! SKYDRAGON FIGHTING! <3 I was smiling the whole time while reading this. Especially the epilogue. XD :")
Chapter 42: OHMAIIII *sobs tears of joy* this is probably one of the best Skydragon stories I've ever read!!And thanks for doing this chappieee.I know you love me.XD jk ok bye.Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.