The picnic

Ice Cream Sundae

   "Hurry up now you little girl."Ji Yong chanted.

   Chaerin rolled her eyes and hopped upstairs to change. Minutes later, everyone was ready.

   "This place is beautiful~"Chaerin exclaimed upon reaching the picnic place. They settle down on the grass and begin to eat. Chaerin was enjoying herself when she felt uncomfortable, she turned and noticed Ji yong staring at her. "Oppa, why are you looking at me?" Chaerin asks.

      "Just wondering whether will you run fast enough to catch me, piggy Cherry." Ji yong grinned.

     "YAH!"Chaerin stood up and tries to grab Ji yong but he already ran off, little Chaerin runs up to catch up with Ji yong but he was too fast for her. Soon, Ji yong was out of sight. Chaerin stops running and catch her breath. 

    Chaerin looks around her. Here, there are trees all around her, it was damp and and the grass are wet due to the earlier rain. Little Chaerin begins to feel sad. Where is Ji yong oppa? She accidentally slips on a wet stone and fell backwards.

     "Oww..."Poor little Chaerin moans, clutching the back of her head. She sits on the wet grass and begin to cry. "Ji yong oppa! Cherry is scared! I want mummy!"

    Unkown to Chaerin, after Ji yong disappeared, he started following Chaerin behind her. He was startled to hear her cry and ran to her immedaitely.

   "Aigoo, my poor little piggy Cherry," Ji yong said as he wipes away her tears with his thumbs. Then much to Chaerin's surprise, Ji yong kissed her cheek.

  "O-oppa..."Chaerin stares at Ji yong, who pulls her up from the grass.

  "Come on Cherry, let's go."Ji yong whispers.

  "Oppa, I love you..."Chaerin blurts out. Then she realise what she have unkowingly said and covers with her hands. Ji yong looks at her and patted her head.

  "I love you too, my little piggy Cherry."





[A/N]: They are just so lovely in this chapter right? Ji yong even kissed her cheek:) that's so cute^^ Comment please

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AnitaD #1
Chapter 24: Re-reading this for the second time, I love it, it's so well written and descriptive, thank you :D
eka_kartini #2
Chapter 42: aww.... so sweet...
Chapter 42: Epilogue so beautiful XD
_haeismine #4
Chapter 42: Sequel please!! I really wanna know, skydragon life as a newlywed with a baby in chae tummy, it supposed to be a cute story
WifeyOfKyungsoo12 #5
Chapter 42: OHMY!!!!! This is really moving! :D I LOVE THIS STORY! SKYDRAGON FIGHTING! <3 I was smiling the whole time while reading this. Especially the epilogue. XD :")
Chapter 42: OHMAIIII *sobs tears of joy* this is probably one of the best Skydragon stories I've ever read!!And thanks for doing this chappieee.I know you love me.XD jk ok bye.Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.