Culture Shock

Three Hearts, One Love ~HIATUS~


September 3 2009-----5 Days Left

I spent about 6 hours straight chatting with Taecyeon a.k.a Ji Young. He was really easy to talk to and he always made me laugh. He informed me of a few funny stories. After a short time I ended up getting exhausted and I fell asleep. When I awakened there was a blanket on me- which I don’t remember putting on- and Taecyeon was sleeping also.

DING, “Please put your seatbelts on.”

I felt a funny feeling in my stomach; I was really excited. I wasn’t sure I would get another chance to get on a plane to Korea again and all of this felt fake. Any second now I would wake up and find myself in my bed.

After 10 minutes the plane had ascended and we were currently in Korea. Everyone was getting ready and making sure they didn’t forget anything.

We were heading towards the door to the plane and I realized that I would most likely not see Taecyeon another time.

After we marched out of the plane and we were heading to get our bags I tried to talk to him again.

“Bye T- Ji Young,” I said in attempt to get his attention.

Taecyeon turned around to fully look at me, as we were standing in the middle of the airport.

“Bye,” he grinned at me. His teeth were sooo perfect.

After taking a few steps away from me he suddenly turned around, “my name is actually Taecyeon.”

I just stood there entirely overwhelmed. He gave me one last smile before striding away.

I stood there for a while attempting to get my thoughts together.

This is what I got after 15 minutes:

1)      I am in an unfamiliar country

2)      I do not speak the language.

3)      I do not know where to go.

4)      I only know where the JYP building is.

5)      I know no one. Other than Taecyeon who I just met.

6)      I just met a star that I adore.

7)      I need to call a cab.


Yep, 7 points that got me nowhere other than the ‘getting a cab’ one. I knew that I would find someone that speaks English in an airport, that was a given. I strolled over to a place that I believed was the ‘customer service’.

“Hi, do you speak English?” I asked hopeful.

“Yes, how can I help you?” asked the woman on the other side of the counter.

I breathed out air that I did not even realize I kept in.

“I need to call for a taxi and a cheap hotel that is good for tourists.” I smiled nicely to her. A smile could always get you what you needed.

“One Second, I’ll get someone that can help you.” She walked out of her little ‘cabin’ and I saw her go talk to someone else and she came back with him.

“Hi, I can help you with what you need. This is my job.” The man introduced himself as Min and asked me to follow him.

After 30 minutes of me explaining my situation and Min nodding along he had called for a taxi and asked them to send me to a good hotel that would be able to attain my needs.

I thanked him reassured and after another 30 minutes I disembark to the hotel. It wasn’t a five star hotel but it was respectable.

The foremost thing I did when I reached my room was sleep. I hadn’t recognized how tired I was till I saw the alluring bed.

I rouse, I don’t know how many hours later, and glance around the room. What am I doing? This is totally not what I anticipated.

“Angel, what did you get yourself into?” I yelled frustrated, I shove my head into a pillow.

I pulled my head out after my stomach rumbled screaming for some food.

I made my way to the lobby- after I took a shower and got dressed- and found the restaurant.

I looked at the menu and picked a chicken burger and fries. Don’t make fun of me, my first day here and I settle on fast food. They had some Korean dishes on the menu but I barely acknowledged any I see in the dramas. Culture shock, much?

It was currently 10 PM in Korea. Departing the hotel was out of the question. I went back to my room and decided to call my friends and my family.

I called home but no one picked up. Unfaltering, I call Jake before I move on to Amany.

After it rang twice Jake finally picked up.

“Hello?” he asked confused. I knew it was because of the weird number.

“Jake, it’s me!” I yelled. It felt tremendous to speak to someone I knew. I never knew it was this hard to leave my family.

“Angel! I thought I’d never hear from you again,” he mocked. I can’t believe he had time to make fun of me at a time like this.

“How’s mom?” I asked hoping he wouldn’t answer.

“She’s so frustrated, you wouldn’t even understand. This is worse than the time she walked in on you and Junsu making out.”

I cringed at the memory. She had freaked out back then. I was grounded for a month and I couldn’t have a normal date for about 6 months. I wasn’t allowed near a boy when there was a bed nearby. Actually, not even a chair or anything.

“Oh! I’m screwed! I’ll be back soon though,” I stated. I shove my agitation about my mom down and focus on accomplishing what I came here to do.

“Are you really in Korea? I can’t believe you did this. Even I didn’t have the guts to do that back in grade 12 when I went out with that girl from college.” I remembered her. She was one crazy girl; she partied every day and every second of her day. Jake wanted to go away for a week with her and my mom was ready to stalk down the girl and show her something she’d never forget.

“Anyway, I need to go. I still have to call Amany.” As much as Jake and I argued and made fun of each other I could still treat him like a friend. If I couldn’t; him going out with my best friend would have been impossible.

“About Amany…thanks. I talked to her and confessed before she could find out by someone else. She took it well for sure. Maybe I should stay away from parties so that I don’t mess up again for a while. A week is enough right?” he questioned sincere.

I laughed; my brother is too funny. Partying is something he did to kill time and making out with girls at the parties is something he did to kill stress. He felt like he never did anything wrong since ‘there are no feelings what-so-ever’. That was his excuse for doing what he did. Once a player, always a player. Everyone knows that quote.

“Bye, loser.” I said. This was my limit to speaking with my brother on the phone.

“Later, bozo.” With that he hung up and I called Amany right after.

I explained everything to her. I wasn’t sure if she would believe the whole going back in time thing but I gave it a try anyway. She didn’t sound like she believed everything I said, but she still supported me in whatever I did. That’s what you get for having a best friend you knew since grade school. You could suddenly tell her that you are a vampire and she’ll nod and go get you some rasberry juice to drink.


Another Chapter! :)

I'll update soon. Please Comment!


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next chapter please...
I can't wait to find out what happens<br />
Sorry for my long Hiatus everybody! :(<br />
I've been super busy!<br />
Thanks for your patience, and please comment! :)
Story's getting interesting! Can't wait for more. :)
Hahha...Good first chapter! So is Angel white? Please don't take it offensive if I said it in a wring way....:/<br />
But Good Luck with the rest of the story and I will be here to support you! XD
Hey!!! This is musicfreak! I'm glad you decided to post on asianfanfics!! This story sounds really interesting!!! Update soon! :D