Stranger or Not?

Three Hearts, One Love ~HIATUS~


I got to the airport and purchased my ticket. I was departing in three hours. Once I safely gave my luggage to be put on the plane, I grabbed my purse and made my way to one of those uncomfortable chairs in the waiting area. I looked around me and there were people just going and coming. There were a few people waiting with me at gate 13. I was sure more people would come later. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this. Most of the people sitting here were Asian, assuming Korean as well. I made my way to a boutique and bought an English-Korean dictionary. I knew I would require it.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket; I knew it was going to happen.


“Angel! OMG Jake just called me, is it true? Where are you?” I heard Amany shriek at the other end of the phone.

“Yeah, I’ll be on the plane in two hours!” I yelled freaking out as well.

“I want to go too!... I tried to ask my parents but they shut me out. I told them I would join you at the weekend,” she said hoping to be able to do this as well.

“Okay, when I get there I’ll call you and give you my number. Contact me when you need me,” I said, although I was only going for a few days it was still hard for me to say goodbye.

“Angel?!” she yelled before I hung up.


“Why are you going again?” she asked bewildered.

I laughed. I forgot that she didn’t know about Jaebeom yet either. “I’ll call you when I get there. It’s a long story.” With that I hung up. The last thing I needed was to break into tears right here for the reason that I couldn’t separate from my best friend for a week.

The two hours passed in the blink of an eye as I jotted down the most essential sentences from the dictionary into my ‘notes’ on my iphone.

I was happy to get the window on the plane and I sat down getting comfortable. This was going to be a long ride; about 11 hours. Thank God there was no one sitting next to me.

The plane was about to ascend when we could hear people arguing.

“What do you mean ‘you made mistakes while doing the tickets’? It’s not that difficult. We clearly asked for a first class ticket,” the man sounded like he was ready to break anything in front of him.

I felt bad for the girl seeing as she was frightened.

“I’m sorry sir, you can go back and recheck the ticket and try to get on another flight or we could give you an empty seat in the business department,” she got courageous and answered calmly. They were trained for this of course.

“No!-“ started the furious man again.

“Hyung, it’s okay. It’s not a big deal. We need to get there on time because of schedules.” The second man then looked at the stewardess, “please lead me to my seat.”

She blushed after he smiled at her. I couldn’t tell who they  were since they were standing a little bit further. But everyone was watching this at the moment.

I looked at the seat next to me and I was about to put my bag on it so that she passes by and finds these weird men other seats when they made it.

I looked up with my arms and purse in mid air looking guilty.

“Hi,” said the extremely good-looking man.

“Hi,” I managed to utter although I was going to freak out any second.

It was TAECYEON. The random guy that got to sit next to me is Taecyeon. He looks even better up close and not on TV.

I moved my hand and he sat down and smiled at the stewardess one last time,”Thank you.”

She was about to faint, I saw it. She bowed politely and went over to deal with who I assume is Taecyeon’s manager.

I was still staring at him completely dazed when he turned around and looked at me as well.

“Sorry, you were planning on riding alone huh?” He chuckled. “I saw the way you were going to guard this spot with your purse.”

I knew he was teasing me but he pissed me off, “well, I’d rather spend 11 hours with a purse then with freaky men that yells at poor stewardesses.”

He was surprised by my retort. But then he smiled, “I’m sorry for the trouble my hyung has caused.”

I sat back into my seat and breathed out. In the corner of my eye I could see him smile and then he plugged in his earphones.

It was TAECYEON sitting next to me. NOT some random man yelling at stewardesses. I checked him out from the corner of my eye. He was dressed coolly for a fashion terrorist. I guess people plan his outfits wherever he goes in public. I had to use this opportunity to get to know some secrets. Should I act like I know him or not? Should I tell him what my plan was?

“Taec-“ I stopped myself and coughed loudly.

He unplugged his earphones and looked at me, “were you saying something?”

“Just that… what’s your name?” I asked acting clueless.

“Ji Young,” he replied with a straight face. However, I could see the smile playing on his lips.

I stopped myself from laughing. He wanted to play games too huh?

“Yours?” He asked looking at me.

“Angel. Nice to meet you.” I extended my arms for a handshake.

He had a firm handshake.

“I am glad I got to sit next to a talkative person or I would have got bored for the next 10 hours.” He teased again.

“If you want me to stop talking I can. Not like, I have ulterior motives or anything,” I said as I turned my body towards the front and looked at the back of the chair in front of me.

I swear I saw him snicker.

“Why are you going to Korea? You speak Korean?” He asked. This was my chance I turned my full body towards him and pinched my arm behind my back.

I felt my eyes start to tear, “I- don’t want to bore you with my long story.” I said it in a sad tone as I looked down urging him to ask some more.

“I can listen if you need someone to talk to,” he answered twisting his body towards mine as well.

After an hour of making up bull I got towards the end of my sad story. “So after my mom kicked me out of the house for visiting my dad after they divorced I had nowhere to go. My dad stopped picking up my calls and my mom always hung up in my face. My brother is a total jerk and he keeps getting me in trouble with my best friend since they are going out and he cheats. I knew I had to get out of the country and with all the money I could take out of the bank I bought the first ticket out of this country and it was to Korea.” I paused to fake a sob. “I don’t know the language or anything, and hopefully I will survive these next few days and get back home safely.” I squeezed my eyes shut to get the last effect. Just as I had planned the tears rolled down my cheek; in a very effective way, if I may admit.

He wasn’t sure if he should but he even put his hand on mine which was resting on the armrest.

“Angel, it’s okay. Just enjoy your six days in Korea and everything will be over.”He said soothingly. Even though this was all an act I was touched by his concern for a total stranger.

I nodded as I wiped my tears off my cheeks.

“Here, I’ll give you my number. Contact me if you ever need help or have any questions. I’ll always help you no matter what.” He pulled out a sticky note and wrote his phone number on it. I felt bad for using him like this but it was all for a good cause.


Sorry for my super long Hiatus! I sincerely apologize!

I'll start uploading again now!

Thanks for being patient and don't forget to comment!

P.S You can also check my other story :)


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next chapter please...
I can't wait to find out what happens<br />
Sorry for my long Hiatus everybody! :(<br />
I've been super busy!<br />
Thanks for your patience, and please comment! :)
Story's getting interesting! Can't wait for more. :)
Hahha...Good first chapter! So is Angel white? Please don't take it offensive if I said it in a wring way....:/<br />
But Good Luck with the rest of the story and I will be here to support you! XD
Hey!!! This is musicfreak! I'm glad you decided to post on asianfanfics!! This story sounds really interesting!!! Update soon! :D