Chapter 08.

Lost Identity (Sequel to: Double Identity)

K R I S 


I woke up around 6:30 and thought it best if I should just leave. I stood up, stretching. Sleeping on that chair last night was not a good idea. I went up to Sang Hee's bed, crouching down so I was at eye level with her. I watched as her eyes were peacefully closed, as small even breaths emitted from . "I'm sorry, Sang Hee," I murmur. I reach up to curl a piece of hair behind her ear, smiling slightly. Kris, you idiot. I laid a chaste kiss on her forehead before exiting the hospital room. I dug my hands into my pockets as I made my way towards me car. I sat down, gripping the steering wheel, my forehead leaning against it. My faced scrunched up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I chant. Tears pricked my eyes,fighting for room in my vision. My grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I'm sorry, Sang Hee. I'm sorry." My breathing beecame unsteady, as I panted in and out. "It was my fault. It was all my fault." My vision became blurred with tears. I tried to choke back my sob. I pounded my fist against the steering wheel. I heaved a sigh, running a hand over my face. I stuck the key in the ignition, driving out of the hospital. I decided to go home, knowing I would have to face the rest of EXO-M. Better to face them then to avoid them. 

I drove into the drive-way, heaving a sigh as I stepped out of my car. I walked up to the door, knocking. Luhan answered the door, judging by the look he gave me, he was not happy I was home. 

"What are you doing here?" Luhan asked, I had never heard him speak so coldly. 

"I live here," I reply awkwardly. 

"Luhan! Just let him inside for christ's sake!" I hear Xiumin shout from inside the house. Luhan rolls his eyes but, opens the door wide enough for me to step inside. Luhan slammed the door shut, walking back to the kitchen table. 

"Kris! You're just in time, I made breakfeast." Lay motioned towards the table. I took a seat beside Tao. I noticed how Luhan and Chen glared at me from across the table. Lay handed me a plate and we all began to eat. 

"We're gonna be visiting, Sang Hee Noona after breakfeast, do you wanna come?" Tao asks me. I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. 

"I just got back from the hospital, I think I'll pass." I hear Luhan snort from the across the table. I finally look towards him, my eyebrows pinched together. "Luhan, is there a problem?" I ask him. Luhan glares at me, as does Chen. 

"Yes." Luhan states bluntly. 

"Luhan-" Xiumin tried to speak when I cut him off.

"Then ing tell me." I challenge. Luhan narrows his eyes. 

"Do you think you can just waltz right in here? Back into our lives? Back into Sang Hee's life?" Luhan bombards me, his voice raising higher with each question. 

"Luhan—" Lay tries to soothe.

"No! He needs to hear this!" Luhan points a finger at me.  "Do you know how many times we've had to drag your drunk upstairs? Do you know how much that would hurt us? How much that would hurt Sang Hee?" Luhan pauses before continuing, "You've become a bastard, Kris. A complete son of a . What happened to you?

I don't know. 

I don't know what happened.

I want to scream the sentence, to take everything back, but I can't. God damn it, I can't...As much as I want to, I can't..

Luhan sends me a look of disgust as I sit at the table in silence. "Come on, guys. Let's go pick up Sang Hee now." He grabs his coat on the way out before slamming the door shut. Chen is the second to leave the table, following Luhan suit. Xiumin leaves next, stuffing a piece of toast in his mouth before leaving the house. Lay excuses himself from the table, scurrying upstairs to return with clothes for Sang Hee to change into. He leaves too. I look up at Tao. Was he gonna leave me too?

"Sorry, gege." He mutters before getting up from his seat, shutting the front door behind him. 

I breath out a sigh.

You really ed up now, Kris.

waaah. ><

it's been forever since i've updated any of my fics..

i decided to update this one first tho o 3 o

thatnks for reading~

sorry for the short chapter;;

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Chapter 8: update soooooonnnnn
RangerDita #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeeeee
jaysen #3
Chapter 6: I like this fan fic soo muchh! Poor Kreaseee >.< it is his fault though so I can't blame her. And Daehyun is just daang. Too Awesome. ^-^
Really good story author-nim!(in my opinion) :D
--ludakris #4
Chapter 5: double update? double update? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 5: thanks for an update! please do more :))
Chapter 4: please keep write this story :)
i always waiting for your update authornim ;)