Chapter 07.

Lost Identity (Sequel to: Double Identity)



Daehyun laid the the small pot of kimchi jigae infront of me. "I hope you like it, I went all the way to Himchan hyung's house to ask him to make it for you." I rolled my eyes.

"Yup, Daehyun, you certainly did so much work," the rest of B.A.P. laughed. I turned to Himchan, "And thanks, Himchan. You know, for this." I pointed at the kimchi jigae. Himchan nodded.

"Just hurry up and eat it before it get's cold, Sang Hee!" he urged. I nodded, opening the pot. My mouth watered as I stared at the kimchi jigae in awe. I grabbed my chopsticks and a spoon. I then began to dig into my food. The soup was warm and it soothed my headache. 

"This kimchi jigae is the ! Thanks Himchan~!" I thanked, soup nearly spilling out of my full mouth. 

"Yah! Song Sang Hee, you kept getting mad at me earlier for eating with my mouth full but, you're doing the same thing!" Daehyun pouted. I laughed before, swallowing the soup in my mouth. I sent Daehyun a 'mehrong'. Yongguk checked his phone. 

"Uhm, sorry Daehyun, it's getting kinda late. We should leave before visiting hours are over," Yongguk told Daehyun before turning to me, "Bye, Sang Hee." Yongguk sent me a friendly, gummy smile. 

"Bye Sang Hee. Call me so I can pick you up when you get discharged tomorrow, okay?" I nodded. Daehyun waved and sent me a dazzling smile. 

After B.A.P. left, I noticed Kris in the corner dozing off. I slowly crawled out of the hospital bed. I glanced at the clock. 11:47. I made my way towards Kris. His neck was angled in an awkward position. I poked him on the arm. Kris stirred in his sleep but, didn't open his eyes. I poked him again. Then a third time. 

"Yah!" I called, "Wake up, you walking pole." I poked Kris another time. This time he brushed my hand off with his own hand. 

"Stop, Sang Hee," he mumbled sleepily, "I'm tired~." I had to admit he was pretty cute, almost. If his voice wasn't so ing deep it probably would have actually been cute but, no. 

"Come on, Kris. Wake up," I poked him again. "Visiting hours are over, you have to go home now." Kris tried brushing my hand off him again. "Damn it, Kris!" I finally shouted. Kris stirred slightly but, was still asleep. "Whatever." I heaved a defeated sigh. I trudged back to my hospital bed. I took one last glance at Kris. His head was still in that awkward position. I walked back over, pushing his head into a more comfortable position. Afterwards, I stared at observed him for a little bit. "Who are you..?" I murmured softly. I stand up again, this time turning the lights off, then plopping back into my hospital bed. "Ugh. These sheets smell like antiseptic..gross," I yawned, burying myself into the pillow, " least I'll be able to go home tomorrow.." 

And with that, I drifted into slumber.


When I woke up that morning Kris was gone. I felt strangely..dissappointed, slightly. I didn't have much to time to think about it, though. That morning, at 9:00 sharp, Daehyun burst through hospital door. He held a large platter of cheesecake in his hands. "SANG HEE-AH~!" Daehyun sang. I covered my ears.

"God damn it, Daehyun! Do you want me to lose my hearing?!" I cursed but, a large smile grew onto my face. Daehyun laughed and held up the large platter of cheesecake. 

"Look! I brought cheesecake!" Daehyun was grinning from ear to ear. I opened my mouth to say something when the doctor came in through the door. He held one of those clipboards that all doctors seemed to have held, in his hand. 

"Well, Sang Hee, you're all ready to leave now. And if you need anyone to talk to about any of your un-recovered memories our counselors would be happy to listen." He sent me another fatherly smile before exiting the room. 

After Daehyun finally realized I needed clothes to change out of my hospital gown, we called EXO-M. 

"While waiting, we should eat the cheesecake," Daehyun suggested, "I was going to suggest going over to your place to eat it but, I'm hungry so let's just eat it now." 

I snorted, "We'd still get our cheesecake stolen."

"Why..?" Daehyun tilted his head. I failed to notice his confused face. 

"Cause Tao would probably steal all of it," I replied nonchalantly. 

"Bwoh?! What woud Tao be doing at your place?!" Daehyun nearly shouted. I sent him a confused look. 

"Cause Tao lives with me...?"


My eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, so does everyone else in EXO-M..." My voice trailed off not exactly understanding why Daehyun was freaking out. "Is there something wrong...?" I asked slowly. 

"Of course their's something wrong with that!" Daehyun seemed very frustrated as he gripped his hair.

"Why..?" I asked, my expression perplexed. 

"Cause, Cause, YOU'RE A GIRL! And, you know," Daehyun began to flail his arms as if that would help me understand what he was talking about. Though I couldn't undersant what Daehyun was talking about, I found this very amusing. I laughed. Daehyun quit trying to explain, instead he leaned in really close to me. His large brown eyes staring straight at me. His expression was soft and worried. "They don't, uhmm, hurt they?" he asked slowly. He looked so serious, so concerned. 

I finally understood what he was getting too. I burst out laughing. 

"What?" Daehyun leaned back as I laughed. 

"PWUAHAHA- you acutally thought- PWUAHAHAHA~!" I held my stomach as Daehyun pouted. I finally managed to calm down. Daehyun was still pouting. "Stop that," I poked his face. Daehyun stopped pouting but, he sent me a 'mehrong'. "Let's eat the cheesecake!"

 EXO-M finally arrived. Thankfully, we had finished the cheesecake before they got to the hospital. "You guys had cake?!" Tao exclaimed. 

"Cheesecake," I corrected. Tao pouted. 

"Here's your clothes, Sang Hee." Lay handed me a black pair of jeans, a large flannel and a gray tank top (to wear underneath). "Your converse should be underneath the hospital bed." Lay pointed out.

"Okay, thanks." After I ushered EXOM and Daehyun out the door I changed out of that god-awful hospital gown and into my own clothes. 

I opened the door and peeked my head into the hallway. I found EXOM and Daehyun in the main lobby waiting for me. Tao handed me my phone and wallet. "Thanks." I shoved my phone into my back pocket and simply held my wallet. "Can we go now?" I asked. 

"Well, the doctor told us earlier we were free to go," Daehyun shrugged. 

"Okay then, kaja~," Luhan said. We walked out of the hospital to the nearest bus stop. 

so yeah. i hope you enjoyed this update even though it was really short

i plan to update tomorrow? maybe (:

thanks for reading~

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Chapter 8: update soooooonnnnn
RangerDita #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeeeee
jaysen #3
Chapter 6: I like this fan fic soo muchh! Poor Kreaseee >.< it is his fault though so I can't blame her. And Daehyun is just daang. Too Awesome. ^-^
Really good story author-nim!(in my opinion) :D
--ludakris #4
Chapter 5: double update? double update? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 5: thanks for an update! please do more :))
Chapter 4: please keep write this story :)
i always waiting for your update authornim ;)