Chaper 06.

Lost Identity (Sequel to: Double Identity)

K R I S 


I arrived at the hospital. I found Tao in the lobby waiting for me. I anxiously tapped my foot as we boarded the elevator to Sang Hee's room. "How is she?" was the first thing I asked Tao. 

"The doctor said she should be fine, nothing serious," Tao answered. He seemed to be avoiding my gaze, and spoke to me in a monotonous tone. I knew what he was doing. I admit, I was a jerk to Sang Hee and this whole thing was completely my fault. But I'm here now aren't I? A voice in the back of my head said No and that even if I am here now, I still hurt Sang Hee. My thoughts were interrupted when the elevator door opened with a 'ding'. We stepped out of the elevator. 

Tao led me to Sang Hee's hospital room. When he motioned to the door I practically ran, shoving the door open. There Sang Hee laid. An IV was injected into her wrist but, what made my blood boil was that that blonde bastard was there. *Now's not the time to act like a jealous jerk, Kris,*  I nagged myself. Brushing Daehyun aside, I came up to Sang Hee's bedside. I could tell that everyone, EXO-M and all were glaring at me. Ignoring them, I grabbed her hand it softly with my thumb. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, searching her eyes. 

She tilted her head dazed expression evident on her face, eyebrows furrowing,"Who are you?" she asked. 

And with that, my world crumbled. 

My eyes widened, my eyebrows furrowed and my grasp onto Sang Hee's hand tightened as she attempted to pull away. "It's me, Kris," I tell her, searching her eyes once more to find no sign of recognition evident in her eyes. She shook her head slowly. 

"I'm sorry, ermm..Kris. I don't know who you are. I think you've mistaken me for someone else," she tells me. Sang Hee pulled her hand back, as my grip on her wrist loosened. Tears begin to well in my eyes. 

"B-but, it's me Kris." I look back up at her again. I look around the room. Everyone including that blonde bastard, looks utterly surprised. I shake my head. "Why don't you remember me?" I ask her, my tone a soft whisper as a fat tear streamed down  my face. 

"Guys?" Sang Hee's asks. "Do I know this guy?" she points at me. 

"I'll go get the doctor," Luhan says quietly. Before Luhan exits through the door, he looks at me. "You should come with me, Kris." I sluggsihly shuffle out the door, following Luhan. 



"Minor memory loss?" I asked, my voice faltering. The doctor grimly nods. 

"Did you have a great emotional impact in Sang Hee's life?" the doctor asks, as he, Luhan, and I stood in the hallway outside of Sang Hee's hospital room. 

"I am-, was her boyfriend," I mumble. "But, why does she only not remember me?"

"When a person suffers from memory loss of a specific person, it is usally because so much emotional stress was put onto that person because of that specific person. This is the brain's method of recooperating. Forgetting, erasing that person, from memory so the emotional stress is lifted." the doctor reaches out his hand, landing a comforting pat on my shoulder, "Sang Hee, may regain her memories of you. Whether it be days, months, even years, I don't know, or.." the doctor's voice trails off. 

"Or..?" I echo. 

"She may nevery regain her memories of you." The doctor looks straight at me.      

"What do I now?" I ask him. 

"The best you can do is simply be there for Sang Hee. Don't try to force you onto her remember she doesn't remember you. It's as if you never met her. So treat her respectfully as you would to an aquaintance." I nod slowly. 

"Come on, Kris." Luhan motions to the Sang Hee's hospital room. As we enter the room, I notice Daehyun is at Sang Hee's bedside. I wanted nothing more but, to push Daehyun out of the way. But, I had to listen to the doctor and do what's best for Sang Hee. I sat on a chair at the foot of Sang Hee's bed. I watched her. She was talking to Lay, over what she wanted for dinner. 

"Kimchi Jigae?"

"Mhm. I don't think I know who to make that," Lay tapped his chin. 

"God damn it, Lay! Look it up for 's sake!" Sang Hee cursed. 


"I'm in the hospital for Shisus sake!" Sang Hee exhaled in exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. I chuckled to myself. Sang Hee glanced at me, my eyes widened. She looked at me. Her eyes seemed to be searching for something. "Great, now the blonde walking pole is laughing at me." More laughter errupted from everyone, this only seemed to frustrate Sang Hee even more. "Is still want Kimchi Jigae," Sang Hee mumbles. 

"I'll ask my hyung to make some for you," Daehyun tells Sang Hee, ruffling her hair. 

"Yes!" Sang Hee cheers to herself. I laugh again, this time quietly to myself. Daehyun finally left the hospital room to ask his hyung to make kimchi jigae for Sang Hee. By now, EXO-M had left, to bring Sang Hee clothes (the doctor had almost forgotten to tell Sang Hee she would be discharged tomorrow). I decided to stay behind. 

"Hey, you," I hear Sang Hee say. I assume she's talking to me so I look up from my phone. 

"Me?" I point at myself. 

"Yeah, you." Sang Hee rolls her eyes, though I could tell she wasn't being serious. 


"Who are you?" she asked. I opened my mouth to say something when she cuts me off. "And don't say 'It's me Kris.' That doesn't explain ." 

"I am- I mean was, your boyfriend," I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Boyfriend..?" she echoes. Sang Hee stares at me for a good thirty-seconds. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration until she gave up. "Nope. I still can't remember ," Sang Hee curses. 

"Well, you'd just hate me if you did remember me," I mumble quietly. 


"Uhm. Uh, nothing," I reply a little too quickly. An awkward silence fell between the both of us. 

"Hey, uhmm, Kris." I looked up from my game of Temple Run. 

"You said you were my boyfriend. Did we..break up?" she asked, she looked genuinely curious. I guess she had been thinking about this the whole time. 

"Uh, yeah." The atmosphere seemed to have turned even more awkward. 

"Why-." Sang Hee was cut off when the door burst open. 

"KIMCHI JIGAE FOR SONG SANG HEEEE~." Suddenly six blonde guys, including the blonde bastard came marching into the hospital room. One of them which looked like a bumny rabit came up to Sang Hee holding a small pot, placing it onto the hospital table. Another blonde who's hair looked so much like ramyun it kinda made me hungry handed Sang Hee a pair of chopsticks. 

Who the hell were these guys? 

short update for today >.<

i'll probably update during the weekend so look forward to that, neh? :3

please comment~ I always like it when you guys say something ^^


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Chapter 8: update soooooonnnnn
RangerDita #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeeeee
jaysen #3
Chapter 6: I like this fan fic soo muchh! Poor Kreaseee >.< it is his fault though so I can't blame her. And Daehyun is just daang. Too Awesome. ^-^
Really good story author-nim!(in my opinion) :D
--ludakris #4
Chapter 5: double update? double update? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 5: thanks for an update! please do more :))
Chapter 4: please keep write this story :)
i always waiting for your update authornim ;)