Chapter 04.

Lost Identity (Sequel to: Double Identity)

K R I S 


You're such an idiot, Kris. Such a ing idiot. ing. Idiot. I ruffled my hair in frustration. Why was I so resentful towards Sang Hee this morning? Why was I such a douche? God, Kris, you're such an idiot, I thought to myself. I tried to focus on my paper work but, my mind kept flitting back to the events of this morning.  Focus Kris, just focus.

"Hey Kris."

Focus Kris, just do your paperwork.


Focus Kris, paperwork, paperwork. 


"WHAT?" I turned around shouting. My eyes widened in realization to what I had just done. Krystal Jung, one of my co-workers froze, her eyes wide as well. A hurt expression crossed her face and she looked like she was to the point of tears. I looked around the office to see all attention turned towards us. I cleared my throat awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Krystal. I didn't mean to shout at you." 

"I-it's fine," she stutters. *Great, she's scared of me now. There goes my job.* Might I add, Krystal is my boss's niece. Yeah, real proffesional of my boss to hire his own niece. Krystal was a bit annoying and it was obvious she liked me but, of course I never returned the feelings. 

"Do you need anything?" I ask, my voice a softer tone. By now, everyone had turned their attention back to their work. 

"I-I was w-wondering i-if you w-would join m-me for c-coffee today after work," she splutters. *Great, now she wants me to go with her for coffee.* I knew if I refused ,Krystal would threaten to tell her uncle, my boss to fire me for yelling at her. But, wouldn't that count as like..a date? Wouldn't that be cheating on Sang Hee? I mean sure, I've been going to clubs with Ji Hoon and danced with a few girls but, going on a date with someone that wasn't Sang Hee? I think I'd feel too guilty. Of course, that doesn't change the fact that if I say 'no' I'll lose my job.

"Sure," I reply giving her a light smile. Krystal's face brightends. She flashes me a smile before scampering off to her cubicle. I rub my temples. What did I just get myself into? . . . . . I just hope she doesn't ask me to join her for coffee again. 



S A N G H E E 


"Hey, Sang Hee." 

"Yeah?" I ask, turning to Daehyun. We were at our last class of the day, waiting for the teacher to arrive. 

"Wanna join me for coffee today?" he asks. 

"I hate coffee," I reply. 

"Oh," Daehyun turns back, facing the front. He sounded so dissappointed.  I let out an exasperated sigh. 

"Fine, I'll go with you. There are other things to order besides coffee at a coffee shop," I muttered, facing the front of the classroom. I notice in my peripheral vision, Daehyun turns towards me but, before he could say anything the teacher came inside the classroom. Daehyun turned back towards the front but, I can see the wide grin plastered on his face.



"God damn it, Daehyun. Slow the down!" I shouted as Daehyun practically bolted out of the classroom as soon as class was over.  I followed Daehyun as he basically sprinted through the hallway out of Yonsei University. I finally caught up to him at the bus stop. "Damn, Daehyun. Why the hurry?" I asked.

"Nothing . I'm just excited," Daehyun replies with an impish grin. We boarded the bus. "I wanted to sit at the window seat," Daehyun pouts. 

"Oh come on, quit being such a kid," I tell him as he reluctantly takes the seat beside me, chuckling. On the bus we passed by my old school, Seoul Academy of Arts. 

"Uwaaa~, isn't that your old school?" Daehyun asks, his eyes practically sparkling as we passed by the prestigious school. I nod. "It's so big!" Daehyun muses moving his face closer to the window, squishing me in between. 

"Aish! Daehyun get the off of me!" I whine.

"And you call me childish," Daehyun scoffs. I stick my tongue out at him playfully. 

We get off the bus. Daehyun leads me to the cafe. We walk inside, the bell at the top of the door tinkling as we opened it. We are greeted by the cashier at the front of the cafe as we came inside. We stopped right infront of the counter looking up at the board. After deciding what I wanted to order I went up to the cashier. 

"I'd like an iced tea," I tell the cashier. Daehyun comes up from behind me. 

"I'd like a raspberry cheesecake and a black coffee," Daehyun says. 

"Neh, I'll go get the cheesecake," the cashier scurries off. The cashier comes back handing Daehyun a slice of raspberry cake. Daehyun furrows his eyebrows. 

"Is this it?" He points at cheesecake. 

"Would you like some more?" the cashier asks. Daehyun nods eagerly. This process repeated until  Daehyun ended up with the whole cheesecake. "Is this enough?" the cashier sounded a bit annoyed by now. Daehyun nods like a contented child. "That would be 28,000 won," the cashier says. Daehyun pays the cashier. "Your drinks will be out in a moment," the annoyed cashier mutters. Daehyun (and his full plate of cheesecake) and I take our seats at a table by the window. As soon as we sit down Daehyun began to wolf down his cheesecake. 

"You must really like that cheesecake," I note, chuckling. 

"Mhm! Raspberry cheesecake is my favorite!" Daehyun exclaims, his mouth full of cheesecake. I make a sour face.

"Ew. That's gross, Daehyun. Swallow your food before you speak," I tell him. The cashier from earlier comes up to our table giving us our drinks. 


"Thank you!" 

"What did I tell you about talking with your mouth full. No one wants to see that !" I scold. Daehyun laughs and continues to talk with his mouth full. 

"Nevermind, I give up," I mutter taking a sip of my iced tea. I hear the bell at the front door tinkle as two customers came inside. I took a double-take. Was that Kris? I could only see the guy's back though.   I furrowed my eyebrows. That guys sure looks like Kris (well from the back at least) but, he was with a girl. I looked a the girl. She was pretty, like really pretty. The girl held onto the Kris look-a-like's arm. They looked like a couple. I continued to stare at them. Eh, that can't be Kris. He wouldn't be cheating on me- would he cheat on me?

"Kris! Let's sit over there!" I hear the girl say. My eyes widened again. The guy turned around. It was Kris. I looked back at the girl as she sat down in a seat. What. The. . Is. Kris. Doing. With. Another. Girl

He's cheating on me. It all made sense now. The reason why he came home so late. The reason why he left home so early and the reason why he was so rude and cold towards me. It made sense now. 

"Sang Hee? Is there something wrong?" Daehyun asks. He follows my line of vision.  "Is it about that guy? Do you think he's cute?" he slyly grins. 

"That's my boyfriend," I murmer my gaze still fixed on Kris. 

"BWOH? THEN WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING WITH THAT GIRL?!?" Daehyun shouts, attracting the attention of everyone in the cafe, including Kris. 


K R I S 


"Kris! Let's sit over here!" Krystal practically runs to the table. At least she finally let go of my arm. I trudge over to Krystal taking the seat infront of her. 

"BWOH? THEN WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING WITH THAT GIRL?!?" I hear an enraged voice shout. I turn around to see a blonde dude with crumbs of cheesecake all over his face but, what really interested me was the girl that sat across from him. Though I could only see her back she looked alot like Sang Hee. Wasn't Sang Hee wearing that same sweater this morning? I continued to stare at her. Was that Sang Hee? Sang Hee wouldn't be cheating on me, would she? 

"Kris?" What are you looking at?" Krystal asked.  I, being too caught up in figuring out whether that was Sang Hee or not, ignored Krystal, bad idea. "KRIS WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!?" Krystal shrieked. This apparently caught the Sang Hee-look-a-like's attention. She turned around. 

It was Sang Hee. I took a double-wake. I looked back and forth between Sang Hee and the blonde dude. What.the..Is.Sang Hee. Doing. With. That. Guy. 

Both of our eyebrows furrowed. We both stood up from our seats walking towards each other.  

"What are you doing here?" we both asked at the same time. 

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here with that girl?"

"What are you doing here with that boy?" 

"I aked you first!" Sang Hee shouted.  I notice Sang Hee's eyebrows furrow. Krystal was behind me and she did not look happy. She came over holding onto my arm. 

"He's having a date with his girlfriend, why do you need to know?" Krystal says in a sassy tone, looking Sang Hee up and down in a judging manner.  Sang Hee's eyes widened. 

Oh my god. Someone just kill me now. 

Sang Hee looks at me with hurt eyes, at the brim of tears.  

"So is this why you always left home early and came home late?" Sang Hee asks, her voice hoarse, "You were cheating on me?"

"Seems like you're doing the same thing," Krystal retaliates. Oh my god. Someone just shut this girl up. 

"He's just a friend!" Sang Hee shouts, tears now streaming down her face. 

"Look Sang Hee, she not my girlfriend," I say. Krystal scoffs. "She's my boss' niece," I explain. "I'm only here so I can keep my job." Sang Hee looks weary but, I can see her expression softening. 

"Than is this the only time you've gone out with her?" she asks, her voice gentler than before. I nod. "Then what have you been doing after work?" Sang Hee asks, her voice quiet. 

"I've been..." my voice trails off. 

"He goes to the strip clubs with his co-worker Ji Hoon in downtown Seoul," Krystal blurts. Sang Hee's eyes widened once again. 

"Is..this..true, K-kris?" Sang Hee asks, her voice becoming shaky again. 


"Don't lie to me Wu Fan."


"So you were cheating on me!" Sang Hee shouts, a new wave of tears streaming down her face. 

"Sang Hee, I'm sorry-"

"Shut up!" Sang Hee shouts once again. She turns to me, her eyes filled with hatred, betrayal, and anger. "Kris, we're done. You hear me? So you can go to all the ing strips clubs you want," Sang Hee hisses before running out of the cafe. 

I stood there speechless. I notice the blonde guy still there. 

"You're a terriable person, you know that?" he says before running out of the cafe as well. 

Yes, I am a terriable person. 

Author's note:


You guys are really quiet..


I feel so lonelyy TT^TT

anyways, I hope you enjoy this fanfic so far! (:

I'll try to update soon~ 




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Chapter 8: update soooooonnnnn
RangerDita #2
Chapter 6: update soon pleaseeeeee
jaysen #3
Chapter 6: I like this fan fic soo muchh! Poor Kreaseee >.< it is his fault though so I can't blame her. And Daehyun is just daang. Too Awesome. ^-^
Really good story author-nim!(in my opinion) :D
--ludakris #4
Chapter 5: double update? double update? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 5: thanks for an update! please do more :))
Chapter 4: please keep write this story :)
i always waiting for your update authornim ;)