6; Friends?

We Meet Again; Sequel of Don't Say Goodbye

Its been forever .! Omy gosh I miss this Fic ~ 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=kM4g7ZjizvE&feature=fvwp SNSD- Promise


"Hello?" Minkyung said answering her phone.

It's been a week after the engagement party, and as of now, only Lay, Lay's dad, and her are the ones who knows about the fake act.

"Oh, Hi , this is Haeri, Haeri Kim." Haeri answered.

"Hey, Min who's that?" Lay ask entering Min's office.

'Haeri' she mouthed fetting the guys full attention,"Oh, Hi, How are you?" 

"Omo.! You remember me? Wow , I'm pleased.!" Haeri chime.

Lay scooted closer to Minkyung so that he can hear some of the conversation,"Of course, So..Sorry to ask but how did you get my number?" 

"Oh, For some reason Suho oppa knows it.." Haeri

Minkyung pause for a moment, before swallowing hard,"Oh I see, so how may I help you?" 

"Uh, this might be odd, but I was just wondering if you want to hang out? I mean..you know shopping?" Haeri ask.

Minkyung look at Lay who give him a smile,*This might help me in getting my revenge to Suho* she bit her lower lip before replying,"Of course.! I would love too.!" 

"REALLY?! Omy ! When are you free?" 

"We can hang today, around 4pm" Minkyung smile.

"Okay.! I'll tell Suho oppa.! He'll be happy to know you'll come.!" Haeri said making Minkyung's eyes widen.


"Neh, In fact he is the one who ask me to invite you." Haeri said.

Lay stiffen after he heard what Haeri said.

Minkyung smile at Lay before going back go Haeri,"Uh, Haeri , is it fine if I bring Lay oppa as well? I mean I don't want to look like the third wherl.." 

"Of course, Lay oppa is welcome.!" 

"Okay, thanks, I'll meet you later." Minkyung said before hanging up.

Lay tap her shoulder,"You sure you wanna do this?"

Minkyung look up and smile,"Of course, It's just shopping with you and haeri, and-"

"Suho" Lay finish, Minkyung sigh.

"Oppa you'll be there with me , right?" she ask

Lay enveloped his arms around Minkyung,"Of course, I'll be there Min.." he said caressing Min's hair.

Minkyung snuggle deeper into Lay's chest before nodding softly,"Thanks oppa.."

Mr. Zhang who knows that everything is an act accidentally bump in Minkyung's office making him witness the scene, he sigh,"Poor Yixing..." 



"Oppa, I already called Minkyung and she said she'll come." Haeri said excitement is all over her.

Suho give a genuine smile,"Thanks Haeri." he said ruffling the girl's hair.

"Why do you want to invite her again? I mean not that I don't like her, it's just so--"

"She reminds me of an old friend." Suho smile.

Haeri tilt her head,"Old friend?"

"Yes silly, now, go get yourself ready." Suho said

""Oh, and oppa, Minkyung said she's bringing Yixing oppa with her." Haeri call before she completely enter te washroom.

Suho's smile immedietly disappear,"Yixing....." 


Minkyung clutch on the seatbelt firmly, while bitting her thumb nervously, Lay look over her before goig backto the road,"Min, you know we can still go back, right?"

But Minkyung is determined, she is just a BIT nervous,"Ani, oppa, We have to go.." she said.

Lay shake his head,"You know you're stunnirs, right?"

Minkyung frown and quit her nail bitting,"Oppa.!" she whine.

Lay smile,"Mian...Just, I don't want you to break into tears once the two came in vision.."

Minkyung smile towards Lay's words, Lay sure is the nicest and most amazing guy ever, and this is why Minkyun knew she will not fall in love to Lay, because when you fall for someone, things are wonderful but once the love fall apart, things will fall as well, and she doesn't want to lost Lay. 

Lay is all she got now, Layis her family,"Thanks oppa." she smile.

"For what?" Lay question.

"Nothing, just...thank you." Minkyung sigh and direct her gaze to the window, where the sun is still up and bright.



At the mall, Haeri and Suho is patiently waiting for the other company to come, Haeri shiver as the cold winter wind blow, "I told you to wear thicker clothes." Suho whine removing his scarf and enveloping it around Haeri, "Gomoa Oppa.." Haeri said innocently.

Minkyung flinch on the scene in front of her, Lay grab her hand giving it assuring squueze,"Kaja.." Lay whisper, Minkyung nodded.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Lay bow to the two, Suho immediently took his hands off Haeri and eyed Minkyung;

Minkyung slightly bow her head, "Annyeonghaseyo, Sorry we're late." 

Haeri smile sweetly to them,"Ani, it's fine, we just arrived as well." Then suddenly the mood tensed up, Minkyung keep flinching everytime Haeri grab on Suho's arms.

Lay notice the atmosphere, tightening his grip on Minkyung's hand, he clear his throat,"So, let's go?" he said leading the others in.

"Are you okay.?" He immedietly whisper to Minkyung as soon as they enter the mall.

"Of course oppa, I'm fine.." She said smiling.

"Okay, if you say so." Lay grin.

Haeri walk faster to catch up with Lay and Minkyung leaving Suho behind, "Ah, Mikyung-shi, do you wanna check out the new lines of Gucci?" She ask.

Minkyung look over her and smile,"You can call me Min if you want, and sure, we can do that.." she said.

"Oh, okay Min, let's go.!" Haeri grab Minkyung's arm and leaving Suho and Lay behind.

The two ladies enter the store while the two man stay behind, they settle in one of the bench outside the store.

There was a long silent before Suho finally decided to speak up,"So, how did you meet your fiance?" he ask, his own mouth not wanting to say the word fiance.

Lay straighhten his seat, "You mean Min?" he ask looking over the later who give him a nod,"I met her in the states, 3 years ago." Lay lied.

Suho nod, asking for Lay to continue,"She was a trainee in our comapany, and I guess we just caught each other's attention." Lay explain.

Suho listen to Lay briefly, 3 years ago, he abandon Minkyung, but how come Lay said she was in US? Minkyung, what happened? what really happened? Suho thought.

"How about you? How did you meet Haeri?" Lay ask.

"Met her through my parents, her parents and my parents are business partners, and I guess we also caught each others attention." Suho sigh.


"Unnie, I think this hand bag is really perfect for you.!" Haeri chime.

Minkyung smile, This is not what she expected, she wanted to use haeri to hurt Suho, she wanted to make her revenge towards Suho by hurting his precious Haeri, but how can she do that if Haeri is being so nice, sweet, and friendly towards her? 

What if the girl she wanted to use, is too innocent? Minkyung wants revenge but she is not evil to hurt an innocent person, because by doing that, it's like she is doing what Suho did to her. Hurt her innocent heart.

"Oh, that's pretty, why don't you get it then?" Minkyung smile studying the bag.

Haeri shook her head,"Ani, I'll buy it for you.."

Minkyung tilt her head,"It's a present, Suho oppa, really likes you, I mean, I think he sees you as someone who I can trust, You know it's very rare for Suho oppa to recognize girls...So, I like Unnie too.!" Haeri said smiling like a 5 years old girl.

Minkyung let out a silent sigh,"Thanks, but trust is a pretty big word Haeri-ah.."

"I know, but it's fine, coz I trust Unnie, I mean this maybe the first time we actually talk and hang out, but I feel comfortable around unnie, actually I don't have a friend....Sounds weird, but really, you're the first girl I talk too, except my mom, my aunt, and relatives..." Haeri confess lowering her head. 

Minkyung can't take it anymore, Haeri is too fragile, too pure, too weak, and now she come to understand a bit why Suho saved this girl, leaving her behind. 

"Haeri-ah, you know I'm free next week." Minkyung said.

Haeri shot her head up,"Huh?" 

"I said I'm free next week." She repeated slower.

Haeri smile in glee,"Jinja?" 

"mhh." Minkyung nod.

"ASA.!" Haeri chime.

"Silly." Minkyung smile ruffling the younger's hair.






Pretty Short update, I'll try to update more often.~ 

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thanks for reading my fic ~~ 




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Should I post Chapter 3?? BUT I'm having a problem in AFF .!!!!! Someone help me .!!


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14 streak #1
Chapter 12: That was really sad!!! Cant believe that she died!! I thought she would be like recovering from the shot but i didnt expect her to die T________T
Chapter 10: Awhhh it's really sad!
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 10: Omg what a sad story T_T
Chapter 10: Aww this is sad. It was unexpected that Suho actually didn't end up together with Min..and that message you leave us with at the end of the story really hit me hard.haha thanks author-nim it is such a beautiful story.i love it..really!!
Chapter 10: The story is so sad T.T
Chapter 10: I felt every single emotion :,) hehe sorry for commenting twice <3
Chapter 10: This story.. Is beautiful.. :,(
Chapter 10: wow...nice story..really love it.. :')
Chapter 10: i actually hate why min has to die.
Huhuhu.. but nevertheless,the story is great.. i love it..