Dentist's Assistant


Jessica stood ogling at the dentist’s side profile as he meticulously attended to his patient. Jessica found his passion for his work so attractive that she couldn’t stop a dreamy sigh from escaping.

“What?” Dr. Im quirked an eyebrow in inquiry.


“Did you say anything?”

“Oh I was just yawning.” Jessica faked a yawn in haste.

“Oh.” The Dr. nodded and resumed trying to pull the patient’s tooth out.

“Jessica, can you go over to the other side and place the basin directly under Jonah’s mouth?” The Dr. requested.

Jessica moved quickly, as if accustomed to this kind of stuff.

The tooth fell and Jessica quickly caught it with the basin. She struggled to hide her disgust as she let out a forced smile.

Dr. Im Yoong acknowledged her with a nod and moved to brief the patient. He put cotton to absorb the blood and gave him a prescription for pain relievers.

Jessica moved towards the sink to clean the basin clumsily. She’s not that sure why she chose this task anymore.

As she tried to clean the basin where the patient’s sputum was, she recalled the incident earlier.

--a few moments ago--

“Sooyoung. Sooyoung!”

“Jessica, I’m right beside you. What are you shouting for?!”

“He’s so handsome!” Jessica squealed in admiration.

“O.M. He’s the definition of perfect.” Sooyoung joined in.

“Dibs. I saw him first.”

“As if you have a shot with him.” Sooyoung stuck her tongue out.

“Whatever. Let’s trade name tags.”

“No. Why should we?” Sooyoung retreated in defense.

“’Cause he’s a dentist.” Jessica stated with a smile.

Sooyoung motioned to run. Too late, Jessica already got her name tag.

Sooyoung sighed in defeat as she joined the ushers.

“Okay, okay, dentists’ assistants this way!” Taeyeon called their attention.

Jessica excitedly followed. Jessica whispered to Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked at her incredulously.

Jessica glared at her. “Fine. Fine. He’s yours.” Taeyeon raised her arms in mock surrender.

Jessica had a joyful smile plastered on her face as she eagerly waited for her assignment.

“Tiffany for Dr. Choi.”

“Sunny for Dr. Kim.”

“Jessica for Dr. Im.”

“Hyo for Dr. Kwon.”

“That’s your assignments. Kindly assist the dentists and ensure they have all that they need.”

Jessica then whispered to Sunny. “I most certainly will, that includes love.” Jessica giggled girlishly in which Sunny responded with a very long laugh that almost drained her of breath.

Jessica approached the handsome dentist cautiously.

“Hi. I’m Jessica Jung and I’ll be your assistant for the whole duration of the medical mission.”

Yoong extended his hand. “Oh. Hi. I’m Im Yoong. You can refer to me as Yoong, Dr. Im and Yoon.” The doctor flashed his pearly whites, nearly blinding Jessica in the process. “But why does your name tag say Sooyoung?”

Jessica just stood with a stupid smile plastered on her lips. Yoong looked at her with queasiness.

Jessica quickly realized that she was zoning out and quickly took his hand for a handshake. Oh my, his hands are so soft. Jessica was hyperventilating, but she knew she couldn’t show it, lest she risk her position as his assistant.

“Just call me if you need anything Dr. Im.” Jessica retreated her hand and waited for the medical mission to begin.

Yoong watched her retreating figure oddly and mumbled to himself, “You didn’t answer my question.”

--back to the present--

Jessica gloomily looked at the basin as she tried to wash off the dirt and generously applied soap. Tiffany quickly pulled the basin and stopped the faucet from spouting water.

“Hand it over.”


“You’re wasting a lot of soap. Let me clean it. Observe how I do it.” Tiffany told her with a stern look.

Jessica gave in and watched how Tiffany washed the dentists’ stuff and the dirt containers. Jessica noted how expertly Tiffany went through it. She had do hit her head on the pavement to get her to her senses.

“What am I doing claiming responsibilities I can’t handle?” Jessica asked to no one in particular.

Sunny offered her a comforting pat on the back. “Don’t worry. You’ll get it in no time.”

Jessica tried to force a smile as she succumbed to her fate.

After ten patients and a lot of advice from both Sunny and Tiffany, Jessica had become a pro in the sanitation department. She easily washed things and returned them to Dr. Im in record time.

 Dr. Im was pretty amused with Jessica. She was really dedicated and hardworking. Aside from that, she really looked like she thoroughly enjoyed her work. Unbeknownst to him, he was the reason Jessica had been smiling so widely.

He’d offered her a lot of praises and compliments regarding her work ethic and she was more than pleased. It energized her and pushed her to continue working.

Before lunch time came, a lady arrived looking for Im Yoong.

Yoong hurriedly went out to see her.

Jessica peered through the window, green with envy. “He’s mine.” She sorrowfully repeated in her head.

Yoong tightly hugged the lady as she left. He had his packed lunch in his hand and a wide grin as he returned to the area.

Jessica looked like she just lost a bet. She remained glum for the rest of the day. She kept looking at Yoong in disdain. She felt like she was betrayed.

She thought all along Yoong didn’t notice, when in fact he was racking his brains as to what he did wrong. They’d had a good working relationship so far and he didn’t know what happened that messed it up. He’d resolved to ask Jessica once they had snacks.

The girl looked sour all afternoon. She was still doing her work well. The problem was she looked like she was just forced to do it. It was not the case earlier and Yoong thought something he had done might have caused that. He couldn’t bear it anymore but he could not talk to her with the patient present for professionalism’s sake. He let out numerous exhaustive sighs as Jessica continued to avoid conversation and the barest eye contact. It was vexing, but Yoong held it in. He then thought that she might have had some personal issues unrelated to him.

As the dentists continue with their job, Jessica’s friends come over, seemingly finished with their tasks. They called Jessica.

“Hey. Isn’t it break time yet?”

“We just have to finish cleaning after the last patient before we take snacks.”

“Oh. We’ll wait for you then.”

Yoong sighs at the lost opportunity to talk. After he takes off his gloves, Jessica moves to get the basin and equipment and leaves to wash them.

Yoong leans behind the pillar to catch his breath. He then hears snippets of conversation coming from Jessica’s friends.

“She likes him.”


“That’s why we traded assignments.”

“Oh. So that’s why she isn’t with the ushers anymore.”


Yoong smiled unconsciously. He finally understood the situation. He couldn’t stop a tint of pink from forming on his cheeks.

As Jessica returns, Yoong quickly moves towards the other dentists to get his share of food. He was planning to ask Jessica to eat with him, but the girl quickly left.

He then settles on having a talk with her before operations continue. He ate his food with his other colleagues as he tries in vain to listen to their conversation.

As he takes his last bite of the sandwich, he stands up. I can’t take it anymore.

He looks for Jessica. As he nears her group of friends, wolf whistles are heard. He taps her shoulder lightly.

Jessica turns to look at him. “Break’s almost over. Let’s go back.”

Jessica nods and turns to smile in glee at her friends once Yoong turns toward the dentists’ area.

While they wait for patients, Yoong spoke to Jessica.

“Hey. I hope we’re alright.”

“Of course we are. Whatever gave you the idea that we aren’t?”

“You looked morose the entire time.”

“I was just feeling hot and stuffy.”

“Oh. Should I move the fan closer?”

Jessica turned red. This conversation was turning nonsensical by the second. “No need. Here patient number 23.”

Yoong moved and they continued pulling teeth and washing things.


As the day comes to an end, Yoong and Jessica didn’t get another chance to converse again.

After the last patient was done, the group cleaned up and the dentists bid them goodbye.

Yoong wanted to talk to Jessica, so he approached her.

“Thanks for assisting me. I had an easy time because of you.”

“No problem.”

“It was a pleasure working with you.” Yoong smiled genuinely.

They wanted to say more, but their lips just wouldn’t budge. Calls were heard as the van for the dentists came. Yoong moved closer to Jessica and gave her a brief friendly hug. As he headed for the van, he slipped a card onto her hand.

After the group left, Jessica still hadn’t had time to recover from what had just transpired. She looked dumbly at the distance and turned the card over. It was a calling card. Messily scribbled at the back was a note:

“That gorgeous lady is my sister. Call me.” Along with a winking emoticon



Prolific has not been present in my vocabulary recently.

The idea came from our experience in a medical mission last weekend. Not sure if there was a cute dentist, but there was most certainly a cute doctor. He was everyone's crush. Lol. Anyway, hopefully, I'll get to release more of my stuff since summer's coming. Wishing sir doesn't start ing around and gives us enough time to relax during the summer.

I'll be wearing formal everyday during summer classes. :o kill me now

Hope this suffices. I'll put in more fluff next time. A bit rushed 'cause I have four exams this week. To all people having a load of requirements, good luck!

Mr. Mr. is awesome. I didn't like the song at first but the perfs are the best. Their costumes ^_^ :D <3 <3 I love SNSD!

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Was too lazy to put in dialogue


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tjsthysys09 #1
Lol I’m here again 🥺
Chapter 41: These shots are fun. I'm not really a fan of one-shots coz i prefer longer stories but well, this collection changed my mind. i like one-shots now :)
Chapter 23: Aigoo these two chodings. You gave tiffany a hard time haha.
Chapter 9: Yoona hahaha :D
Chapter 4: So far so good :)
Chapter 104: so short but too much feels </3
xin0123 #7
Chapter 104: so short update :(
natzu1234 #8
Chapter 40: I am re-reading this again authornim ❤
Chapter 1: Woooow that's a lot of one-shots! But I'm a total er for this pairing so I'm totally okay with it ^^ Wish I'd found this sooner.
Chapter 103: i miss ot9 too huhu