
Love Is Blind... Annoyingly So.

Hi-yeum guys!~

Like I told my other Jongkey story people, I wasn't actually planning on updating any stories for a couple of weeks due to school, but uhhh... yeah got carried away and I actually managed to write a nice long chapter for my two Jongkey stories ^^

*people reading say yaaaay!~♥*

Lol, so yeah, it's almost midnight here and tomorrow's Monday and as you may all know a school day, so... I'll shut up and you can enjoy!♥


Chapter 2: Truths?

Jonghyun’s P.O.V:

I felt someone shaking me gently as I moaned and turned around to ignore them. My head was pounding and the dream I was having wasn’t helping. It had made no sense to me; it was a complete blur but it was enough that a crying Key was in it.

The person kept shaking me, a little more roughly this time and I finally turned to look at them with an annoyed look on my face.

“What?” I asked turning to see Key look at me with an expressionless face. I instantly regretted the way I had spoken to him.

“Your phone is ringing like crazy. Answer it.” He tossed the still ringing phone lightly onto the bed and walked out without another word.

I rubbed my face to rid myself of my sleep and frustration at myself as I blinked to see who was calling.

‘Se Kyung’

I sighed wishing she hadn’t called and reluctantly picked up the phone.

“Yeoboseyo?” I answered looking up at the ceiling.

“Jongie? I’ve been calling all morning, where have you been?” She asked with a voice that was much too high-pitched to handle in my current condition.

“Sleeping, I got home early in the morning remember?” I said trying to keep my tone neutral.

“Well what time did you get home? I got home at 12:00am.” She said with a hint of irritation that I didn’t appreciate.

“I dropped you off and then came home, and I live more than an hour away.” I said trying to reason with her.

“But, it’s so late…” She mumbled.

My eyebrows furrowed, was it really that late? I took the phone away from my ear and pressed a button to light up the screen. It was only 7:43 in the morning. I growled under my breath feeling more than pissed off now. I placed the phone back at my ear and did my best to keep my voice cool.

“I have to go get ready Se Kyung; I’ll talk to you when I can ok? I’m late and I have a few schedules today so don’t call ok? Bye.” I hung up not letting her say another word and fell back on my pillow with a sigh.

I turned over getting ready to get some more sleep in; at the moment, I couldn’t and didn’t feel the least bit guilty for lying to Se Kyung. I had a completely free day today. I sighed again in relief as I buried my face into the pillow and breathed in surprised at the scent that filled my nose. It was Key’s, not my own scent. I pulled back confused and looked around at the bed. I was in Key’s bed, why was in Key’s bed?

I pouted and sat up staring at the wall in front of me trying to remember when last night’s events rushed into my mind. Ah, that’s right… I frowned slightly and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and on the main screen it said 12 missed calls. I checked to see who else had called and frowned when I saw it was only Se Kyung’s calls. My eyes widened as I realized that she had been calling since 6 in the morning.

I knew the others had a schedule and lad left the house before then, but Key had no schedule. Had he been up since that time? I felt guilty as I climbed off Key’s bed and walked out looking for any signs of Key.

I didn’t have to look long. I found Key sitting on the couch staring at his laptop screen with a confused face.

“Uh, Key?” I said trying to get his attention.

He looked up at me with the same confused face and then shut the laptop slowly. “Ye Jonghyun?”

“Did you get enough sleep?” I asked looking at him with concern. I could see the slight bags under his eyes as he stared back at me.

He looked down and shook his head. “I’m fine, but keep your phone on vibrate or something next time please.”

I nodded and went to sit beside him. “Sorry, I didn’t think she would be calling so early. You can go get some rest now if you’d like.”

He shook his head and looked at me with a thoughtful face. “Jjong?”


“Is there something you need to talk about?” He asked looking at me seriously.

“W-what do you mean?” I felt taken aback a bit as I thought about my discoveries from yesterday.

“Well, you were crying yesterday and… well… I was worried.”

“Oh, was I? Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you; I guess I got a bit overwhelmed.”

“About what though?”

 I looked at him confused. He was staring at me intensely, a kind of helpless look in his eyes that made me want to hug him tightly.

“I don’t know what you mean… Key, what’s wrong?” I said touching his face gently.

He leaned into my hand slightly closing his eyes before pulling back quickly leaving me confused. “I- Nothing’s wrong, I was just worried, but you need to tell me if something’s wrong.” I stayed quiet for a minute trying to process what he had said when he stood up quickly. “I’ll go make you breakfast, so just stay here ok?”

I nodded and leaned back against the couch still confused as I watched him quickly walk away. I sighed and rubbed my temple looking around when my eyes focused on the blinking light of his laptop signaling it was in sleep mode.

I glanced over to where and grabbed his laptop opening it up to see what he was looking at. I gasped in surprise as I realized what I had done.

Key’s P.O.V:

 I quickly walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter for support as I felt my legs weaken. I looked back towards the living room making sure Jonghyun hadn’t followed me. I bit my lip and fought back the need to cry. I couldn’t allow myself to cry. Remember what you promised yourself Key, no more crying over him. I repeated this over and over until I felt assured that I wouldn’t give into the need and sighed once straightening myself up.

I couldn’t help it as my thoughts got quickly taken over by Jonghyun. I replayed all those times we were together and dismissed each and every one of them, giving each a reasonable explanation that had no mentions of Jonghyun being madly in love with me. I slapped myself mentally, how can you even entertain thoughts of that Key?

I cut off all thought processes that weren’t required of me and got to work getting breakfast ready for him. I went to the fridge, pulling out food and set it all on the counter. I apparently cut off too many thought processes since I didn’t even notice Jonghyun walk in, much less his standing beside me watching me for who knows how long until he finally spoke.


The way he said my name had my stomach doing flips as I jumped up surprised. I ignored it and looked at him as I composed myself.

“Y-ye Jonghyun?” I swore in my head as I heard my quivering voice.

“I want to ask you something.” His calm voice had me freaking out as I tried to act calm.

“Sure, what is it?” I asked sounding better than I felt.

“You saw what I saw, is it true?”

. I continued repeating swear words in my head. I was that stupid. I left my laptop on with all the pages that I opened today there beside him for him to find. Crap. I weakly blamed him for everything.

He was the one that put all the links in my favorites instead of deleting them as I suspect he had intended to. It’s his fault that I check my laptop when I noticed it wasn’t where I had left it last night. And it was his entire fault for making me fall in love with him.

I sighed mentally knowing none of this was his fault… At least not the last part. The other stuff was, just his stupidity showing. I was still absorbed in my thoughts as Jonghyun took the spatula I had in my hand and saved the egg that was burning in the pan and turned off the heat.

I looked up still dazed, not knowing what I could do as he gently took my hand and pulled me along.

“Ahh… breakfast…” I said weakly trying to turn back to continue cooking. Anything to get me away from the conversation I knew was coming.

“I’ll eat later. Come here please,” he looked at me with pleading eyes and I easily gave in. Damn him.

He sat me down; the laptop was conveniently placed in front of me where I could see the video that I hated. The video that showed my weakness. I watched it several times, remembering how hard I had tried to cover up my feelings, and hating the fact that I failed so horribly.

Just watching it had brought up the painful feelings that had left me thankful that Jonghyun was still sleeping as I cried to myself, giving in to my pain. Now I was being confronted about the thing that I had wanted to hide. I stared at the screen for a while until Jonghyun touched my hand gently.

“Key, I know it’s just the internet and fans can always misunderstand… But, I don’t know what was going on and I should. I’m your best friend.”

‘And that’s all you’ll ever be…’ I thought sadly in my head as I watched him speak to me sincerely.

“I know you haven’t been acting like this lately, and that this happened quite a few months ago, but I still think you should tell me what happened at that time. Are the fans actually right? Or is there just a misunderstanding going on?”

I looked away from his face to his hand that was still holding mine gently.

I opened my mouth after what seemed like forever with the intention of smiling and telling him it was all a misunderstanding, that I was feeling weird that day, that I wasn’t in love with him like all the fans thought, that I was happy for Jonghyun being with Shin Se Kyung A.K.A girl of his dreams. But then I closed it quickly, knowing I couldn’t lie to him like that.

So I came up with plan B.

I opened my mouth again, ready to confess everything, that I was extremely hurt that day after finding out about Shin Se Kyung and him dating, that I had been in love with him for the longest time, that I wanted him to be mine and no one else’s, that I hated Shin Se Kyung for taking him away from me, that I couldn’t stand the intense pain that took over me when I thought of the two of them together, that I wanted to just forget about him and my feelings for him but couldn’t. But then I closed my mouth again, knowing I couldn’t come out and say that.

He looked at me confused; who knows how long this has been going for. I ignored his face and tried to decide the winner of the battle of thoughts within me. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I couldn’t very well say the truth now could I?

A few more minutes passed before I smiled bitterly mentally. I looked back up at Jonghyun who watched me quietly still waiting for his answer. I opened my mouth again ready to finally answer him.

Jonghyun’s P.O.V:

I watched Key nervously as I waited for his answer. I had confronted him, I was surprised at how efficiently I had managed to do it despite my nervous feelings. But then again, it was probably because I had no choice considering my stupidity from early this morning. Really, how could I confuse favorite and delete?

I let out a long but quiet breath of air as I watched Key carefully, watching his reactions. Several times he opened his mouth as if about to speak, but then closed it looking down at our hands.

I looked at him confused; was he thinking of ways to lie to me? Or was the truth that difficult? Maybe it was, I thought to myself. Maybe Key was in love with me? But that was wrong, not gender-wise, but because I was in a relationship and I wasn’t in love with Key. That would only hurt him; I didn’t want to hurt Key. So I prayed silently that this wasn’t this case, but a part of me inexplicably seemed excited at the prospect of this option.

Finally, after a painful amount of time, he looked up again, a gentle smile playing on his lips. I couldn’t help myself as I stared at his lips that looked so soft. He opened his mouth and I focused back on the rest of his face.

“Jjong… I’m sorry but I can’t lie to you. Please don’t hate me for what I’m about to say…”

I shook my head quickly leaning in closer. “I’d never hate you Key, you’re my best friend, no matter what.” He looked at me for a moment, eyeing my expression before nodding and continuing on.

“Jjong… That day, the video you saw… I-I I was really upset, there’s no way I could deny that. Honestly, I was in a lot of pain.”

I squeezed his hand looking at him. “I’m so sorry Key…”

He shook his head and smiled gently blinking away tears that I saw pooling in his eyes. “I’m fine, don’t worry. Jonghyun, the truth is I was hurt at hearing that you were going out with Shin Se Kyung.”

I looked at him confused, part of me knowing the answer, but needing to hear it from him. “Why Key?” I whispered softly.

He looked at me, a sad look in his eyes despite the sweet smile on his face. “Because I was in love with you Jonghyun.”

My eyes widened and I felt my chest thump loudly as his words echoed in my mind over and over. But it gradually stopped as it sunk in. “Was?” I asked making sure I heard right.

He nodded still smiling. Why was I starting to resent that smile? “Yes, was. Jonghyun, I know you don’t care about me in that way, so I made myself a promise that I would forget about those feelings and keep you close to me and love you in the right way; as a close friend, nothing else. I don’t want to lose you, that was why I was scared to tell you anything at all, but it feels good letting it out.” He chuckled once and patted the hand that was still holding his timidly.

I nodded dumbly as I continued processing the thoughts going through my head. That’s what I wanted to hear, but why does it feel so wrong?

“Jonghyun? It did bother you, didn’t it? I shouldn’t have said anything…” He began to pull out of my grasp before I quickly pulled him forward for a hug.

“No no, I’m sorry, it was just a surprise. I don’t hate you Key. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I love you, don’t leave just yet…” I held onto him tightly refusing to let go before he slowly wrapped his arms around me.

“Are you really alright?” He asked with his voice close to my ear. I felt weird as his smooth voice ran through me.

I nodded quickly, “You said you got over those feelings right?” He nodded slowly still in my embrace, so I couldn’t see his face. “Then I’m fine, just fine. We’re ok right?” I asked with a hint of anxiousness in my voice.

“…Of course.” He answered after a moment.

“Then everything’s ok, we’re ok… Everything’s fine…” I mumbled more to myself than anyone. Key nodded and pulled back.

“I’ll go make your breakfast then, ok? Just relax, you seem shaken up.” He patted my shoulder watching me as he stood in front of me.

“Ok, thank you.” I said softly as I watched him walk away for the second time today. I continued assuring myself that everything was better now, that I should feel relieved, but I still felt wrong.

I unconsciously put a hand to my chest, gripping my shirt as I felt a tight and heavy sensation there. Why did I feel so empty?

Aigoo! Key waeyo?!?! Yeah... Key semi-lied I guess?... *sigh* Why is love difficult?

Because it's the most confusing, most desired, wanted and most unattainable feeling in this world. *nod*

No love is easy... *sigh*

LOL anyways, that was my bit of wisdom... All you dongsaengs reading my stories... Learn!!! Jenny has experience in that sector ^^; [I'm no guru tho =P]

Anyways! Enough for my ranting, I feel as if my eyelids are too heavy so... Comment, suscribe to make Jenny happy please!♥

Until my next rant,


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***newest blog, omg =_=


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Im still wondering if you'll ever update..... If your not please let us at least know...
AudrayLiAr #2
Chapter 7: YAH! First, you're saying drama's coming up and then, you don't update again for years! Literally! :(
NOT happy about that! But I hope you're going to update again, because you started it, now you should end it.
Plus I, and I think a lot of people does, really, really,... reeeally like this idea.
I promise, if you update I'll write at least one comment to each following chapter!
And I'll give you all my love! So, please? Cheonmaneyo!
Chapter 7: Wow have this story been so long since you updated??? Authornim please update !!!! I like the story a lot please update please ^^ hope u do and stay sttrong
waterneeded #4
fhdsija kyaaaaah!
Chapter 7: Pleeeease update soooon~~!!! TT__TT
mybananamilk #6
thank god you updated~~!
i was waiting for this kekeke
will there be 2min????
omg omg there should be
thank you for the update!!! <3
and update SOON okay~~~? ^^
chubbymorie #7
welcome back!!!
thankz 4 d update!!!
chenn... are you lonely cuz of me too? ;A;
I'm sorry yeobo ;n; ♥

P.S. spelling errors (;
yay an update!!! welcome back :D:D:D
aww hope key gets well soon!! it to be sick. though i always hope to fall sick so i wouldn't have to go to school, i always regret my words when that happens. lol XD
btw, did you get a new com/laptop?? i remembered you saying that your younger sibling broke your old one...