Empty Promises

Love Is Blind... Annoyingly So.

Hi-yeum guys!~

Aigoo... I feel like this story has fallen behind Dx

Somehow my other Jongkey story has gone ahead D=

So I will be focusing on this story more ^^

Thanks for all the comments♥ And all the suscribers♥

So now... enjoy!♥


Chapter 3: Empty Promises

Key's P.O.V:

I walked as slowly as I could into the kitchen, glancing behind me once to see if he was behind me. Assured that Jjong had remained on the couch, I let out a long breath that I had been holding. It was shaky, revealing just how scared I had been back there. I held a hand to my chest trying to calm the pounding of my heart.

I felt my eyes fill up with tears but quickly shook my head ridding myself of them. I turned towards the stove and turned it on to continue making breakfast. I began humming a nameless tune, concentrating on the task in front of me. Somehow, I managed to take my mind off it and complete breakfast.

I took the plate of food and a glass of milk that I kept trying to make him drink to no avail to the table.

"Jjong! The food's ready!" I called out as I walked back to the kitchen to clean up.

I got no answer but I assumed he had gone to the table and continued with washing the dishes. Once I was finished I decided to go take a shower. I walked by the table and stopped when I noticed the food untouched.

"Jonghyun?" I called out feeling worried. When I got no answer I walked into the living room. "Jjong?" I called again seeing seated in the same spot I had left him earlier.

He still didn't look up, completely absorbed with whatever he was doing with the laptop.
I waved a hand in front of his face when he blinked and looked up surprised.

"Key? I thought you were making breakfast." He asked with confusion in his tone. 

"I did... I called you to eat almost ten minutes ago... What were you doing?" I leaned forward trying to see the screen of the laptop when he pulled back with a sheepish smile. 

"Nothing, just reading some things from the fans. But the laptop's dying so I'll go charge it. Wait for me at the table?" 

I looked at him suspiciously but nodded. "I could go charge it, just go eat." I stuck out my hand to rake the laptop but he shook his head waving me off.

"No no, I killed the battery, I'll go charge it. Go eat ok?"

I sighed and nodded defeated turning back to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal before he realized I had had no intention of eating.
Jonghyun's P.O.V:

I walked into the bedroom looking behind me anxiously as I held the laptop closed. I placed the laptop down on the bed and then went the shut the door quietly not wanting to alert Key to what I was doing. 

I walked back to the bed and opened the laptop again looking the video I had been watching so intensely earlier.


I smiled fondly at it remembering how much I love those simple touches. Key just had that effect on me. He could calm my nerves with one touch, one word, one smile...

That's why he was my best friend. I nodded smiling and then making sure I was pressing the right button this time, deleted the memory of the videos I had watched. But before that, I sent the link to myself and then deleted that memory too before charging the laptop like I said I would and walking out. 

I walked directly into the kitchen and found Key at the table lying down on the floor staring up at the ceiling with a blowfish face.

I chuckled slightly as I approached him making his face deflate and turn towards me. 

"Took you a while to do that," he said sitting up.

I nodded, "Mm, couldn't find the wire."

"Well I already finished eating so it's just you now."

I sat down facing my food for the first time and saw the mini feast in front of me.

"Wow, this is all for me?" I asked surprised.

"Yup, enjoy it. We're busy for the next while so I won't be able to make something like this anytime soon."

I smiled brightly getting prepared to eat, "How'd you finish a plate like this so quickly?"

"What? I ate a bowl of cereal." He said pointing to the empty bowl in front of him.

"Why? Eat some of this with me then." I pushed my plate so it was between us.

"I don't want to, it's really ok Jjong." He pushed the plate back with a smile. "Besides, I made it for you."

I stared at him for a moment before smiling.

"Do me a favor then please?" 

He looked me suspiciously, "What is it?"

"Come sit closer to me." I pulled the cushion he was sitting on so that it was touching mine.

"Well, don't even give me a chance to answer then." He smirked making me smile.

"You wouldn't refuse anyways," I nudged him gently.

"No," he said with a small smile. "I wouldn't."

My smile faded slightly and I looked at him as I placed an arm over his shoulders. "Key, I'm sorry if I made you talk about something you didn't want to."

His bangs covered his eyes but I saw the small smile on his face. "Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine Jjong."

"Really?" I asked trying to see his face.

He lowered his head enough that it was resting gently on my chest. "Yeah, of course. No more talking, ok?"

"Ok," I whispered feeling it was necessary.

We stayed like that for a while before he let out a deep breath and pulled away. He looked at me with a big smile that I couldn't seem to believe. "Eat before it gets cold." He pointed towards the food I had left untouched.


"No buts; eat. I'm going to go take a shower." He got up before I could argue and walked away into the bedroom.

I stared at the closed door for a moment and then sighed and began eating before he came and hit me with the first thing he saw.
Key's P.O.V

I shut the bedroom door behind me gently and sat myself down on Minho's bed beside my laptop.

The light blinked a bright green slowly as it charged and I stared at it a moment mesmerized. A moment later, I blinked feeling my eyelids getting heavy.

I rubbed at them but it didn't help at all. I thought back for a moment and counted how long I managed to sleep.

I went to bed at 12:45 trying to wait up... Managed to fall asleep by 1... Jonghyun had wakened me up at around 2:30... And I didn't sleep after that... Not to mention the schedule that we had that day only let me sleep an hour...

I sighed and lied down on the bed curling up into a little ball. The warm air coming from the laptop was nice. I closed my eyes. 'Screw the shower... I'm sleeping.'
Jonghyun's P.O.V:

I finished eating 30 minutes later, washed my dishes and I sat down at the table waiting for Key. I leaned back on my hands and sighed looking up. I glanced at the time on the clock; almost an hour had passed since Key had gone to take a shower. I frowned and got up to go check on him.

I opened the door and almost immediately I noticed him rolled up in a little ball sleeping on Minho's bed. I walked closer careful not to wake him and sat down on the floor beside the bed.

I felt bad; he probably didn't get any sleep at all last night thanks to me. I smiled once wishing he could see it and then got up and walked out shutting the door behind me so he could sleep.
Key's P.O.V:

I sat up tired and blinked a few times trying to wake up from the dream I had. I couldn't let myself dream about Jonghyun like that. It would only hurt more later.

When I finally felt awake I slid off the bed fixing it so Minho wouldn't find it a mess and put the laptop on the floor.

Satisfied, I walked around and checked the time to see if it was time for dinner since I probably missed lunch.

I looked at the clock surprised; it was already 8:49. Jjong would be hungry now. I heard a loud noise from the living room but I ignored it and went to the bathroom connected to our room to wash my face up.

I fixed up my hair just so it wouldn't look bad and was about to walk out when I heard talking.

"I just can't believe you!" I heard her say.

"Se Kyung," Jjong was talking in a quiet voice apparently trying to calm the woman. "You need to lower your voice, Key's sleeping."

"I wouldn't have to be loud if you hadn't lied to me!"

'Hmm, he lied to her?' I slid down on the floor and stayed near the door listening. As if I couldn't hear from outside the building with her screaming...

"Even if I did, it's not a big deal. I'm sorry, I did lie fine. But you're the one who is being unreasonable." I could tell he was containing his anger now.

"How am I being unreasonable?!"

'By being screechy and making us deaf...' I mumbled inside my head.

"For the last time, stop screaming. If Key wakes up-"

"If he wakes up what? You'll be mad at me? Like that's not already the case?!" She got quiet for a moment and I could hear Jonghyun sigh deeply. Then she started sobbing, "I just want to spend as much time with you as I can but look! You'd rather spend it with him! How can you treat me this way?!"

I stared down at the floor as I hugged my legs close to my chest.

How wrong could one person be? How selfish could she be? He would go at all hours of the night just to take a walk with her near her apartment, even after a busy schedule. He bought her small little gifts all the time, not that she ever used them, ungrateful... Yesterday he went straight to her house with only one hour of sleep and she's still complaining because he wanted a day to relax?! 

I sighed quietly, "I hate you Shin Se Kyung..." I whispered bitterly as I sat there alone.

"Don't do that."

I looked up surprised to hear Jonghyun talk after all this time, especially in that tone since I thought he was already comforting the still sobbing Shin Se Kyung. 

"Don't do what?" She asked her voice sounding irritated, not upset.

'Hah... So she fakes cries huh?'

"Don't talk about Key so rudely. He had nothing to do with my decision about lying."

That seemed to hurt more than it should... I continued looking down at the floor wishing I could stop listening, but there was nowhere to go. Both of them were speaking loud enough for me to hear from anywhere I could go. So I continued sitting there wishing I could disappear.

"what? It doesn't matter; I really don't care about him. But why would you lie?"
"Because I was tired. God. I always make all the sacrifices for you, you. I don't mind but I need my rest. My health is important too, not just you. And you need to stop talking about Key like he's garbage. He's done absolutely nothing to you and it is wrong of you. Accept this; he's my best friend and I will make time for him and the others as well. You're not the only person in my life. Now, I'm sure you've made enough noise so please leave."

"Ah Jjong-" Her voice changed tone now to a sweeter one. I scoffed unintentionally.

"Don't call me Jjong. You need to go home before it's late. Call me when you get there so I know you made it home fine and then I will call when I'm feeling better."

"Jonghyun...  Fine, I'll call when I'm home. Bye." I heard her stomping steps as she walked to the door and slammed it shut behind her.

I flinched at the sound but remained in my spot. 

"Kibum?" I jumped and looked up to see him standing in the doorway watching me with a concerned face. He knelt down beside me and my hair. "Why are you crying?"

"Huh?" I asked dumbly.

"You're crying," to prove his point he gently wiped moisture off my cheek with his thumb. "I'm sorry, you were woken up weren't you?"

I shook my head. "No, I woke up and when I was going to come out I heard you two and I didn't know what to do so I sat here..." I whispered softly. I could hear the slight shaking in my voice and I swallowed hoping I could clear it.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want you to hear that." He moved my bangs aside and kissed my forehead gently. I bit my lip resisting the urge to hug him. I wanted to feel his warmth but I couldn't let myself.

"It's ok... I'm sorry, I... I caused problems between you two." I said instead of giving in to my desire to touch his face that was so close to me now.

"No, you didn't." he said in a firm voice. "Don't ever say that."

I nodded looking down at the floor.

"Come, let's eat something." He said with a warmer tone now. He took my hands and gently pulled me up pulling me along towards the kitchen.

"But what do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Don't worry, just go sit."

I sat down at the table confused and waited, wiping the final tears that were still on my face. 

He came back with two plates of food and a big smile on his face.

"Eat up." He placed a plate in front of me.

"You cooked?" I said surprised as I looked at the amazing smelling food.

"Mhmm, do you think it's ok?" he asked waiting for me to take a bite.

I quickly obliged grabbing the chopsticks offered and took a taste. My eyes widened as I looked at him.

"You can cook!"

He looked at me with amused eyes. "Of course I can. So eat!" he said cheerfully. "I want to watch a movie with you later if you're up for it."

I nodded feeling ecstatic. "Of course, so you hurry and eat too."

After we finished eating we both went to wash the dishes together and clean up the mess in the kitchen, playing with soap bubbles as we did. Then we cleaned up that mess laughing like we hadn't done in a long time. Since she came into his life. I ignored this thought and pushed it out of my mind as we sat on the couch, him holding onto me as we watched a movie together.

She called like she said she would, attempting to get back on his good side but that wasn't working today apparently. He had quickly gotten off after making sure she was fine and continued hugging me. But I couldn't feel the same contentment I had a moment ago. Because that phone call proved the reality I didn't want. No matter how mad he was at her, no matter how much he had defended me, it was still clear that he loved her, not me...

Now the arms holding me suddenly felt like restraints, the hold he had on my heart was almost painful now. But as I tried to get up and he playfully kept me down, I knew I could never escape these feelings. Even those small kisses, the whispered words, the warmth shared, were empty promises of a heart I could never have.

Aww... I feel like this chapter was sad U_U

POOR KEY Dx *sob*

Ok, I was going to rant more but... Wow I just got yelled to go to bed Dx We're going to see my new baby cousin tomorrow... no wait... it's 1:32AM, so... today! LOL So yeah! I must go~

Hope you guys enjoyed ^-^

Please comment, suscribe, criticize if you must ^^;

Until my next rant,


P.S: Hope you enjoyed the video!♥

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***newest blog, omg =_=


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Im still wondering if you'll ever update..... If your not please let us at least know...
AudrayLiAr #2
Chapter 7: YAH! First, you're saying drama's coming up and then, you don't update again for years! Literally! :(
NOT happy about that! But I hope you're going to update again, because you started it, now you should end it.
Plus I, and I think a lot of people does, really, really,... reeeally like this idea.
I promise, if you update I'll write at least one comment to each following chapter!
And I'll give you all my love! So, please? Cheonmaneyo!
Chapter 7: Wow have this story been so long since you updated??? Authornim please update !!!! I like the story a lot please update please ^^ hope u do and stay sttrong
waterneeded #4
fhdsija kyaaaaah!
Chapter 7: Pleeeease update soooon~~!!! TT__TT
mybananamilk #6
thank god you updated~~!
i was waiting for this kekeke
will there be 2min????
omg omg there should be
thank you for the update!!! <3
and update SOON okay~~~? ^^
chubbymorie #7
welcome back!!!
thankz 4 d update!!!
chenn... are you lonely cuz of me too? ;A;
I'm sorry yeobo ;n; ♥

P.S. spelling errors (;
yay an update!!! welcome back :D:D:D
aww hope key gets well soon!! it to be sick. though i always hope to fall sick so i wouldn't have to go to school, i always regret my words when that happens. lol XD
btw, did you get a new com/laptop?? i remembered you saying that your younger sibling broke your old one...