Blind, Deaf, and Just Plain Stupid

Love Is Blind... Annoyingly So.


Hi-yeum you guys!~ 

AHHHHHH It's been so long!!!

Guess what?! I come back.... as an 18year old!!! yaaaaay

My birthday was the 24th :)

Hehehe... I'm an adult xD

Alright! So... As an adult... I apologize for being gone so long ._.

Truthfully... I got absorbed into Korean Dramas D:

Seriously... this whole summer... If I wasn't with friends or cleaning the house... I was watching these addicting dramas... Yep.

So ANYWAYS! I've kept you waiting more than long enough D:

So here for you guys... Is a 9 page chapter! :D


Chapter 5: Blind, Deaf, and Just Plain Stupid

Jonghyun's P.O.V:

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing in my ear. I frowned with my eyes still shut as I reached around blindly to grab the phone. Too tired to check who was calling, I picked up.

"Yeoboseyo?" I asked in a tired and slightly irritated voice.

"Jonghyun? It's Se Kyung." I heard her say softly.

I refrained from letting out a sigh and nodded as I tried to open my eyes. "Mm, what is it?" I asked in a tired voice.

"Well, why haven't you spoken to me? Or answered my calls? Or my texts even? I was worried..." She asked with a stronger tone of voice.

I rubbed my eyes lazily and sighed as I thought of how to respond. "I'm an adult, you don't have to worry about me. And I haven't answered because I've been busy. Besides, I'm still mad you know."

"You're mad?" She asked harshly, suddenly changing her approach. "I'm still mad. But I'm the only one making an effort to fix this even though it was entirely your fault!" 

I closed my eyes again and fell back on my bed gently. I didn't need this at -I glanced at the clock- 7:30 in the morning. I realized we all had schedules as well. I sighed and listened quietly as she fumed loudly in my ear. Realizing there was no point in me going deaf; I put the phone down beside me. I could still hear her clearly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 

After 5 minutes of this, I felt my head start to pound.


I turned around in my bed and looked down at Minho who was sleepily glaring at me.

"I can't sleep with the screaming. We have an all day schedule too... Please?" 

"I agree with Minho-ah." I heard Key say from his bed, but his back was to me so I couldn't see his face.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

I turned back to my phone which still had complaints coming out of it. I picked it up not really wanting to speak but wanting to end her pointless rant as well. 

"Se Kyung." I interrupted.

"What?" She asked angrily.

"You're waking up the whole house. I need to get ready anyways so I'm getting off." I sat up as I spoke.

"I don't believe you." She said. How childish could someone be?

"That's fine if you don't, but I'm still getting off." I replied in a tired voice.

"Why though?" I closed my eyes in an attempt to contain the frustration I was feeling.

"Because. I need to get ready." I answered slowly. "Goodbye Se Kyung." I hung up as I heard her start to argue again. She could go relax on her own. 

I slowly slid off the bed and headed to the washroom to wash up. I decided I could make some breakfast to make up for disturbing everyone's sleep.

I walked out and found Key sitting at the counter with his head buried in his arms. I walked closer and smiled at his messed up hair sticking out in different directions.
I laughed lightly under my breath. "How do you always make me smile without even trying?"

I patted his head softly and for once he didn't wake up. Huh, he was usually a light sleeper. I shrugged it off and walked towards the fridge to start making the breakfast.

I took out some leftovers and began to create something I wasn't really sure of, but I always managed to make something good. I turned back towards the counter and jumped slightly when I saw Key awake and watching me with a small smile on his face.

He was still resting his head on his arms. I recovered and smiled at him.

"How long have you been up?" I asked still moving around the kitchen.

"Hmm... The whole time?" He answered. I turned around to look at him to see him smiling.

"Really?" I asked surprised. 

"Mhmm, since the phone began ringing."

"Ohh..." My smile faded and I glanced up at Key who was looking at me with concern.

"Things haven't improved with her?" He asked softly.

I shook my head and smiled at him as best I could. "No." As I talked I served him my creation and placed it in front of him.

"Will I die?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 

"It's very unlikely." I said with my own smirk.

He took a small bite and smiled. "It's good. Wow Jjong." 

I smiled, proud that he enjoyed it. I served myself a plate and began to eat across from him in silence.

I looked glanced up and saw him looking at me with an expression I couldn’t decipher. For a moment I mentally battled with myself if I should ask him about our conversation from last time. “Ki-” I stopped talking as I heard shuffling coming towards us.
Taemin shuffled over to us half conscious with a small smile on his face. “Morning hyungs.”

“Good morning Taeminnie.” Kibum happily greeted him, patting the spot beside him.

I sighed at the interruption but I very well couldn’t blame Taemin.

“Hey, want some food?” I asked him.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he echoed Kibum’s words from earlier. “Will I die?”

Kibum smirked almost proudly and patted down Taemin’s disheveled hair. “I haven’t yet, don’t worry.”

The baby of our family smiled and nodded enthusiastically. I got up from my spot and served him a plate and brought it to him.

“Thanks Hyung.”

I mumbled back a reply as I carelessly shoved some food in my mouth.

As we finished eating, Jinki Hyung and Minho walked out of our room and went to serve themselves without a word.

“You really aren’t morning people are you?” Kibum asked teasingly as they robotically came and sat with us.

“Ya…” Minho said with sleep evident in his voice. “… Shut up…” He grumbled placing food in his mouth.

Jinki Hyung soundlessly ate as we all laughed at the two.

After being picked up from my schedule, I sat in the van scrolling through over 60 texts messages from Se Kyung accompanied by the 27 missed calls.

13:27, Today:  Why aren’t you answering?

13:29, Today:If you don’t answer this next call, we’re through.

13:35, Today:Ok baby, maybe I was wrong…

13:44, Today:Can we talk? Please?

14:00, Today:Kim Jonghyun, I am sick of this!

I rolled my eyes at her mood swings and threw the phone on the seat just as it lit up and vibrated indicating a call from the devil herself.

“Aishh!” I groaned in annoyance and looked out the window in hopes of escaping.

“Jonghyun?” Manager Hyung called from the driver’s seat.

“Ye Hyung?”

“Are you alright? What’s bothering you?” He asked with concern in his voice.

“No, nothing.” I replied in an attempt to brush off his concern.

“Ya, you trying to lie to your Hyung? Kids these days... Araso, don’t tell me. Maybe Kibum will get it out of you.”

“Kibum will probably be asleep by the time we get to the dorm, that’s not a problem.” I mumbled more to myself than him.

“What are you talking about Jonghyun? We’re on our way to pick him up now.”

“Huh?” I asked sitting straight in my seat.

“Not so cool now, hmm Bling?” He said with a teasing smile.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat not bothering to answer. A few minutes later we stopped in front of a broadcast building and parked while Hyung dialed Kibum telling him we were outside.

He hung up after a moment and then turned in his seat to face me. He fiddled with his phone as he watched me.

“… Hyung?”

“Last chance; really don’t want to talk to me?” He asked.

I smiled gently but shook my head. “I’m really fine Hyung. Just stressed.”

“I don’t believe that for a second but alright. Your choice after all.” He answered as he turned back in his seat. “Oh, there he is.” he mumbled looked at the entrance where Kibum was walking out.

:Hyung, you won’t tell Key right? I don’t want to worry him.”

“Ye, I won’t tell.”

“Thanks.” I smiled gratefully as Kibum came around and sat a seat away from me, apparently not noticing my presence.

“Thanks for the pick-up Hyung.” He said smiling towards our manager.

“Not a problem.” He replied. “You two want to pass by picking up some food before we head back to the dorm?” He questioned looking at us through the mirror.

“Two?” Kibum asked confused. He turned in his seat and smiled brightly as he finally saw me. “Jjong! Why are you hiding from me?”

I chuckled as he slid over and closed the gap between us. “I didn’t hide, you just didn’t notice me.”

“Sorry, I’m just tired.” He silently rested leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around him and rested my head in his enjoying the feeling.

A loud and obviously meant to interrupt cough made us jump.

“You two done?” Hyung said in a clearly amused voice. “You never answered my question, food?”

Kibum slipped out of my arms and sat up straight as he spoke. “Yes please Hyung.” he looked down at his hands with a look of sadness on his face. I raised my arm to touch his face, but never managed to do it. I was in need of comforting my friend, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, although I had done it countless times in the past. I couldn’t understand this gap between us that we both were contributing to lately.

I slowly let my arm fall to my side, but I couldn’t help but feel cold without him in my arms.

After Hyung had dropped us off, we ate with the others giving them the food we had brought them. Everyone quickly ate and went to bed leaving me alone with my thoughts. After staring at it for a while, I grabbed the laptop that had been left on the couch and set it in front of me comfortably. I opened it slowly, for some reason feeling guilty about what I was doing. I looked around one last time before opening up the browser and going to YouTube. I quickly typed in ‘JongKey’ and pressed enter when the Internet decided to lag. I sighed and leaned back against the couch to wait.


I quickly jumped and turned around to face Minho who was watching me in confusion.

I collected myself and cleared my throat smiling at him. “Minho-ah? Why are you still awake?” I asked in what I hoped was a calm voice.

“I wanted some water. How come you’re still up?” He countered coming to stand beside me.

“Just messing around online.” I answered opening a new tab before he could see exactly what I was doing.

“You’re not hacking Taemin’s account again, are you?” He accused teasingly.

I chuckled and relaxed again after being so tense and shook my head. “I swear I’m not.” I raised my right hand and gave him my best smile.

Minho simply rolled his eyes and walked towards the kitchen. “I’m not a fan-girl Hyung, that smile won’t work on me. Nice try though.”

I lowered my hand and hid my YouTube window which was still loading painfully slowly and stood up to stretch.

“Worth a shot.” I mumbled and went to lean on the counter. He poured himself a glass of water and turned to look at me with speculating eyes.

“What?” I asked looking at him.

“Nothing much... Sort of had a question for you, but it’s ok.”

“What is it?” I asked leaning forward curiously.

Minho looked at me for a moment before rubbing the back of his head. He leaned across the counter towards me and looked at the bedroom door once before turning back to me and speaking to me in a low voice.

“It’s kind of… Weird.” He mumbled looking down.

I looked at him confused. “I’m sure it’s not as big a deal as you’re thinking it is right now. Just tell me.” I put on an encouraging smile and waited patiently until he felt he could talk.

He looked at me with a pained look but looked down and merely took a sip of his water. I sighed mentally and walked around to pat his back and grab a glass of water myself.

I turned back to see Minho now on the floor leaning against the counter, his head in between his knees. I silently joined him.

“Hyung?” He broke the silence between us and I looked at him.


“If you love someone… How does it feel?”

I was taken aback for a moment but regrouped myself and thought about it. “I think… That… I can’t answer that…” I said softly.

Now he looked at me confused. “But… Why not?”

“It’s… different for each person I think… But… When you love someone, you’ll know it. It’s not something you need to think about. It’s your heart, not your mind. Love is not something we can predict or force or control Minho…”

I turned to look at him when he didn’t speak. He was staring at the floor. “… Love has no restrictions?” He asked still staring at the ground.

“What do you mean ‘restrictions’?”

“Like… Age or nationality or distance or… Or gender?” He questioned, his voice cracking at the end.

“Gender?” I echoed looking at him.

He finally looked up at me, that same look of pain on his face. “Is hiding your love for someone better than telling them and losing them forever?”

“I can’t answer that for you Minho-ah… But you don’t know that you’ll lose them if you never say anything.”

“… He looks up to me… What would he think of me if I were to suddenly say I’m in love with him?”

I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say anymore.

“… Hyung do you love Se Kyung-ssi?”

“… Why do you want to know that?”

“Because I don’t think you do.”

I turned to look at him. “What do you mean?”

He continued looking at the floor as he spoke. “You said love is different for each person but… I think there’s something that every person has when they’re in love… No matter what.”

“… What’s that?”

He finally looked away from the floor and stared at me intensely. “I can’t explain it… But it’s… something that surrounds that person. A feeling or… Aura? Hyung, you have that feeling around you.”

“So then why-”

“It’s not for her. It’s for someone else.”

“You can’t know that.” I mumbled looking down at the floor, unable to handle his gaze.

“No, that’s true… But you do.” I looked back up at him only to see him standing up. “Thank you Hyung.”

“For the talk?”

“Yes that, but… Also for not judging me.” He smiled gently and placed his glass in the sink before walking towards the bedroom.

I took my time standing up but called out to him before he could go into the room.

“Hyung?” he asked turning back to me.

“Definitely no restrictions.” I said smiling.

A kind smile crossed his face. “I hope so… I think you should remember that too Hyung.”

“What? Why?” I asked sitting down at the couch and placing the laptop on my lap again.

“Just in case… Your mind should be open to anything right? Good night Hyung.”

“G’night.” I mumbled staring at my YouTube page. I scrolled through several videos until I clicked one that caught my attention.

As I watched it, something inside me seemed to react. I smiled sadly and shut off the computer placing it to one side on the couch. I stood up slowly and walked towards the bedroom. I opened the door and glanced in the direction of his bed. The small amount of moonlight wasn’t enough for me to see anything more than his figure. I walked slowly towards the bed and tried my best to see his sleeping face.

My eyes finally adjusted to the low light and I could make out his eyes, his nose, his lips… Gently, hoping I wouldn’t wake him, I touched his cheek, wanting more but knowing that was all I could afford to do.

“How could I have been this stupid not to see?” I whispered. Getting no response, I slowly pulled away and climbed into bed.

I sighed, “’love has no restrictions…’ I hope so.” I closed my eyes, and slowly surrendered to sleep, letting that hope drift in my mind.


Am I up to your expectations people???._.

You must tell me in the comments ok?? 

I think I lost a lot of you guys u.u which is my own fault but still!

I missed you guys D:

Suscribe and comment ok?? :)


I shall be updating as often as possible now :) But! I am in university.. so... Be understanding too please :)

So...just comment, talk to me guys :)

And until next time,


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***newest blog, omg =_=


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Im still wondering if you'll ever update..... If your not please let us at least know...
AudrayLiAr #2
Chapter 7: YAH! First, you're saying drama's coming up and then, you don't update again for years! Literally! :(
NOT happy about that! But I hope you're going to update again, because you started it, now you should end it.
Plus I, and I think a lot of people does, really, really,... reeeally like this idea.
I promise, if you update I'll write at least one comment to each following chapter!
And I'll give you all my love! So, please? Cheonmaneyo!
Chapter 7: Wow have this story been so long since you updated??? Authornim please update !!!! I like the story a lot please update please ^^ hope u do and stay sttrong
waterneeded #4
fhdsija kyaaaaah!
Chapter 7: Pleeeease update soooon~~!!! TT__TT
mybananamilk #6
thank god you updated~~!
i was waiting for this kekeke
will there be 2min????
omg omg there should be
thank you for the update!!! <3
and update SOON okay~~~? ^^
chubbymorie #7
welcome back!!!
thankz 4 d update!!!
chenn... are you lonely cuz of me too? ;A;
I'm sorry yeobo ;n; ♥

P.S. spelling errors (;
yay an update!!! welcome back :D:D:D
aww hope key gets well soon!! it to be sick. though i always hope to fall sick so i wouldn't have to go to school, i always regret my words when that happens. lol XD
btw, did you get a new com/laptop?? i remembered you saying that your younger sibling broke your old one...