
Love Is Blind... Annoyingly So.

Hi-yeum you guys!!!! 

OMG I've missed you all!!!

I realize I've been gone for a while... but guess what?!?!?!

Jenny graduated high school!!! With lotsa awards! xD I'm so happy!~

And I can FINALLY FINALLY! Get back to writing my fics without worrying about a stupid essay ^o^

So Hopefully you all say hi to me in the comments o-o Cuz I wanna talk to you guys~ xD

I knwo you've all been waiting very long Dx So I'll talk to you at the bottom!~ :)

Chapter 4: Questions

Jonghyun’s P.O.V:

It was two days since Se Kyung and I had fought. I still hadn’t called, but that didn’t mean she didn’t. I still had schedules so thankfully I had an excuse as to why I wasn’t calling.

“Hyung,” Minho called me snapping out of my thoughts as I sat in my seat dazed. We were on our way back from the filming of our Japanese video after being there for the past 48 hours or so.

“Ye Minho?” I asked looking at the boy seated in front of me.

“Your phone’s ringing, don’t you hear it?”  He asked pointing to the device on my lap.

I looked down at it and stared at it willing it to stop ringing. It did. I looked back up and shrugged, “guess I missed it.”

Taemin who was sitting beside me grabbed the phone and took it unlocking it and going to the main screen. “Hyung, it was Se Kyung-sshi. Are you going to call her back?”

I sighed and shook my head leaning back against the headrest. “Too tired, I’ll call her later.”

“You seem to be avoiding her lately,” Hyung commented making me look up.

“What?” I asked dumbly.

“Did you get in a fight with her? You keep missing her calls, you always say you’re going to call her back but don’t… Is there something wrong?” He asked turning from the front passenger seat to look at me.

I glanced around the van at everyone inside. Taemin was playing a game on my phone, thankfully not listening, Hyung was looking at me with a curious face, Minho was looking out the window but I’m sure he was listening… And Key… Key who was on the other side of Taemin wouldn’t look directly at me, but I noticed the worried glances he threw at me.

“No, nothing’s wrong, just too tired lately. I explained that to her but I guess she doesn’t understand that yet.” I shrugged and prayed that Hyung would drop the subject.

“Ok then,” I cheered mentally as he surrendered. “Just talk to us if anything.”

“Of course Hyung.” I smiled receiving a smile back before he turned back to look at the road ahead.

“Aishh! I always lose! Hyung is this game rigged?” Taemin asked frowning and waving my phone in front of my face. I grabbed his wrist to stop him from moving and looked at the screen. It said ‘you lose’ and showed a weird dinosaur sticking out its tongue at the player.

I laughed gently and shook my head. “I win that all the time, even Minho plays it.”

Minho turned at the sound of his name and glanced at the phone before looking at me. “Dinosaur game?” I nodded smiling. He smirked and turned towards Taemin, “I have the high score on that.”

Taemin looked at him in disbelief before pulling away from my grasp to go to the menu of the game. A few seconds later he reacted to finding the high score. “No way! I hate this game, here Hyung.”

He handed me my phone back with a pout before closing his eyes and falling asleep between me and Key. Slowly his head tipped over as we hit a small bump and landed on my shoulder. I grabbed a sweater that was on my lap and carefully lifted his head to put it between my shoulder and his head so he would be more comfortable.

I smiled at the innocent maknae and slowly looking up to see Key watching me silently.

“Hi,” I mouthed so I wouldn’t wake Taemin up.

 “Hi,” he mouthed back smiling gently. He looked away after a while and looked out the window with a peaceful expression.

I stared at his reflection for a while; something in his eyes was bothering me. After a few moments I realized I wouldn’t be able to tell what it was through his reflection. I sighed internally and looked down. The first thing that caught my eye was my phone. I glanced over at Key; his phone was in his lap as while.

I grabbed my phone, placing it on vibrate and began typing a message to Key. I didn’t need to worry about his ringer since he always kept it on vibrate. I sent my message quickly and waited.

It took a few seconds but I knew when he received it. He jumped slightly when the vibration startled him and went to grab it quickly. He glanced at the phone and then turned to look at me confused.

I smiled and waved my hand motioning him to read it.

He nodded, his eyebrows still furrowed in confusion. He looked at his phone now and was apparently reading so I looked away waiting for an answer.

I glanced down at my own phone and reread the message I had sent.

Is there something wrong? Are you feeling alright?

As I was reading it for the 5th time, my phone vibrated signaling that he had sent a message back. I quickly opened it up and read.

I’m fine… Why do you ask?

I looked over at him; he was staring out the window now, his phone firmly in his hand.

You seem tense… And just fine? That doesn’t sound good to me… Did I say something that bothered you?

I waited expecting him to take a moment, but it barely took a minute for him to reply.

No you didn’t, and really? I seem tense? Since when?

I looked up and he was looking at me questioningly. I smiled gently hoping he would relax but the worried expression on his face remained. I turned back to my phone.

I’m not sure, but you seem upset. Please tell me if something’s bothering you… You can’t hide it from me forever. I’ll find out eventually.

I waited scrolling through my phone menu aimlessly when I heard a scoff from beside me. I glanced up and Key was smirking as he looked at his phone. He must’ve realized how loud he was since he looked up and noticed three sets of eyes on him.

“Kibum? You ok?” Onew Hyung asked looking at him curiously through the mirror.

His face turned light pink and he nodded. “Ye, sorry Hyung.” He turned and glared at me. I looked at him surprised but I couldn’t help but smile.

He frowned and rolled his eyes turning to his phone typing furiously. I coughed lightly trying to cover my laugh but he still looked up and glared once before going back to his phone. After a few seconds of typing he looked up and smiled looking like he just won. My phone vibrated and I opened the message cautiously.

Ahaha. Very funny. You embarrassed me! =3= And really? You think you’d find out? I really doubt it~ The Almighty Key can definitely keep a secret ;) Besides, I’m sure you’ll forget about this within a few hours. So don’t worry…

I reread the last line a few times. Something about it kept nagging me. It was important… But stupid me, I can’t understand these hidden messages. I stared at it a few more moments when I felt shaking beside me. I looked up startled and saw Key gently shaking Taemin awake.

“Taeminnie… We’re home. Wake up please.” He soothingly spoke to Taemin and I found myself entranced by the sound of his voice.

“Hyung?” I turned my attention away from Key to look up at Minho who looked at me weirdly. “Are you alright? You seem out of it.”

I blinked a few times before smiling. I shook my head, “I’m fine, just thinking.”

He smiled, “you seem to be doing a lot of that lately.”

I shrugged my free shoulder, “Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”

He chuckled, “Apparently. See you upstairs Hyung.” He slid out of the car and joined Hyung who was stretching a bit away from the car.

I looked back towards Key who seemed a bit irritated now that Taemin wouldn’t wake up.

“Let’s try something.” I half whispered. He looked up quickly and seemed confused but nodded. “Sit back down.” He listened sitting with his back against the seat. I carefully grabbed Taemin’s head and moved it over so it would rest on Key’s shoulder and got up, sliding out of the car.

“Are you leaving?” He asked sounding half panicked.

I smiled, “of course not. Here, slide him over and I’ll give him a piggyback ride upstairs.” With difficultly and with my instructions, he managed to get Taemin on my back and I lifted myself up with Taemin on me. He slid out of the car, and we both thanked the manager before turning to follow Minho and Hyung who had gone on ahead.

“Isn’t he heavy?” Key asked as we walked towards the entrance of our building.

“Of course he is. But we can’t very well leave him there and we failed to wake him up.”

“You’ll hurt your back though… And is your leg fine?”

I looked at him confused, “What? My leg’s been fine for a while now. I’ve had plenty of rest.”

“Ye, but the extra weight… Isn’t that a strain on you?”

I shrugged or at least attempted to. “It’s fine, don’t worry so much Key.” I glanced over and saw him frowning. I stopped walking and turned towards him.

“Jjong?” He said confused.

“Key… Why won’t you tell me what’s bothering you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re allowed to worry about me, but I can’t worry about you… That’s not how best friends act.”

“Are you mad?” He asked cautiously.

I shook my head. “No, but I’m hurt… I guess if you won’t tell me, I’ll let it go though. Can’t force you.” I turned around and began walking into the building when he grabbed onto my shirt making me stop.

“I’m sorry… Please don’t walk away like that...” I turned back after hearing the trembling in his voice and saw the look on his face. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. I always seemed to be making him cry lately.

“Key… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“Is it my fault that you’re not speaking to Shin Se Kyung? Is it my fault that you always seem to be in thought lately? Did I cause problems for you? Everything seems different after that day. Am I the reason you feel the need to hide the fight from the others? So they won’t accuse me of creating problems? It’s killing me… Jjong, I want you to be happy and you don’t seem happy lately… Am I to blame?...” His voice cracked on the last word and I stared at him in shock.

“Key…I- I don’t know what to-“

“Hyung!” We both turned surprised and looked at Minho who was holding the door open for us. “What happened to you two? It’s been ten minutes. Onew Hyung and I thought you were kidnapped by insane fan girls or something.”

“A-ah, sorry Minho-ah. We got absorbed into a conversation. Jonghyun, Taemin must be heavy, let’s go and get him in bed.” Key said with a smile I knew was fake.

I put on my own fake smile and nodded. “Ye, of course. Let’s go.” I followed behind Key and Minho who walked ahead of me. Key was telling Minho something with a big smile on his face. I wanted to believe that it was a true smile but the look in his eyes told me otherwise. 

They were red, probably from holding back his tears a moment ago, and his eyes were still glistening with those same tears. I sighed loudly without intending to and Minho glanced back while Key continued speaking unaware of me at the moment. 

He raised an eyebrow at me and motioned towards Key, possibly noticing the same thing I was thinking about. I shook my head and smiled gently to reassure him. He looked at me one last time and then turned to continue talking to Key, who stopped in front of the elevator, both of us noticing the shaking of his hand as he pressed the button.

When we reached the dorm, I walked in and placed Taemin in his bed. He moved trying to get comfortable and then remained fast asleep. I smiled and moved his hair out of his face before turning off the light and shutting the door behind me.

"Is he asleep?" I turned to the source of the sound and nodded.

"Yeah he is, like a baby. Were you worried?" I asked smiling.

Minho smirked, "just worried you might have dropped him. I was freaking out the whole way up here."

I pouted, "Hey I'm offended. I'm strong..." 

He laughed once before slowly turning to look at me seriously. Automatically I turned to attention, knowing Minho always had reasons behind saying something.

"What's going on with Key?" He asked glancing behind him to make sure no one was listening.

Key was in the kitchen with Hyung so I looked at Minho to answer.

"I'm not really sure... But don't worry; I was talking to him before you came. I'll talk to him and make sure that it's fixed."

"If you say so. I've been wondering since you guys were texting each other in the car."

"How'd you know about that?" I asked confused.

He shrugged, "I'm that good. Keep an eye on him."

"I will, don't worry." I replied nodding, already formulating plans to get Key alone so we could talk.

"Hey! What are you two doing over there?" Key called from the kitchen.

"Nothing~" We both called out. I gave Minho a small nudge and smiled as I led the way to the living room.

Hyung was coming in at the same time as us, a plate of food in his hands.

"Hya, Kibum made food. Go get some if you want." He pointed towards the kitchen before sitting down to eat.

"No, I'm good. I'm just going to go to bed. Good night hyungs. Good night Key!" Minho called before turning towards the bedroom.

Both Onew Hyung and I said good night and I walked towards the kitchen.

Key was washing dishes with his back towards me. I glanced at the stove; he had made a mini feast. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Do you need help?" I asked standing beside him with my hands in my pockets.

He looked to his left at me and smiled. "No, I'm fine. I served food for you, go eat."

I looked behind me and saw the plate of food I hadn't noticed the first time.

"Oh thank you. Are you eating?" 

He shook his head still concentrating on the dishes. "Nope."

"What? Why not?"

"... My stomach's hurting."

"Since when? You were fine a little while ago." 

"It was bothering me for a while, it's just getting a bit worse..."

"Oh." I said dumbly. We stood there in silence for a while. "Key." I finally said.


"About earlier, we need to talk about it." He didn't react at all so I took it as a sign to continue. "I don't want you to think-"

"What are you guys doing in here?" 

I turned towards Onew Hyung a little irritated. 

"We were just talking. Jjong was keeping me company while I washed dishes." Key smoothly answered.

"Oh, well come eat Jonghyun. We need to go to bed soon."

"Ye Hyung..." I mumbled as he passed me my plate of food and ushered me to the table.

I looked back and saw him talking with Key happily while Key simply nodded keeping him satisfied.

I thought back to a few of the JongKey videos I had watched last night. I smiled with just a slight bit of bitterness. 

"He's always butting into JongKey moments..." I mumbled as I shoved some food in my mouth.


Onew s that Jonghyun was thinking about are below! xDDDD tell me your fav :) I love Dubu Onew!♥

Ahh... hehehe you gotta love Onew and his blocking out Jongkey xD Alrighty :) Hopefully you enjoyed ._. I finished this chapter a long.... long... LONG time ago... But school and i got really really sick for like 2 weeks ;-;... and well... Jenny has boy problems now ._. I don't know what to think Dx I need help ._.

But anyways! Comment and hopefully you guys didn't forget about me ;-; I'll update more often from now on :) Promise! But you gotta comment and let me know you're still there :) Love you guys!~

Until my next rant (Which will be soon!),


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***newest blog, omg =_=


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Im still wondering if you'll ever update..... If your not please let us at least know...
AudrayLiAr #2
Chapter 7: YAH! First, you're saying drama's coming up and then, you don't update again for years! Literally! :(
NOT happy about that! But I hope you're going to update again, because you started it, now you should end it.
Plus I, and I think a lot of people does, really, really,... reeeally like this idea.
I promise, if you update I'll write at least one comment to each following chapter!
And I'll give you all my love! So, please? Cheonmaneyo!
Chapter 7: Wow have this story been so long since you updated??? Authornim please update !!!! I like the story a lot please update please ^^ hope u do and stay sttrong
waterneeded #4
fhdsija kyaaaaah!
Chapter 7: Pleeeease update soooon~~!!! TT__TT
mybananamilk #6
thank god you updated~~!
i was waiting for this kekeke
will there be 2min????
omg omg there should be
thank you for the update!!! <3
and update SOON okay~~~? ^^
chubbymorie #7
welcome back!!!
thankz 4 d update!!!
chenn... are you lonely cuz of me too? ;A;
I'm sorry yeobo ;n; ♥

P.S. spelling errors (;
yay an update!!! welcome back :D:D:D
aww hope key gets well soon!! it to be sick. though i always hope to fall sick so i wouldn't have to go to school, i always regret my words when that happens. lol XD
btw, did you get a new com/laptop?? i remembered you saying that your younger sibling broke your old one...