Guilty Heart

Love Is Blind... Annoyingly So.

Hi-yeum guys!~

I'm so happy to see so many people interested in this story!!

Thanks to all my people from my previous Jongkey story ^-^♥ 

And welcome to all the newcomers!♥

So, without further ado...

The first chapter!~

*** Sorry for anyone who already read!! I completely forgot my lil' bonus Dx Soo... Enjoy the videos (Yes, they are actual ones) that Jonghyun was watching! All credits for the videos go to the proper owners :)


Chapter 1: Guilty Heart

Jonghyun's P.O.V:

"Dammit, why do I agree to this?" I whispered out loud to myself.

I opened the door to the dorm as silently as possible and went in. The dorm was pitch black. Was everyone already sleeping? I pulled my phone out and glanced at the time; it was 1:47am...

"No wonder..." I muttered to myself.

I sighed and went to check the bedroom. I slowly popped my head in through the open door. Everyone was already sleeping. I looked towards my top bunk; I wouldn't be able to get up there without waking anybody... I walked in and grabbed my blanket with my pillow and quickly walked out. 

I put my stuff on the couch and walked into the kitchen for a glass of water. I leaned against the counter for a while looking around for something to do. I couldn't watch TV… That would wake them up.

I walked back into the living room still trying to figure out what to do when I noticed Key's laptop on the couch. He wouldn't mind if I borrowed it.

I felt around in my pockets looking for my earphones with no luck. I grabbed my bag and I found them in one of the small pockets. I smiled triumphant and grabbed the laptop.

'Should I watch a drama? No... I want something funny...' I debated with myself for a while until I decided to look up stuff on YouTube about us.

I plugged in my earphones and got comfortable on the couch with the laptop resting on my stomach. 

'Who should I look up first?...' I typed in SHINee first and got our music videos, a few shows we were on and I finally decided on watching 'Hello Baby.' 

I watched a few clips and I found a link of Yoogeun dancing to Lucifer. I smiled and watched a few videos of him suddenly missing him a lot. I decided to stop and made a mental note to talk to the others about seeing Yoogeun soon.

I found links to Onew Hyung and clicked them laughing quietly at his sangtae. Slowly, I noticed links appearing of all of us. I clicked a few and smiled at some of the comments. The fans noticed so many little details. 

I stared confused at one of the comments saying JongKey.

“What the hell's JongKey?” I scrolled further down the comments but found nothing more on it.

I frowned curious about it now. I scrolled back up the page and opened a new tab.
I opened up a search engine and typed JongKey into it. Several links popped up and I clicked the first one. It was a Shawol's website and it had a picture of me and Key together with 'JongKey is love' written under it. 

I pressed back and continued looking through the links until I found what I was looking for.

'JongKey is an OTP coupling Jonghyun and Key from the Korean group SHINee together.' I read it a few times and quickly looked up OTP and smiled. 

"I get it..." I said quietly with a smile. I continued looking through the OTPs in SHINee but I noticed JongKey kept appearing more and more. 

I got out of the search engine and went back to my YouTube page. I quickly typed in JongKey and found several links titled 'JongKey moments.' I even found a channel dedicated to it. 

Amused, I clicked the channel link and chose the first moment there. It was a clip from our Yuhanam show when Key and I were talking to the camera. I smiled remembering it. 

**This is the first moment: 

I continued looking through the links and I started scrolling through the comments. I hadn't realized how small details were blown out of proportion. Some of the acts I hadn't realized I had done. I admit to doing some fan service in the past but I never thought they would notice the small things. I watched some of the clips and replayed them not even knowing what the 'moment' was.

I frowned as one of the comments under a video bothered me. I struggled with the English but managed to understand after translating the words I didn't know.

They had a conversation in the comments about Key being sad or hurt and different after my going out with Se Kyung was announced. Some fans had said they were over thinking it while others argued saying that it's too much of a coincidence that Key was acting this way at the same time we were announced. They had even left a link of 'proof.' 

I couldn't help but click it and watched a Hello performance that was focused on Key. 
His expression was sad; I had no way of denying it. I tried to remember that day and couldn't remember Key telling me something was wrong. I continued watching the video and watched confused when I entered it and hadn't noticed Key's demeanor. I watched as Key's eyes had seemed to avoid mine whenever I glanced at him or tried to get his attention. I didn't even finish the video when I quickly changed it not wanting to see Key like that anymore.

Sad Video T^T:

Even though I changed the video to a happier one, his face from the last video was etched in my mind. Curious to find more on the subject, I continued reading comments in the videos. I felt guilt enter me when I read some of the new comments.

'It's been a while since I've seen Key this happy... SHINee just doesn't seem the same anymore... :('

More and more of these types of comments appeared throughout the videos, increasing the heavy feeling in my chest.

Was it true what they were saying?

Did these fans really notice these small details that I hadn't even noticed?

My mind wandered as I wondered if it was obvious to the others in the group as well.

I bit my lip considering for a few minutes and then went to the history of all the videos I had watched, the searches of JongKey, even the translations I had done and erased them all. 

I shut the laptop off and got up slowly while rubbing my eyes. I carefully placed the laptop back where I had found it and tried to leave it in the exact position as before. I hoped Key wouldn't notice it had been used. 

I stood in the middle of the living room thinking and bit my lip for what seemed like forever. I finally made up my mind and gathered up my pillow and blanket, quietly making my way to the bedroom. 

The door seemed to creak louder in the dead silence and I squinted in the dark trying to see. I felt my way to my bed and threw my pillow and blanket on top and continued walking.

I carefully made my way around to Key's bed and climbed in trying not to move the bed too much. I lied down next to Key and rested my head on the pillow next to him. I turned slowly to face him and matched his slow breathing as I watched him sleep. 

A small lock of hair fell on his face as he scrunched his nose. I wondered what he was dreaming about right now. I did my best to move it without waking him but being the light sleeper he was his eyes opened and looked at me confused.

"Jjong?" He whispered in a sleepy tone.

"Ye, it's me..."

"What are you doing? Did you just get home?" He mumbled and I saw his eyes struggling to stay open.

I nodded and slowly leaned closer snuggling into his chest. His face from the video kept appearing in my mind and I shut my eyes as I felt a single tear escape my eye.

"Jonghyun... You'll get sick like this..." I heard him mumble as he wrapped his arm around me covering me with his blanket. I felt his body heat now as I held him close.

"Sorry..." I whispered without looking at him.

"Don't worry... Sleep now." He rubbed my back gently in an attempt to soothe me, clearly confused about my behavior.

I kept my face hidden as I slowly fell asleep. He had thought I was apologizing for waking him, but I was apologizing for causing him to make such a hurt and sad face. I would ask him soon. I needed to know the truth now. I felt a tear fall out every once in a while but ignored it. I did my best to concentrate on Key’s even breathing until I slowly fell asleep tightly holding onto Key.



That was a short first chapter by my standards =.=

So I'm sorry! But this is just an intro~

So suscribe, please comment and let me know what you think and.... well the more interest I see, the sooner I update ^-^

So until my next rant,


**P.S: How do you like the poster I made?? Ahhh I just love it xDDDD Maybe I'm too confident tho ^^;**

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***newest blog, omg =_=


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Im still wondering if you'll ever update..... If your not please let us at least know...
AudrayLiAr #2
Chapter 7: YAH! First, you're saying drama's coming up and then, you don't update again for years! Literally! :(
NOT happy about that! But I hope you're going to update again, because you started it, now you should end it.
Plus I, and I think a lot of people does, really, really,... reeeally like this idea.
I promise, if you update I'll write at least one comment to each following chapter!
And I'll give you all my love! So, please? Cheonmaneyo!
Chapter 7: Wow have this story been so long since you updated??? Authornim please update !!!! I like the story a lot please update please ^^ hope u do and stay sttrong
waterneeded #4
fhdsija kyaaaaah!
Chapter 7: Pleeeease update soooon~~!!! TT__TT
mybananamilk #6
thank god you updated~~!
i was waiting for this kekeke
will there be 2min????
omg omg there should be
thank you for the update!!! <3
and update SOON okay~~~? ^^
chubbymorie #7
welcome back!!!
thankz 4 d update!!!
chenn... are you lonely cuz of me too? ;A;
I'm sorry yeobo ;n; ♥

P.S. spelling errors (;
yay an update!!! welcome back :D:D:D
aww hope key gets well soon!! it to be sick. though i always hope to fall sick so i wouldn't have to go to school, i always regret my words when that happens. lol XD
btw, did you get a new com/laptop?? i remembered you saying that your younger sibling broke your old one...