Chapter 8

Heart Shadow


K.Y Fashion Clothing Company

Sit possition: Yuri (head of the table, if you know what I mean), YoonA sit right side of him and Jessica is next to YoonA.

Yuri never take his eyes of Jessica because he is sure she is the same person he knew about sixt years ago with different name. YoonA wanna break the silent and the awkward moment so he start to talk.

- "Hyung, Since I started work at our fashion company two years ago. Jessica helped me alot and teach me about work and she has worked three years at our company." he said and smiled.

- "Where are you from?" Yuri asked her, doesn´t care what YoonA has said. YoonA and Jessica took  a glance at eachother before she replied.

- "I´m born in America but moved to Seoul, Korea eight years ago" she nervous-ly replied. ("Sooyeon is also from American but she lived in Busan,. Can it be that she lie? I can check later" Yuri thought.)

- "Then your both of parents is from America?"

- "Dae" she softy nod. It's make Yuri frowned eyebrows more. ("This is not true, her mother is from Korea, SOOYEON YOU CAN LIES HOW MUCH YOU WANT BUT I WILL FIND THE TRUE. Jessica, I´m sure you´re her!" Yuri scream in his though) He tried to clam down before continue ask her questions.

- "Where did you study? And how old are you?" it´s make her gasped a little bit and tried to think what she should answer.

- "erm.. I studied in Seoul University and I´m 25 years old"  she replied and avoid his eyes (What should I do?? If he found out about me in Seoul University, I must do something. He didn´t know what Sooyeon do after college after all and the only I need to do is make Sooyeon name to my name in the university before he find out.Geez I should know this is his company, My mistake that doesn´t  find what "K.Y" stand for!" She shout in her own though.)

- "Do you have any twin sister?" he ask curiosly

- "Ani, I don´t have any, I´m the only daughter" she softly replied.

- "Are you SURE?" he raised his voice.

- "ahem...I think we should order food first. Eat and talk is much more fun." YoonA interrupted and called a waiter. They ordered, Yuri: steak, YoonA: bibimbap and Jessica: chicken salad. Before the waiter went Yuri whispered something to him.

- "Do you know a girl name Jung Sooyeon?" he asked and glare at her.

- "Who??" YoonA asked back.

- "I asked your girlfriend" he angrily replied and still don´t take his eyes off her.

- "I´m sorry but I´m not YoonA´s girlfriend-" She didn´t finnish her sense because the food came and when the waiter is gone. "You may misunderstood"

She was about to eat her salad but smelled something that she really hate and allergy  CUCUMBER. She clech her fist and tried not to scream and put down the fork. She pretend that nothing wrong and listen to Yuri´s question.

- "Then what should I call you? Partner in the bed? or eat?" he smirked.

- "I´m married and have a child already" she replied and glare at him.

- "WHAT??" he raised his voice. When YoonA heard it, he began to sweat and palm his forehead.

She stand up to take this chance to go away from cucumber and the situation. "I´m sorry for my behaviour but if we aren´t going to talk about work. I´ll excuse myself because my son isn´t feel" she softly said and walk fast away and run when she is outside the restuarang. The brothers look at her as she walked away and after few seconds Yoona ran after her, shouting her name, but it's too late because she already started her car and started driving away. "Soyeon" Yuri whispered.

When she drive away her tears that she tried to hold back, started to fall. After ten minutes she arrived at her hotel and press number 9 in the elevator and before she went  through her front door, she brushed away her tears with her hands.

She put up a smile and went in to the living room. She saw Tiffany teach Sunny his homework.

- "Umma!!" he called when he saw her.

- "Hi Jessie, look beautiful as always" Tiffany greeted with her eye smile and turn to Sunny "Sunny-ah, can you continue your homework alone? Aunt Fany need to talk with Umma"

- "Ne"

Tiffany stand-up and took Jessica hand and pull her into the kitchen.

- "Hey Jessie, I heard that Sunny´s appa was here yesterday?" she asked and Jessica can only nod to answer.

- "That , want money again right?" she nodded again. (Tiffany didn´t either that person is her brother, everyone thought he is her husband. I´m sorry Tiff that I can´t tell you the truth, Jessica thought)

Tiffany sigh. "When will he stop bother you guys? I really hate him"

- "I don´t know too Tiff, but I already said to him not to bother us again"

- "Will he really do like y-"

Sunny voice interrupt her "Umma! Blod!

They ran into the living room and saw Sunny have really much nosebleed and fainted after few second on the table.

- "SUNNY!" they both yelled in unison. Jessica run to him and carry him up on the couch while Tiffany run to her room and grabbed her doctor bag.


A/N: How is this chapter? Feel free to comment hehe and to make clear from this chapter

Red text is Jessica thought, Blue = Yuri, Pink = Tiffany, Green = YoonA, Taeyeon = Purple

Green background text or orange text is ME =D

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Haazimah #1
Chapter 8: update
Chapter 8: please update soon
Alexndra99 #3
I hope you being well author, please update your story, i really like it?
Chapter 8: omg... what's with sunny???

i'm requesting for a longer update too
Chapter 8: aish be ok sunny ah
Chapter 8: Update soon.

Cant wait for the next chap. :)
sone1259 #7
I will update soon, maybe tomorrow or Friday :) sorry for slow update and haven't update this week. I have been busy with school test and stuff
Chapter 7: please update soon
Chapter 6: Can't wait when Yulsic meet
Update longer pease
Ches_Jung #10
Chapter 6: finally, yuri will meet with jessica