Chapter 09

12 stars: the 12th eclipse


His hands started wondering in your thigh’s going  upper.. he kissed you again in the lips BUT


*knock* *knock* *knock*


“Lilly, are you awake? Can I talk to you?” you heard D.O’s voice from the door.


Kris immediately jump off of you and groaned in annoyance.


‘who the hell!! Rrrrhhrr… is she living with a boy?’


“wait a minute oppa.. I’ll be out there in a minute” you yelled..


You sit up from the bed and grab the blanket to cover you half (you still have your underwear though). You walk to the closet and took you Night Gown when you let the blanket role down the floor Kris saw your tattoo’s from your thighs to your waist the wing tattoo in your back. He was quite amuse by it.. it was perfectly beautiful in his eyes. Too beautiful that he just wanted to make you all of his, if it weren’t for D.O disturbing the wonderful night. He stood up from the bed and flew right at your back (Kris is still wearing his brown trousers but shirtless). He silently landed on your back and immediately circled his hands in your waist and nuzzling his face on your neck.. you slightly jump in his touch but giggled when you felt his face in the sensitive spots in your neck.


“Kris” you mumbled..


“can you just sent him away.. you smell so damn good” you mumbled in your neck that sent shivers in your whole body..


“ you can still see me again though..”


“but you look so damn hot right now”


*knock* *knock* *knock*


“hey Lilly, can you move faster.. I don’t want to wake father you know.. if you wont get out in the count of five I’ll really kick this damn door”


“will you wait DO Kyungsoo.. if my door break down I’ll make sure to cut your feet” you yelled still in Kris embrace/


“your so feisty you know that? Its Hot” he whispered in your skin.


“can you please let go now Kris.. I can still see you next time..” you gently push him away then put on your night gown. Kris took his shirt and walk to the window. He sent you a flying kiss and a HOT wink before flying away back to his cottage in the hill with the other boys. You ruffled your hair before opening the door.


D.O stood in the door way before pulling you away to the barn yard.


“what are you doing D.O? where are you taking me?” you ask him.


“to the barn. I need you to see something”


“what is it?” you ask as he open the big wooden door.


He made you stand in the center of the barn and he stood far from you.


He rolled his sleeves up to elbow and did some hands stretching.


“what are you doing D.O? dancing? I would really like it see it early in the morning?” you said with a sarcastic tone.


“make fun of me all you want Lilly” he stated before stretching his feet.


“can you do it quickly? Im tired!” you said in a bored tone.


“tired? Or did you have fun in a nice hot make up session with a complete stranger?” he raised an eyebrow.


“w-what are you talking about D.O.. I was sleeping” you stutter


‘how the hell, did he sneak up on me? FREAK’ you thought


“I didn’t sneak up on you, you idiot.. did you forget that your door has a whole??? You are really stupid”


Your eyes opened with. How can you forget?!! You’re the one who broke the that whole last weak on Ahjussi’s birthday when you were drunk. You looked at him with your puppy eyes and baffled your eye lashes like a little girl.


“fine, I won’t tell appa, I don’t want him to have a heart attack too.. so now stand there and watch”


“I’AM standing here.. what do you think im doing?” you ask him likei t was the most obvious thing. Well, it was obvious though. He rolled his eyes and took a deep breathe..


He clap his hands and then spread his arms away and stomp his feet on the ground then the ground started shaking..


“WHAT IN THE DEMON'S NAME DID YOU DO!” you yelled as you tried to find your balance because the ground kept on shaking.


“there’s more.” He beamed then he raise his hands and small rocks started floating in the air..


“wait!!!” you yelled then everything stopped.


The ground stopped shaking and the levitating rocks fell on the ground.


“wow.. you made it stop” he smiled at you.

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aliahshafiqah29 #1
Chapter 15: update another chalter please
mm0923 #2
Chapter 15: more update soon pls thanks
TheCloudyOne #3
Chapter 15: I realy like this syory but the chapter 14 was a bit confusing to me otherwise i really like this story and i'm gonna wait for updates ^^
Chapter 13: Nice story :)
Chapter 6: Whoa D.O. is so shocked
Really good story