Chapter 07

12 stars: the 12th eclipse


It had been a month that you had been working for Ahjussi along with his son D.O.. you learned so many things about them. Ahjussi even told you when some guy sold D.O to him when he was still young. It made you think about Suho, he was sold too.. You remember what happened, you wanted to be mad but at the same time you felt guilty for walking away from him, he was just possessed he can’t do anything about it anyway.. But why would anyone want to do such prank?


Today, today is one of the days that you wished to spend with your father, Christmas..


The time was 10 when you can’t sleep so you sneak out of the house.


You walk and walk on the called dark alley, you usually isn’t scared walking in this part of the city but something this night was off. Something that makes you feel like you are in the edge of your seat. It made you totally uncomfortable.


10 minutes had past when you are still walking in the streets to ease up your mind, but BANG…..  a can rolled to your feet, you look at it with your curious eyes and when you tilted your head to see the direction where it was from , there stood a Man, he has this red eyes and long claws and bony wings..


“DEMON” you gasp. Slowly and steady you step backwards before running away.


Your heart was beating so fast that it feels like it would pop out from your chest any moment. After running for a long time you made a halt and hide in a certain dark Alley. You leaned in the wall and catch your breathe. And just as you were about to exhale the demon appeared right in front of you.


The demon wore a black hooded robe.. he has this long nail-like-claws, big RED eyes and a bone-looking wing.. ‘did he really use that wing to fly? I don’t think he could fly with that at all’ you thought but then shook your head immediately to shake the stupid thought away.


The Demon raises his claws and readied it to stab you. He laugh then lung his hands but it immediately froze? It was inches away from your chest when it immediately froze and shattered in to pieces.. ‘Wht the’ you stare at the demon who were screaming in pain. Then his whole body levitated in the air and begun to vaporize on its own or was control?


You drop in your knees as tears immediately drip from your eyes. You never wanted to cry but you also don’t want to die at this young age, you haven’t even gotten your revenge yet.


Crying and crying then a jacket was carefully laid in your shoulders as the owner help you stand in your feet.


“Are you okay?” he I mean they asked. They?? Yes they actually it was three boys I mean HOT boys.


“n-ne” you stutter.


“what’s your name?”


“L-Lilly.. T-Thank you by the way” you stutter and your knees where still weak.


“come on, there might be other demons lurking around”


You slightly nodded as they took you to this house at the end of a hill. (not the same hill where Suho had found you).


The cute guys opened the door and everyone entered..


Then two adorable I mean extremely cute boys run towards you.


“a-are you o-okay?” said the cute one.


“Lay hyung.. Heal her” the tall one with dark eyes yet cute ask the guy who was holding you.


“She’s not ill Tao, she is just tired and shock” he then helps you to the coach then a boy appeared. He was tall, really tall with very sharp features and very firm stand.


“What is she doing here? And you three where did you run off?!” he scolded.


“aaamm.. Sorry Hyung.. we.. we…”


“we are just strolling around hyung” Lay explain.


“Yixing, you know that you need to keep a low profile, im disappointed at you,  same goes to you Luhan and Min Seok”


The three lowered there heads and slowly sat on the same sofa as you.


“Kris Gege, you don’t need to be mean.. they just needed some fresh air.. the house is stuffy you know” Tao stated looking at Kris with his cute puppy eyes. Big mistake for Kris..


“*sigh* im sorry” he apologized because of Tao, you see Kris is a big er for aegyo’s and puppy eye anything that can be called cute.


“introduce yourself” he stared at you with cold eyes.


“gege, she is just a girl” Tao patted Kris shoulders as the elder released a sigh.


“L-Lilly imnida” you stutter because of Kris’s scary gaze.


“you don’t need to be scared, im Tao” he beamed at you.


“that’s Luhan gege, Lay gege, Xiu Min gege, Sehun, and this is Kris gege” he pointed the boys one y ne.


You nodded in understanding.


“we found her in the alley.. she pinned in the wall by..”


“by what” Kris getting curious


“well, the same weird creatures that attacked as a few days ago?” Lay answered


“a few days ago?”


“yeah.. we were walking through the shore playing when those creatured appeared out of nowhere and attack us.. good thing we can defend ourselves” Sehun smiled


“wwait.. y-you a-are a d-demon t-too” you stutter slowly baking away from them.


“not demons actually, more or like angels?” Tao smiled


“Angels are suppose to be in heaven and NICE” you emphasize the last word and glared at Kris who just scoff at you before looking away.


“wait.. a few weeks ago.. did something strange happen? Something unusual?”


“hhmm.. everything is new for us too” Lay said.


“what do you mean everything is new?”


“a few weeks ago.. Something really strange happened.. Our body started levitating and everything went black. When we woke up.. Everything around us is a mess… everything is broken or shattered” he explained


“really?” you raised an eyebrow.


‘odd.. maybe what happened to me happened to them.. like Suho’ you thought


“did you guys got some um… um.. Strange.. Tattoo’s?”


“yeah.. wait.. how did you know? Are you one of us?”


“I don’t know.. can I see your tattoo’s?”


Everyone grabbed there shirts and they showed you there tattoo’s which was located in there collarbone. Tao had an hourglass, Xiu Min has this strange looking symbol what looks like a frost. While Luhan, you really don’t recognize his symbol, Sehun has like wind that was circling, Lay has a unicorn and Kris has a Dragon.


“do you have any tattoos? Did the same thing happened to you? whats your power?”


“hhhmmm… 1st question, my tattoo’s are quite different from your actually… three far from yours.. 2nd question, im not sure and 3rd im not sure either.”


“can we see? Can we see?” Sehun Beameda t you like a kid wanting to watch his favorite super hero.


“hhmm.. you I think its better not to.. they.. they… they are quite .. ummm.. how do I say this”


“or you can just say the truth that you don’t have any” Kris cut you off.


You glared at him before rudely raising your dress up a little close in your.. you know.. but enough to let them see the chain tattoo’s in your thigh’s that was moving up to you upper body.. they watch your tattoo’s from the bottom moving slowly upper and gulp.. ‘’ they all curse in there mind looking at your milky white legs.


“excuse me?”


“what?” Kris was the first one who broke from the trance


“did you just said while looking at my thighs?” you ask raishing an eyebrow


“wait.. how.. you.. did you… wait…” he was dumbstruck for the moment everyone is.


“hyung, pull yourself together” Tao joke and earned a smack form the head by kris.


“did you just read my mind?”


“what? But you said it out loud”


“no I didn’t said it out loud, did you guys hear me?” he look at the boys who shook there heads.


‘your weird for a hot girl with damn thighs’ Kris commented looking at you.


PACK!!!! Your hands immediately met his cheeks. Everyone in the room where completely puzzled about your out sudden out burst only Kris knew why.

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aliahshafiqah29 #1
Chapter 15: update another chalter please
mm0923 #2
Chapter 15: more update soon pls thanks
TheCloudyOne #3
Chapter 15: I realy like this syory but the chapter 14 was a bit confusing to me otherwise i really like this story and i'm gonna wait for updates ^^
Chapter 13: Nice story :)
Chapter 6: Whoa D.O. is so shocked
Really good story