「Review」 Beautiful Sunset Shop

Kissing the Sun, Kissing the Moon

SHOP:  Beautiful Sunset Shop





My first impression of your title was that the story's about a player. Minho's the player hooking up with Key(the moon) and Taemin(the sun). But it's later clarified after I look at the tags.
Your title is perfect. It creates a sense of curiosity in people. It stands out among the long list of the latest updated fan-fictions. It attracts readers to click on the title to find out more.
Your title is ambiguous and I like it. It tells a little bit of the characters without giving away the whole plot.
The contradictions in the description do draw in readers. It's short and sweet and push them to continue. However, it still doesn't have a intriguing factor to it.
Both the foreword and the description are used correctly and there aren't any errors.
The way you portray them and give them each equal amount of effort to build their character is unbiased and well-balanced. But I wish you would emphasise more on Taemin and Key's personalities as to how they were related to the sun and the moon respectively since they are the cause of the title. There are merely a few lines describing those statements. I believe it's better if you have showed more about them via revealing how they feel and how they act as the plot proceeds. 
The flow is great. You have spent equal amount of effort to narrate the time Key had with Taemin as well as his time with Minho. 
There's a need for more happenings or a better way to proceed with the plot. You've asked about the entertainment value of your fan fiction. Your story has been written well yet, it lacks sparks. To rise the entertainment level, do elaborate more on emotions. At the part whereby Key decides to return to Minho in chapter 3, what were his feelings? Was there any internal struggle of whether he should go back or not? Was there even any hesitation? How was Minho feeling?
Writing Style(9/15)
Since 'missing' has several meaning, 'Missing passengers' can be misleading thus I suggest that you make this more specific. 
I suggest using 'hanging around' or 'staying back' instead of 'hanging back'.
Your story is based with a whole lot of descriptions. It's your personal writing style and ultimate your decision but I would like to let you know that there are times whereby direct speeches can be instead of indirect ones. Using dialogues allows a break in your descriptions which in turn , makes your paragraphs less dreadful to read. Some of your paragraphs are long and tiring to read. I'm not asking you to cut down on descriptions but rather, do give breaks in them. After all, vocabulary that is used in the right way needs to be flaunted to showcase your writing style.
Your strong points are grammar and spelling. You have mastered the pesky grammar rules apart of the tiniest mistakes.
1. 'The professor' is used instead of 'The Professor'. When you're addressing a person like "Good morning, Professor.", then, a capital 'p' is used. It's the same as 'the doctor' and 'Doctor', too.
2. 'Left overs' is spelt as' leftovers'. The words are joined.
3. 'Klutz' is spelt as 'clutz'. I believe is a typo. 
The story is simple and I can't find anything to not stop me from reading but your commenters say otherwise.
I love your epilogue so much. It's like a 'mirror' ending. The beginning started with Minho and Key running. It's the same at the end too. I find that amazing, really.
Total Score: 72/100
A/N: *bows deeply* I'm so sorry for being extremely late! Thus, I didn't manage to churn out a review until now. Feel free to ask me any questions!


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writing is making me cry in frustration so sadly it may make my readers cry too (in frustration)


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Please update :3
Let me just re-read this while waiting for the inevitable new link.
Chapter 4: This was so good!!!!! :))
Chapter 4: I was hoping for more but other than that, its a great story!! my minkey feels....
Chapter 3: Yush I love <3 Going on my Fic rec!
Chapter 3: efjbstjvsykf it was so cute sfnthjgj **
Glad that at the end key choose minho sfbvh
Good story! I liked it! Even i it was short xD
I would've liked more it if it was longer.
But oh, well, it's ok. xD :3
Chapter 3: so scared that key would end up with taemin, but in the end he ended up with minho yay^^
Chapter 3: Omo! it's the end?! I was like reading the previous chapter just now..
Chapter 2: Key got a chance from taemin and he must be happy...
But why I'm not happy like minho's feel... :(
kawaling #10
Chapter 1: Oh God I was getting scared...I almost thought you would write Taekey before Minkey >< I could not have handled that...
Poor Key, I hope Minho makes it all better!!