SHINee (& others) shorts


The following is a collection of the short stories, drabbles, and unfinished and random pieces I have written over the past years.

Please peruse and enjoy your visit.




Hello, I don't know what to write in these sections. What is interesting? What is relevant? I am a girl who relatively recently discovered that she was brave enough to write stories. Are these stories any good? It depends. I think some of them are worthwhile. (And some are simply 'good practice' and 'bad day meh'.)

I mostly write SHINee. I am a shawol. I am a MVP and closet blinger. Now and then, Locket and Taemints and Flamer tendencies flare up. I blame SHINee, naturally.




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Chapter 4: Wow I never knew I'd enjoy Jaejoong and Jiyong this way. Well, you taught me something new. And the feeling you get when someone's drabbles are better than your efforts of writing ;_; but fear not, I'm not discouraged. I will continue practicing and enjoy reading the rest of these. You're so amazing though. And I came here for SHINee xD
Happy 7th Anniversary omigosh love you for writing these!! <3