
Kissing the Sun, Kissing the Moon


Minho and Key bolted from the car park and towards the university's great hall. They were pulling on their graduation robes as they ran; their trencher caps in their mouths. Minho skidded to a stop outside the entry to the atrium of the hall and waited for Key to catch up. They had just made it in time, the last of the other graduates were being escorted in.

"Oh my god," panted Key, desperately trying to regain his breath as he adjusted his robe, "Can we please stop running in the future?!"

"It is not my fault that we were almost late," Minho grinned and made sure he hadn't lost their car keys in their mad dash. "Someone didn't want to leave bed this morning."

"Well, someone was acting like a baby and wanted my loving attention," Key retorted.

Minho's grin grew wider and something suggestive sparked in his eyes as he grabbed Key's arm and pulled him in closer. "If you want more, we can continue it afterwards as part of our celebrations," he whispered in his ear.

A faint blush covered Key's face and he hid it by burrowing his face into Minho's shoulder. "You bastard," he said.

"Hey!" Jonghyun hissed at them from just inside the entrance to the hall. "Are you guys going to come in and graduate or what?" Minho gave him a little wave, acknowledging the world outside of Key. He then stopped Key from moving completely away from him and leaned forward to give him a sweet kiss. 

"Congratulations," he breathed across Key's lips.

"Congratulations," the other murmured back.

"Guys!" Jonghyun urgently hissed at them, "Not yet! You haven't graduated yet! Now get in here!"



--  END --




A/N: Yeah ... I was in a mood and wanted a little bit more of these two  :3


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writing is making me cry in frustration so sadly it may make my readers cry too (in frustration)


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Please update :3
Let me just re-read this while waiting for the inevitable new link.
Chapter 4: This was so good!!!!! :))
Chapter 4: I was hoping for more but other than that, its a great story!! my minkey feels....
Chapter 3: Yush I love <3 Going on my Fic rec!
Chapter 3: efjbstjvsykf it was so cute sfnthjgj **
Glad that at the end key choose minho sfbvh
Good story! I liked it! Even i it was short xD
I would've liked more it if it was longer.
But oh, well, it's ok. xD :3
Chapter 3: so scared that key would end up with taemin, but in the end he ended up with minho yay^^
Chapter 3: Omo! it's the end?! I was like reading the previous chapter just now..
Chapter 2: Key got a chance from taemin and he must be happy...
But why I'm not happy like minho's feel... :(
kawaling #10
Chapter 1: Oh God I was getting scared...I almost thought you would write Taekey before Minkey >< I could not have handled that...
Poor Key, I hope Minho makes it all better!!