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I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heartache would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life





“Oh my Gosh! She gave you that much money?” I just nodded in response. The girls were grinning at me and I know what they are after.


“Like I promised, but! We will not eat. We will go shopping” I announced and they squealed in delight.


“But how are we going to do this? You guys have cars while I’ll just ride with Dara unni” Minzy said and I thought about it.


“Well, we could just meet there. Let’s get going. I’ll just buy one pair for each of you alright? I think all of you would go for shoes huh?” they looked at me except CL which I think would love to buy clothes than shoes.


“Alright, let’s go” I unlocked my car and we got inside, me and Minzy.


“Unni, your car is so nice and I think I’ll ride with you always” I looked at her and just smiled.


“I think your mom would buy you one soon. Be patient. I didn’t thought they’ll buy me one until this morning. Let’s go?” Minzy nodded and the engine roared to life. CL and Bom were following behind me. We drove all the way to the mall. The mall is a bit packed and the parking lot seems like we can’t park beside each other.


I called them and told them that we will just meet at the entrance. I found a spot and thankfully, got to park my car. As we got inside, there’s an event at the mall but we didn’t care.


“You got your card girl?” CL looked at me and I grinned at her. Surely, Sohee gave me a great amount of money. I didn’t want to accept it but she kept pushing it to me and I don’t know why. Speaking of the payment, Dami noona hadn’t paid me yet when she said her friend wanted to buy my painting. I’ll just have to talk to her when I get home.


We got inside each store and Bom found a shoe for herself, she hesitated at first but I told her I’ll pay for it. So I swiped my card. It’s been a while since I went shopping and I feel light. This is what girls love to do, right ladies?


We went to another store, CL and Minzy found what they wanted. Minzy got some sneakers, while CL bought a whole outfit which was not too expensive. My card got swiped 3 times now.


“Now, it’s your turn to buy. We will let you fit things we want. No more buts. Let’s go girls.” I sighed, I can’t go back can I?


We went to the department store, one on each rack. My girls were searching clothes for me. Minzy got me a dress, Bom got me a y dress and thank God CL got me jeans and shirts that would look good with it.


“Here, try it on” They pushed the clothes to me and I went inside the fitting room while they wait outside. I tried Minzy’s first, it’s cute. I went out and saw them smiling with their thumbs up. I went back again and tried Bom’s, but CL and Minzy didn’t approved of it.


“You’re all spoilsport! I want to see Dara on those!!! Ugh!”


“Unni, it’s too revealing. You know Dara unni’s not that kind of person”


“Yeah, whatever.” I laughed. Bom really wants me to wear those kinds of dresses. She even gave me a graduation present. Guess what? Lacy Lingerie.


“So?” because of the pumps I’m wearing, I probably look taller because they stood up and went beside me to check. Yeah, they approved of the jeans and all of CL’s choice.


“So? I’m hungry. Let’s eat” walking ahead, I stopped when I heard Bom asked.


“Still your treat?” I turned around and laughed “NO. You’re going to pay since I bet you and Taeyang are already this” I gestured with my hand that they’re together and she blushed, hard!


“I KNEW IT!” CL squealed “That’s the reason why she was blushing last night! Taeyang left some flowers and chocolates to her when we were rehearsing last night!” I smirked,


“We have to eat, and you need to spill. Now come along ladies. We have some interrogations to make, and I’ll ask first” I grinned and Bom just sighed in defeat. She could not really let go of it if we are here. She could never do that, or I will return the shoes she bought. Just kidding!







“Sooooo?” I asked while turning my fork around and raising my brows at her.


“What?” Bom blushed again and I laughed, she’s so cute!


“You’re totally inlove. Just by asking about him, you blush and I don’t know if you will spill, you’re going to be a tomato. I need to record this.” I took out my phone and she huffed,




“Now, tell us unni” I teased


“What the hell? Were the same age Dara, stop calling me that!” She’s pissed, I can tell. But I am having fun at this one. Yeah, we’re both 21 years old ladies, CL’s 20 and Minzy’s 19. Great right?


“After graduation, we started dating. 2 weeks ago, we…..” we leaned forward, anticipating her answer “We made it official” She hung her head low and we bursted out laughing and giggling, oh my gosh!


“YOU DON’T LIKE TOP ANYMORE!?” As I said those words, I immediately frown seeing the people around me looking and I bet some of them knows who is TOP.


“Dara!” CL laughed as she slapped my arm, “What? I was just asking.. You know?” I teased making Bom smile


“Don’t start with me Dara or I’ll go with you” I didn’t care, I had that tinge of hope from his letter and I hope I’m having a good thought about it.


“Go on, I don’t care”


“Oooohhhh!!!” They chorused which made me laugh.


After eating at the restaurant, we decided to roam around more and when we spotted a good movie, yeah, Fast and Furious 6. CL and I, likes watching this, Minzy and Bom likes it too but not really a fanatic of it. We’re crazy about this movie and we’re gonna watch it.




Getting out of the cinema, Minzy and Bom went ahead to look at some accessories they saw, while CL and I blabbered about the movie. During the movie, CL and I were squealing and so into it, while Bom and Minzy were watching a well but more on talking about good quality shoes, pumps and all. I don’t know why we’re friends, we all have different tastes but I guess it adds up that we kind of enjoy each other since we don’t stay on one specific thing.


“Oh my God! Shaw was just perfect! His accent is so hot and y!” I looked at CL, so shocked.


“You’re getting girly! But ugh! I cannot with the plane scene, it was epic and awesome! Sad that Gisele died, poor Han” it’s so sad she died for trying to save his life.


“Letty is just awesome and god! Dominic, it was like Resident Evil when he came out of the fire.”


“I agree. Don’t remind me of that movie, it scares the crap out of me” We both laughed as we started walking to where Bom and Minzy were. They were choosing some accessories, Bom being the girly one and Minzy being the baby from the four of us.


“Dara, CL, I’ll buy you too. We need to have a friendship bracelet. Let’s go get something from that shop” Bom smirked at me and you know what shop she’s pointing. If not, then it’s Chrome Hearts.


“Come on! We need one!” CL groaned, she’s not really that type of girl to be so girly, but her fashion says otherwise. Minzy is the cover-all-up, Bom is show-legs-all-the-time, CL’s swag but be y and I am the simplest, wear what you want to wear.


“Do you like these? What’s good? Gold or Silver?” Bom raised the bracelets and we all pointed at the silver ones. Gold ones would attract people and hoho, we might get robbed on.


“We’ll take these. Different bags please” Bom said sweetly


“Bom, I cannot handle that type of things, I can only buy one y-“


“Who told you you’ll pay?” she smiled and took out her black card, damn!

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Chapter 7: Beautiful story authornim Love is full of journey but the end their is full of happiness and togetherness forever❤️
Chapter 7: LOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!! ^__________^
CassieJYJlhyn #3
Chapter 7: Nice happy ending ^^
sirrianna7 #4
Chapter 6: HI..I just a have a quick comment that I want 2 share with ev'ryone..I met a few friends that studying here in the states from Korea and phillipines..and this may or may not be true but I agree when 1 of them commented 2 me that Ji May still be dating S and I see u featured her in your story also..she also showed me some sites that she bookmarked on her computer as "supposed" evidence..it made me wonder?? BTW good storeeee(just wished Dara could've moved on from him and found someone else..but) :I
adindaisapplers #5
Chapter 7: Wahh..it's very good story author!
I was so happy for the ending it make me cry in happiness!!good job and thanks for the story~
Chapter 7: UPVOTED :)
reanne_krungy21 #7
Chapter 7: I'll give my comment both invisible man and it's sequel here..kekeke...gosh this story is pure love!! something fresh for me to read...just a pure romance...!!! first story broke my heart but we should learn on every experience we encounter..as per this story, lesson's learned already....they both love each other and i'm happy to see them together in the sequel..they are match made in heaven indeed..!!! so sweet story..!!! thank you gel...♥♥♥
Chapter 7: this story is so touching! yea... sometimes things are realllllllly hard and heartbreaking. it's vital to face them though, like your story has! we're just lucky that the love was reciprocated by JiYong here, werent we? but hey, luck exists too ;)
mahalmo928 #9
Chapter 7: This made me cry cuz it reminds me of my ex-best friend/ex bf/friend...

Jst a side note...pls warn us of any movie spoilers >.< still haven't had time to watch Fast 6 & yea...when I figured out what u were doing, tried to skip it but unfortunately read it already. Was kinda ticked cuz I love the Fast & Furious series...but overall, good job.
Chapter 7: OMG! at last they are both happy ! It made me cry. Thank you so much authorim ♥♥ :'))