Chapter 4:The Truth

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After the sun sets and everyone went home
I am standing alone in a wide field
Little by little, I can’t see ahead of me because of the darkness
It makes me more and more afraid of being alone but
When I opened my tightly shut eyes at some point
Beautiful stars were shining
Like the images of you, who left far away
As I looked at them, I prayed that you’ll come back to me some day








The last time I saw Dara unni, she was so happy. During the time, that was last week, everything we did made progress to her and Jiyong oppa. During the shopping we did last week, mostly it was the two of them who went to the same store. Sure, their tastes didn’t change and from there, it was the start.


They were talking and joking about how the other should wear the clothes, we were at the other store watching them, in the end, we gave them our share, and we bought nothing. Now they enjoyed themselves, TOP oppa was so pissed coz Dara and Jiyong bought the most expensive ones and we just laughed at him.


“You think it’s working?” CL unni asked and I nodded, now we ditched Dara unni for lunch at school, and Jiyong oppa is coming in, so we made an excuse, well, I did.


“Ah, oppa!” I waved at him, giving him my cute smile,


“Why are you here? Aren’t you going with Dara for lunch?” I looked down and shook my head,


“Daesung oppa asked me out for lunch and I can’t say no, since it’s been a while since we went out, I wanna hang out more with him” Jiyong oppa raised a brow, I looked behind his shoulder to see Daesung and Seungri waving and signalling for me to be fast.


“Oppa, I have to go.. Please, if you can, just accompany Dara unni if you see her, and tell her I have somewhere to go, ne?” he nodded and messed my hair, aish! I’m not a kid anymore!


I quickly ran down the hallway to receive a high-five from Seungri and Daesung oppa, I really don’t lie but this is for the best. But I’m still curious as to who’s the ‘somebody’ Jiyong oppa left in Paris?


“You think he believed me?” I asked them and they just nodded at me, Daesung oppa wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I blush.


“I guess they did, now let’s go get some lunch, I’m hungry! Call CL, Seungri… We’ll meet her outside” we left the campus and I bet Dara unni is having a happy time with oppa right now.





I kept waiting but they’re not yet here! My phone beeped twice and it was from Bom and CL saying they can’t be with me for lunch since they have some lunch date, and I don’t know who! CL never accepts any lunch dates or anything, I wonder why she’s doing it now. Change of heart? Ugh!


I stood in the line for me to get my lunch and damn, the cafeteria is full today. I shook my head, trying to reach for the trays, someone handed me one, and when I looked up I saw Jiyong smiling at me.




Oh gosh!!!! Am I blushing?? Or what?? Please!! Someone tell me!!! OMG!!!


“Dara, what do you want? She’s been asking you” Jiyong nudge me and I looked at him, he pointed at the lady who’s waiting for my pick.


“Oh, as usual please” she nodded and gave me my kimchi fried rice and an apple, well I love their fried rice here since there’s meat in it, and I love how Ahjumma cooks it. I stepped aside and waited for Jiyong to get his order and as expected, it’s the same as mine.


“You sure love to copy me huh?” he just shook his head and sat on the table near the window. Since that day, well I cannot really say it’s a great progress but there is and I am happy. We’re slowly getting back to being the way we were before.


“Where’s Bom and CL?” he asked and I kept eating my lunch, not even looking at him, I replied that they have lunch dates and whatever.


“OH!? Minzy also has a lunch date with Daesung” my ears burned,


“WHAT!!!?????” it echoed through the room and everybody looked at me, I took my bag and covered my face from the embarrassment, I looked at him and he was laughing at me.


“Stop it right now and answer my question Kwon!” I spat which he in return laughed again, arrrghhhh!!!


“You heard me, Minzy and Daesung are having a lunch date as well. She told me to tell you about this”


“She could’ve just texted me…” Now this made me wonder.


“Wait, the three of them are having a lunch date, then it leaves me here where the possibility of them, ditching me is 100% and they succeeded, wow!” I sighed, why are they doing this eh? They’re getting weird each day.


“Wow, getting your probability and statistics well this year?” I laughed at his reply, well yeah, I sounded like an investigator a while ago.


“I’m done…” I said as I looked at his plate, he was also done so we returned the plates and the trays back and went out of the cafeteria.


“Now, I’ve got an hour and half more so I gotta go.”


“Where are you going?” he grabbed my arm and asked, damn it!!!! Heat went up to my face and I looked down, oh gosh!


“Ummm, I’m going to finish what I was doing. The painting”


“Oh, can I come with you?” My eyes widened, NO!!! I panicked,


“Ummm, well… it’s kind of private and I don’t want anyone to see it, errrr” scratching my head, he raised a brow and smiled at me,


“Dara, stop keeping it from me. I know who it is and what it is so there’s nothing wrong with it” he shrugged his shoulders.


“WHAT NOTHING WRONG!? THERE IS!!!!” I nearly shouted,


“What is?”




“And why? Coz it’s me?” he does know.


“FINE! You can come with me, argghhh!” I marched on the hallway to go to the room, followed by this nerd guy with a smile plastered on his damn face! No, let me rephrase that, handsome face, yes! He is handsome! Should I lie?! UGH!!!


We entered th

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Chapter 7: Beautiful story authornim Love is full of journey but the end their is full of happiness and togetherness forever❤️
Chapter 7: LOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!! ^__________^
CassieJYJlhyn #3
Chapter 7: Nice happy ending ^^
sirrianna7 #4
Chapter 6: HI..I just a have a quick comment that I want 2 share with ev'ryone..I met a few friends that studying here in the states from Korea and phillipines..and this may or may not be true but I agree when 1 of them commented 2 me that Ji May still be dating S and I see u featured her in your story also..she also showed me some sites that she bookmarked on her computer as "supposed" made me wonder?? BTW good storeeee(just wished Dara could've moved on from him and found someone else..but) :I
adindaisapplers #5
Chapter 7:'s very good story author!
I was so happy for the ending it make me cry in happiness!!good job and thanks for the story~
Chapter 7: UPVOTED :)
reanne_krungy21 #7
Chapter 7: I'll give my comment both invisible man and it's sequel here..kekeke...gosh this story is pure love!! something fresh for me to read...just a pure romance...!!! first story broke my heart but we should learn on every experience we per this story, lesson's learned already....they both love each other and i'm happy to see them together in the sequel..they are match made in heaven indeed..!!! so sweet story..!!! thank you gel...♥♥♥
Chapter 7: this story is so touching! yea... sometimes things are realllllllly hard and heartbreaking. it's vital to face them though, like your story has! we're just lucky that the love was reciprocated by JiYong here, werent we? but hey, luck exists too ;)
mahalmo928 #9
Chapter 7: This made me cry cuz it reminds me of my ex-best friend/ex bf/friend...

Jst a side note...pls warn us of any movie spoilers >.< still haven't had time to watch Fast 6 & yea...when I figured out what u were doing, tried to skip it but unfortunately read it already. Was kinda ticked cuz I love the Fast & Furious series...but overall, good job.
Chapter 7: OMG! at last they are both happy ! It made me cry. Thank you so much authorim ♥♥ :'))