Chapter 6: Words are not Enough

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But you came, and I was never the scarecrow everyone knew,

Anymore. . .





Dara is now working on a company, she’s not working on full time since she’s also a freelance painter, she really wanted to paint. She’s now working as a designer in a company that Bom said to her. Minzy is now the only one left that goes to school, CL and Bom were now rising stars, fulfilling their dreams one by one, Dara got Minzy as her back-up whenever she has no time to do the job given to her.


“Dara, you should take a rest. Your Mom took Sanghyun to US, so that you could work properly. Now go get some rest girl.” Bom explained, Sanghyun left Seoul and went to where their mom was and there he continued studying.


“I need to finish this Bom. Its deadline is on Saturday” Dara said as she continued sketching


“Look, you have good hands! You can do it in a matter of two days. It’s Monday, for goodness sake! All you did during the weekend is stay here, opened your window and started sketching. Please, get a rest” Bom’s worried, surely Dara moved on a little but she could feel that she didn’t moved on that much. Time will heal all wounds, but she guessed wrong for Dara, the girl fell so hard.






“You know… Every time I tell myself that I’m moving on, there’s just a part of me that tells me I can’t and it . It’s been a few months already, I just can’t seem to do it Bom.”


“Time will heal all wounds Dara… You fell hard huh?” Dara nodded and just smiled, Jiyong wrote her another letter, and it just said a few words.


“What did Jiyong say on the letter?” Dara smiled foolishly and Bom became more curious “Dara, spill!”


“He wrote ‘I’m sorry and please, wait for me’ that’s what it says” Dara closed the letter with a smile on her face, somehow what Jiyong wrote made her feel hope and it made her smile. She felt happy but she told herself not to bring her hopes too high.


“Dara, Don’t keep your hopes up”


“I know Bom, but maybe… I don’t know…” Dara went back on sketching, Bom just shook her head, surely, her friend got some hopes up and it’s good seeing her smile. The smile is back and it’s because of the letter Jiyong wrote, and it contained not much words but those words made her friend smile, and it made her happy.


“Well, I have to go, you should take a rest. CL and I have some rehearsals at the theatre, so I’ll see you some other time…” Dara nodded and Bom went out of her room.


“Just little hope won’t hurt…” Dara mumbled as she stopped working and started eating, Bom never fails to cook something for her and it made her happy that her friend cares for her, so much that she would do everything just to have them.






I watched the video Seungri and Daesung gave to me 3 months ago, when I first watched it, it shocked me, seriously shocked me. I know that the painting she did was about me but I didn’t know that it meant a lot to her and it did to me when I saw it.


The exhibits were sold to whoever wanted to buy it, I told Dami noona to get Dara’s painting and it arrive just now, it took them a few months to convince Dara to sell it, and I’m glad Bom and the others helped on convincing her.


“That’s her painting?” I looked at her and nodded, she just smiled at me. We broke up a month ago and she accepted it. I was about to go out of the place but she told me to stay, she’s a really great girl and I will be happy to see her with the man she loves, in time.


“Sohee, I’m really sorry for everything I’ve caused you. It’s just…” I shook my head, didn’t know what to say, I’ve said sorry many times to her, I saw her cried but she wiped it away and smiled at me, hugged me and told me to follow my heart.


“You love her Jiyong, it’s been 2 years, when I answered you, I know that I’m stepping on a big line between you two and I might be the reason she’ll cry. I’ve thought of things through when you went back to Seoul, and said to myself that I would be so selfish if I keep you with me, you love another person, not me, and it’s a bad thing to keep you away from it.” I just looked at her, awestruck, this girl really never fails to amaze me


“I wish you happiness Sohee, I want to see you happy. I don’t want to see you crying, you deserve better than this”


“I didn’t regret answering you Jiyong, I felt that you loved me but I think I’m such a great girl to see the eyes of my ex-boyfriend not shining for me, coz I’m like a big diamond shining so bright.” She pouted but laughed at the same time,


“Seriously, if you happen to get married, never forget to invite me” she nodded


“I’ll make Sandara my bridesmaid then?” my eyes went wide at her question


“I…..I don’t know Sohee. She must’ve moved on already and I’m not there anymore”


“You mean in her heart? Oh please Jiyong… You’re both crazy for each other, now pack your bags you punk!” I shook my head while smiling, this girl…


“Fine mom” I raised my hands up and started to walk upstairs,


“Whatever jerk…” she rolled her eyes at me, laughed and threw me a pillow from the sofa…






“Gaaaahhh!!” Frustrated as I can be I really need to finish my work. I was so distracted that I wasn’t able to remember that I need to finish my work last night. The girls were in the house and they totally kept me from working!


Now what to do? I scrambled from bed and took my phone from my bedside table to call Minzy, and told her everything.


“It’s okay, don’t worry unni. I already told the lady that the painting would be delayed for just a day, so you can work on it today.” I sighed in relief after hearing it, but how did she?


“Wait, but how? I mean-“


“We purposely did it to you last night unni. I called the lady the day before yesterday and told her about it.” Minzy laughed and I just smiled, these girls surely can do anything. Yes, I was not able to rest properly since last week because of work and it shocked me that there were so many people wanting to have me paint them things they like, especially last week, I just finished painting a couple’s wedding gift.


“Thanks Minzy. I’ll see you tomorrow?”


“Umm, I think I can’t go unni. I’ve got a lot of homework to do and stuff. By the way, you’ll be meeting her tomorrow at café beane, 10:00 in the morning. I’m sure, she’ll like your painting. Oh! She came from Paris, that’s why she made you paint that Eifel Tower. Well, good luck unni! I have to go back to class” Right, she’s still at school.


“Alright… Thanks again Minzy” I smiled and went out of bed and got inside the bathroom. I look haggard and stressed but I love my work, everytime I finish a piece, I feel light and happy. Every time I see my clients’ happy face, all the stress and tiredness in my body fades.


It’s already 12:00 and I need to eat my brunch since I woke up an hour ago. Going down the stairs, I went to the kitchen. Mr. Song left the house a month after graduation since his niece needed him in Busan. Now I’m left alone, practically, living alone. Sanghyun and Mom are in the States while I’m left here since I want to work here and I can’t leave out things behind.


After eating my brunch I went back upstairs and to my attic to start working. I decided to paint in my room since the attic is a little hot, I opened my window and again, looked at Jiyong’s window before me, I sighed remembering those times. I continued painting with those memories in my mind, I don’t know what will happen or what emotion would the client tell of this painting tomorrow, but I can’t bring to forget about what happened.


“Dara, please… You have to do this okay? It’s not your fault, he said so himself. It’s been a few months and you’re still like this, please…” Bom and the others were pleading for me to eat and move on, I just can’t do it.


“He’s my bestfriend and he’s now a lover that I don’t know if I would ever let go” I said with a blank face. They just looked at me with worry and just hugged me, as if it would ease the pain I’m feeling. I can’t stand it, I know it’s my fault. If I just knew what he felt and if I was not just that dumb to see his feelings for me, we would be happy together.


“Dara? Come on. Don’t just sit there and cry all day! You know what? I’m sick of you! It’s been months and we can’t get you to move on! Come on! You’re a strong girl! What is wrong with you? Do you think he’ll be happy knowing you’re like this?! He wants you to be happy for pete’s sake Dara, move on and try to discover the world again. It’s not just Jiyong here, you don’t even remember your friends are here for you!!! GOD! I’m over with this!” Bom yelled and slammed the door shut, she’s right about everything. Will Jiyong be happy of what I am doing today? If I will not fight, I wouldn’t be able to tell him everything.


I stood up from my bed and went outside to find Bom crying on the kitchen counter while drinking a cup of water.


“I’m sorry” I mumbled, she looked at me with puffy eyes and smiled


“You’re so irrational at times Dara…” She stood up and went to hug me and she cried. A tear fell from my eyes until I cried it all out and it felt so nice. The girls drove me to a cliff where I can see the whole Seoul City and told me to appreciate my life and told me to shout it all out, and so I did.


All my frustrations, depression and sadness, I vent it all out while shouting, hearing my words echo back to me, I chuckled to myself. I was a fool to be blinded by love, where I can fight for it. I couldn’t give up without fighting. I’ve learned it from these girls who are now laughing along with me…


They’re my treasure and everything, and I would die losing them… Kwon Jiyong, once you come back here, I will make sure to stir those feelings again…


 A tear fell from my eyes as I am now finishing the painting. A few finishing touches and now I’m done. The Eifel Tower with a two couples smiling lovingly at each other, the wind passing through them but doesn’t mind the cold wind for they were so in-love with each other. I smiled as I saw my painting complete and full of emotions. I hope my client will like this tomorrow.

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Chapter 7: Beautiful story authornim Love is full of journey but the end their is full of happiness and togetherness forever❤️
Chapter 7: LOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!! ^__________^
CassieJYJlhyn #3
Chapter 7: Nice happy ending ^^
sirrianna7 #4
Chapter 6: HI..I just a have a quick comment that I want 2 share with ev'ryone..I met a few friends that studying here in the states from Korea and phillipines..and this may or may not be true but I agree when 1 of them commented 2 me that Ji May still be dating S and I see u featured her in your story also..she also showed me some sites that she bookmarked on her computer as "supposed" made me wonder?? BTW good storeeee(just wished Dara could've moved on from him and found someone else..but) :I
adindaisapplers #5
Chapter 7:'s very good story author!
I was so happy for the ending it make me cry in happiness!!good job and thanks for the story~
Chapter 7: UPVOTED :)
reanne_krungy21 #7
Chapter 7: I'll give my comment both invisible man and it's sequel here..kekeke...gosh this story is pure love!! something fresh for me to read...just a pure romance...!!! first story broke my heart but we should learn on every experience we per this story, lesson's learned already....they both love each other and i'm happy to see them together in the sequel..they are match made in heaven indeed..!!! so sweet story..!!! thank you gel...♥♥♥
Chapter 7: this story is so touching! yea... sometimes things are realllllllly hard and heartbreaking. it's vital to face them though, like your story has! we're just lucky that the love was reciprocated by JiYong here, werent we? but hey, luck exists too ;)
mahalmo928 #9
Chapter 7: This made me cry cuz it reminds me of my ex-best friend/ex bf/friend...

Jst a side note...pls warn us of any movie spoilers >.< still haven't had time to watch Fast 6 & yea...when I figured out what u were doing, tried to skip it but unfortunately read it already. Was kinda ticked cuz I love the Fast & Furious series...but overall, good job.
Chapter 7: OMG! at last they are both happy ! It made me cry. Thank you so much authorim ♥♥ :'))