
The Mission of Love

(Noone's POV)

Youngbae walked back to his car, steps as heavy as lead. He didn't realise he was clenching his fist until he held the steering wheel. Crescent shaped cuts formed on his palms where his fingernails were digging in. He had never felt so much anger and pain. Jiyong.. The one man he had stayed loyal to his entire life, the man whom he entrusted his life to and the man whom he loved sincerely with his heart, had broken him. Although he had never expected Jiyong to accept his feelings, he wanted Ji to stay by his side, even as friends.

Ever since Jiyong had been admitted to the hospital, Youngbae felt a different air around him. As though he was happier, as though he had finally found someone that he was willing to spend his life with. And it wasn't Youngbae. 

Bitter vines of jealously crept through every nerve of his body as Youngbae played the scene over and over his head. He felt jealousy, anger and on top of it all, betrayed. He shut his eyes tightly, wishing he could destroy that memory. Finally, he unclenched his fists and drove back to the headquarters.

As Youngbae walked up to the doorsteps of the headquarters, he routinely took off his sunglasses and gloves. Iris and fingerprint scans were simply the tip of the iceberg for the security measures that the company took in order to have maximum security. Youngbae smirked, recalling the drama 'Iris'. His colleagues were actually shocked at how similar the layout of the NSS was in the drama compared to their HQ layout. Their jobs were mighty similar too. Except for the fact that they didn't work for the government or the country. They worked for money. 

Youngbae easily passed through the security checks and headed straight to the Director's office. He knocked once. Twice. A rough annoyed voice grunted him permission and he stepped in quickly.

"Youngbae-ah? Why are you here again? Have you given Ji the mission?" The Director peered at Youngbae over his glasses before resuming his work.

"Director, I think that Ji is not fit for this mission. He seems to be distracted, looking at his current state." 

"Not fit? Distracted? Don't give me bull." The Director's harsh tone failed to change Youngbae's firm expression.

"I know my partner well enough, Director. I'll take this mission." 

"Nonsense. I chose this mission for Ji." The Director barely looked up from his desk when he motioned to the door. "You may leave now, Youngbae."

Youngbae knew it, he always had. The Director had a soft spot for Ji. Which father wouldn't?

Youngbae looked across the room, at the huge company logo. 'YG'. He invested his entire life working for them. But one day, he promised himself, it would be his.

Across that room, Seunghyun was gazing at Youngbae. If he could smile, just for him.. 

"Hyung!" A loud husky voice startled him. 

"What Daesung? Stop shouting, you're right beside me." 

"Oh? Oh yeah." Daesung bowed quickly before pulling out a stack of papers. "Could you please look through their background profiles and credit card history? Please?"

Seunghyun glanced to the papers, then at Daesung's wide smile, then back to the papers.

"Its my job, right." He snatched the papers and immediately got to work. 

Seunghyun was a TOP hacker at YG co., admired for his intelligence and quick-wit, whereas Daesung was a rookie. As Seunghyun got to work, Daesung gazed admirably at him. That was all it was, Daesung constantly told himself, admiration. 

Although Seungri was hurt at Jiyong's rash actions, he pushed it aside and decided to visit him at the hospital during Ji's discharge. As Seungri stepped into the room, awkward silence filled the air. Jiyong glanced at him discretely before packing up his belongings. 

"Ah hyung! Let me carry that for you." Seungri quickly slipped the backpack on before Jiyong could protest. 

Seungri ran to the carpark and drove his car to the entrance to pick Jiyong up.

"Hyung, what's your address?" Seungri asked innocently.

"You can just drop me off at the interchange." Jiyong replied icily.

"Ah hyung, its not a bother to me! Just tell me!" 

Jiyong glanced down, deep in thought. It wouldn't hurt to tell Seungri, right?

"xxxxx. You annoy me." Ji huffed before shutting his eyes to nap, bringing a wide smile to Seungri's face.

When they arrived, Ji quickly went in. 

"Leave my belongings here. You can leave." Ji dismissed Seungri with a wave of his hand before heading to the bathroom.

"Pft! Leave him alone in that condition?" Seungri rolled his eyes before tip-toeing around Ji's house, then headed to the kitchen. 

"I should cook him breakfast! Hospital food.. eunghh." Seungri stuck of his tongue before ransacking through Ji's kitchen.

(Ji's POV)

The warm water felt comforting in the shower. My concentration broke when I heard clanking sounds in the kitchen followed by a muffled 'ouch'. Seungri was still here? I sighed and combed through my hair. That boy was a walking distraction.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist, before walking towards the kitchen. 
"Seungri-." My words were caught up in my throat when I took in the scene before me.

Seungri was bent over the stove, diligently stiring and adding ingredients in the chicken soup. His brows furrowed in concentration and he quickly wiped away his sweat with his shoulder. Damn, he looked attractive.

(Noone's POV)

Seungri perked up when he saw a towel-clad Jiyong standing beside him. His gaze lingered for a moment, swallowing up the sight before him.

"Hy-Hyung! The soup's almost done, don't worry." Seungri smiled before resuming his cooking. He reached over to grab a spoon when he felt himself shoved to the wall.

"Wh-?" Seungri looked at Jiyong, who had pinned him to the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jiyong hissed threateningly through his teeth.


"Walking into my life like you own it, helping me and cooking?! Who do you think you are?"

"I- I-.."

"Sticking your nose in my business, following me around, are you crazy?"

"Hyu- Hyung.."

"No? Because you're driving me crazy." 

(Author's Note:) Diving into the plot bit by bit! Teehee. Thank you so much for the comments heheh, it makes me smile, really. ^-^ Do comment and subscribe! <3

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Meng0810 #1
Chapter 13: please update this soon!!
Chapter 13: Please finish this, it's truly a good story.
Chapter 13: That story is HOT! And interesting. And HOT!
neko_sieg #4
very interesting!^^
please update soon~
Chapter 13: update soon please ^^
Chapter 13: Update soon
fydapanda #7
Chapter 13: just found, don't stop writing bcuz i love everything here LoL~update soon =D
aieru_amie #8
Chapter 13: ohhhh!!
this will be interesting.
ji better take extra care of maknae.
it'll make him realize how bad it is if he lost maknae.
maknae make him human.
and i love that. :)
Chapter 12: Oh ____! Panda Hunted!!
Chapter 11: New reader here. I love this story! ^_^