Chapter One

Do You Remember?


Chapter One:


It's about time people wake up and face reality.


On the other side..




As the Chief General commanded, all men started stammering and doing their best to look very very presentable.


Today is the day.


The day when the General will finally announce who is the lucky man.


"As all of you know, I will be choosing the man who will be strong, responsible and respectful enough to protect and guide the Chosen one." he started off. "Every single one of you did an outstanding job but only one caught not just my attention but the attention of everyone present here."


There was a wave of murmurs.


"I, the Chief General, appoints Kris Wu as the sole protector of the chosen one."


Then the whole crowd went haywire. Everyone knows that he deserves the position, but is he worthy enough to be the protector of the chosen one? Especially if he's..


"SILENCE!" the Chief Genral roared. And in a split second, no sound can be heard.


"Is there anyone who objects my decision?" he questioned.

And expectedly, no one dared utter a single word.


"Now, everything is settled. Mr. Wu,  please proceed to my office. And everyone, DISASSEMBLE!"


And also in a snap, everyone was gone.








I woke up drenched in sweat and I can still feel the truck hit on me. It just felt so.. real.

It was all a dream. Nothing but a stupid, horrifying, and awful dream.


I looked at the little blue alarm clock resting on my bedside table and.. that's odd.

It's 4 in the morning. Too early to be awaken from a horrible dream.


I disregarded the time and did my daily rituals. Fix my bed, drank water, take bath, dress up. The usual.


It's 5 O'clock in the morning. The sun didn't rise up yet and I'm all ready set to go to school. Exceptionally early. That's a new record.


I decided to go downstairs and check if Mom's already awake. But half way going down, I had this unusual feeling. That something is wrong.


When I was finally downstairs, the lights are still shut and that means, no breakfast yet. I decided to go to my parent's bedroom to wake mom up and make me food, but when I entered.. There was no one.


Now where did they go? I went to their bedside table to see if they left some note somehow giving notice to their daughter that they left in the middle of the night or whatnot, but none.


And the strange thing is, my elementary graduation picture was gone.


I begged and pestered them a lot of times to remove that picture. Simply because I looked like I was on drugs. Anyway, I guess that's a good thing. Atleast they got rid of it.


I decided to just go to school without anything in my grumpy little stomach.


While walking, I saw this middle-aged woman who looked a lot like my mom. She had the same haircut, the same hair color, the same jacket. She also had this same one-sided dimp-- wait. It is Mom.




I called her atleast 3 times but I think she doesn't hear me. So I ran upto her and grabbed her arm. "Mom! I've called you about 3 to 5 times and you're pretending you're not hearing me. Anyway, I woke up too early and I decided to just fix myself but when I went downstairs, the lights are still out so that means no breakfast yet and I thought that maybe you're still sleeping. So I went to your bedroom but you guys weren't there! And what made you do jogging? You hate jogging! And where'd my gradution photo go? It's a good thing you got ri-"



"I'm so sorry, dear. But, may I ask who you are?"


For a moment, I was stupified. I mean, I didn't get the wrong person did I?

I looked at her and examined her a bit. From her little curls upto her favorite sneakers.

Yeap. She's my mom.


"Mom, It's me. Your daughter." I said as a-matter-of-factly.


"I'm so sorry, dear. I don't know you. And didn't your mom tell you not to speak to strangers?" she said.

I examined her actions and her words. Is she for real? Am I not dreaming again?


"Mom. It's me. Your daughter. Lee Eun Hee. My name was derived from your name Eun Mi."


"Omo! How did you know my name?" she exclaimed.


"I told you. You're my Mom." I looked at her in the eye and she just smiled at me.


"I'm so sorry, but I'm not your mom and I don't know you dear. It's the first time I've seen you here." she said as she held my hand and squeezed it.


"I'll get going now. And don't talk to strangers, okay?" she said as she let go of my hand and continued with her rounds of jogging.


I was left there dumbfounded.





Did that just.. happened?






Woaah. :) I gained a lot of subbies already. ^^ Thank you!

~ Lekriswifey

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I'm sorry for the late Christmas present. :) Updated as of 12.27.2012 :) Please have the heart to upvote this story. ^^


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Chapter 2: omo - what happened ?
Panda2018 #2
page_master #3
Chapter 1: Sounds very interesting. I'm very intrigued and I really want to know what's happened. Update soon. :)