About Me

Hello! \(^O^)/

I am Lekriswifey and obviously is the wife of Kris of EXO.

I love EXO, Big Bang, Teen Top, Block B, B1A4, etc~


My girl bias is Eunji of APink and of course she is forever paired to Seo In Guk. <3


I love the Drama Reply 1997 (I cried river of tears, you know. This drama.. really.)


I am a 16 year old K-POP fan that aims to be like her idols. Uhmm.. What more..

I love singing and dancing, I guess I do well at school..

I really hate my subject Filipino because I do not understand anything even though I am a Filipino, I mean who uses the words pandiwa and pang-abay nowadays. T^T Seriously.

I am crazy fangirl that loves to do this really weird dance.. Well, for me it isn't weird but my friends think so.

I love Korean food, I can speak Chinese, Korean, English and Filipino.

This are all so random, sorry bout that.

I hate bullies. (They should rot in hell.)

I hate Kiko. (Well, I don't ship her with Jiyong.)




I like it when people suddenly calls me cute. (I know, I am very..never mind. :))


I love cute things.

I am into business.

Hmm. what more?


OH! I love mystery and drama and romance~~ :3 you know, I can be a drama queen at times.

I am really irrational.

I sometimes scribble on my friends notebooks, no, make it always.


I have this thing with barbie dolls. Because I hate them. Those porcelain and freaking, horrible, human-look-alike dolls, I really hate and I am scared of them. (I sometimes think they'll be alive adn would haunt me or something.


I have a thing for tall, dark and handsome guys.

I think fanfics should be made into movies.

I can't even believe that the writers of some very awesome and dramatic fanfics are not considering being a drama writer. I mean, the drama would be a big HIT!


I have a thingvfor reciepts. I keep them all the time. I don't know why either.

I regret taking for granted all my chinese lessons for the past 6 years. T^T


Hmmm.. Well, for now, I guess that is all. :)
