Chapter Two

Do You Remember?

Thank you to Yoyukas for this awesome poster! :)

Chapter Two:


Remembering is hard if it's not from the heart.


O-kay.. Everyone is acting weird.

No bouquets of roses early in the morning, no love letters, no glares, no nothing.


When I entered the room no one was giving me attention or even looking at me.

The usual group of wannabes didn't swirm around me and the group of es didn't bother me at all.


This is creepy.. but I like it.

Finally, Isolation and Peace.


When I walked towards my chair, there was a guy sitting there.

He looked very intimidating. He has this huge eyebags, a trimmed hair with side bangs and he is holding a stick which is around 3-4 meters long.


Is he a monk? Who brings lengthy sticks to school nowadays?


A monk or not, he's still sitting on my chair.

"Get out." I said coldly.


The guy looked up and stared at me for about 5 seconds and after that, he totally ignored me.

My brows arched up and I can feel my blood boiling.


Like on cue, our teacher came and I was left with the choice of occupying the vacant seat at the back.

I stomped my feet with fury and I cannot believe that just had happened.




What the heck is wrong with all these people?!


First, the teacher skipped my name when calling out the attendance.


Second, who is Hwang Zi Tao? How come he's the top of the class? It's supposed to be ME. Oh, and another thing, he was the guy sitting on MY chair.


Third, NO ONE KNOWS ME or remember me. It's like I magically appeared out of nowhere just to  disturb their lives.


I am near my limit. If no one will explain me what is going on, I will ERRUPT.



I kicked a stone blocking the way and stupidly hurt my foot. I cried out in pain.

Is karma finally creeping its way to me?





I jumped due to shock and bumped my head on the door. "Ouch!"

I looked down to see my Dad's horrid expression. And he was clutching his chest.

"Dad! Are you, okay?!" I exclaimed as I ran down the stairs. But, he suddenly grabbed an umbrella and started pointing it at me.


"Don't come near me! Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!" he asked harshly.

I looked at him puzzled. Don't tell me..


"Dad, it's me! Your daughter. Lee Eun Hee!"


He made a face and retorted back, "I ain't have a child! Me and my wife can't bear to have one." his voice filled  with both anger and sorrow.


And the next second, I see myself standing in front of our house the door being slammed shut in front of my face.

I sighed.



This is all another dream.



There's only one place left. And I am absolutely sure that he knows me. I just know it.

I started walking towards the nearest bus stop. I searched my pocket for some spare money to see only 5,000 won.

Great. Just enough money for 2 bus rides. I can't even buy a decent meal with this.


Thanks Dad. You kicked me out without giving me enough money.


I sat down at the bench.

Everything is just stupid.

No one knows me, my dad kicked me out, I don't have money.


Everything is surreal. I know this is all a dream.

Should I slap myself? Should I punch my face?


One thing.

I have to wake up before I loose my sanity.


The bus came.

I entered it hoping that going there would wake me up.

"To Daegu please."



 The bus came to a stop.

Daegu.. It's been a while hasn't it?


I walked the familiar streets of this old province. Memories of when I was a child slowly coming back to me.

The little park, the flower bed, the little boy who cried a lot.. My grandparents. 


Just with the thought, I can feel myslef lighting up.

I'm sure they'll remember me. I'm sure they will.




"Grandpa!" I beamed. I ran as fast as  I can and hugged him so tight.

Feeling the familiar warmt in such a long time.. It feels so great.


"Oh dear, why, who are you love?" he said smiling but filled with uncertainty.


Immediately, my smile faltered.

"Y-you don't know me grandpa?" I asked. Fear evidently jumping out of my mouth.

It's not possible. I just know it's impossible.


"Grandpa.. It's me! Eun Hee.. You're one and only little girl!" Great. Now tears are slowly creeping its way out.


"Oh please don't cry love! Pretty little girls like you shouldn't be crying." he said patting my back.

I have to wake up.. I have to..



"I'm so sorry.. I think I messed up. You just looked a lot like my grandpa.. I'm sorry." I said in between sobs. Now, I'm being pathetic.

He looked at me with tender eyes and hugged me really tight. Trying his best to comfort me, which worked. A lot.

"It's alright dear. You can think of me as your grandpa. I just wish to have a granddaughter like you.." he said.

I let myself burst into tears. All my frustrations and uncertainties.



After I have calmed down, I let go of grandpa and smiled at him.

"Can I ask you one more thing?" I asked.


"Sure thing, love." he replied with a twinkle in his eyes.


"You really.."



"You don't remember me?"

I know I'm being sutpid here. But, I can really see it in his eyes. I know somewhere inside his heart.. he knows me.

I can.. feel it.




But suddenly out of nowhere, someone spoke.


"No one does."


An update for you my loves. :*

Oh! and please do visit my poster shop. :)

Wufan Delights Poster Shop

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I'm sorry for the late Christmas present. :) Updated as of 12.27.2012 :) Please have the heart to upvote this story. ^^


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Chapter 2: omo - what happened ?
Panda2018 #2
page_master #3
Chapter 1: Sounds very interesting. I'm very intrigued and I really want to know what's happened. Update soon. :)