

Luhan, with his expertise in all sorts of survival skills, was no stranger to building a raft. For the next few days, Minseok and Luhan worked together, chopping wood, gathering supplies, tying rope around logs. Although both of them appeared cheerful on the outside, deep down they were all worried and saddened by what was going to happen.
Luhan pretended to be nonchalant, but in reality he was hurting the most. Minseok had been Luhan's light in the darkest cave. He was the second person that ever really cared about him. Luhan was so used to having Minseok around that he wondered how he could ever fall asleep without that familiar warmth beside him. Luhan was selfish. Deep down, he wanted Minseok to stay more than anything. But he knew that it wasn't right to keep Minseok to himself. Minseok had so much more to accomplish. Letting Minseok go was for the best.
Finally, the day came. No matter how much Luhan had prepared himself for Minseok's inevitable departure, he still felt a deep pain searing through his heart when he helped Minseok carry the raft to the sea. The raft bobbed along the waves as Minseok stubbornly stood beside it, not wanting to climb inside the raft until Luhan went back. Luhan, of course, didn't want to go back until Minseok sailed off into the horizon, so both of them stood there awkwardly, waiting for the other to leave first. 
Luhan suddenly remembered something. "Oh, before you go, I need to give you a few things. Wait here," he instructed before he ran back to his hut, and returned a few minutes later holding a gigantic sack that was bursting with bounty. 
"I can't let you leave like this, you might get hungry and thirsty along the way," explained Luhan to a dumbfounded Minseok. "I set some traps the past few days and managed to catch quite a few animals. Enough for about three weeks, I should say. Here," Luhan reached into the sack and pulled out a couple of dead frogs which he tossed into the raft, "your favourite tree frogs. You can snack on them on the way. I've also caught some groundhogs" ―a few of the said animal was tossed into the raft as well― "and some birds" ―after that another flurry of winged animals was tossed on board. "I've also managed to catch a tree snake for you, quite small, but very nutritious―"
"―and I woke up early today to remove the fangs and skin it for you―"
"―and I went to the stream and filtered some water for your journey. Twenty bottles should be enough. And also―"
"Luhan!" Three strides later, Minseok was in front of Luhan, enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug. The sack, still full of bounty, hit the sand with a dull thud. As Minseok sobbed mercilessly into his shoulder, Luhan remained very still, mouth agape. The lone tear that rolled down his cheek was the only testament to his feelings.
"You didn't have to," Minseok choked out, face now a blur of tears and mucus.
"Look at you. What are you saying? Of course I had to. You won't survive otherwise," Luhan said, barely able to keep his voice from cracking.
"I'll miss you, Luhan. I'll miss you so much."
"And I'll miss you too. You have to come back often and visit me, okay? I trust you know where to find me."
"I will. I promise." 
They remained in each others' arms for a long, long time, until Luhan finally pulled away.
"Is this the part where we say goodbye?" Luhan asked sadly, looking at Minseok. 
No. Minseok suddenly realised that he couldn't leave Luhan. What would life be without him? Minseok could never imagine. To go back to Seoul without Luhan by his side... it was a living death. Luhan might as well have eaten him, because now he had taken him, heart and soul. 
And suddenly, something stirred inside Minseok's memory, a sentence that Luhan said not long ago came to mind.
"Funny how the ones closest to you are the ones you lose first." 
Luhan had already lost them once. Minseok wouldn't let it happen again.
That's when Minseok promptly had his of genius.
"Come with me," blurted Minseok, before covering his mouth and blaming himself for being such a big mouth because he didn't mean to be so straightforward―what if Luhan refused him? "I mean, uh, only if you want to, that is," Minseok stuttered, and ended up planting his face in his hands, too embarrassed to look at Luhan.
"I'd love to." Minseok looked up, only to see Luhan smiling shyly at him through his tears, and then he thought that he would gladly die right now without any regrets.
"Really? I mean, you don't mind leaving this island just like that? This is your home, after all," he asked again, just to make sure. 
"Home is where I belong. And I belong with you," answered Luhan. Minseok felt a light giddiness overwhelm him. He felt as if he had been dragged up from the fiery pits of hell and straight into the clouds. 
Gingerly, Minseok lifted Luhan up bridal-style into the raft, earning a series of light giggles from the latter. He then pushed the raft far out enough into sea before hopping into the raft himself, splashing some seawater on Luhan in the process.
"Well, when we get back to civilisation we'll have to tone it down. I guess this is the end of our craziness," said Luhan wistfully, dragging his hand along the water.
"Nope, it's only just begun," Minseok grinned, looking into the horizon.
"You know, there's another reason why I agreed to come with you..." began Luhan. 
"And why is that?"
"I really want to see where you got your nickname from." 
"Hey, Minseok, what in the world will the civilians think when they see us floating to them on a raft?"
"I don't know. Loincloths are so Stone Age?"
"Argh, you're the worst!"


Firstly, thanks to taeminutes for beta-ing! (She gives useful advice. Really. Like chaptering this monster.)

This is long. Way too long. Originally supposed to be a twoshot, but idek now, this is just word vomit. So my chapters are really really short /cries/ I need to learn how to write longer chapters. I planned this to be fluff but... idk what it is now. Um. A very cheesy love story between a bullied cannibal and an overachieving student. /sobs

Anyway as you can tell, I know absolutely nothing about planes or plane crashes. Plane landing is pretty much tons harder than how I described it here. I spent days and days researching on how planes worked. (Definitely not going to be a pilot in the future, too much hard work) And um, forgive me for being pretty inaccurate in here about the survival technique thingies (bad author should really do more background research).

First part up! I plan on writing a sequel on Xiuhan's lives in civilisation (cue a mega confused Luhan in metropolitan Seoul). But anyways I'll be taking a break for a while to focus on the many crack fic ideas that I have (my mega weird brain has not disappointed me) before writing the sequel. 

Hope this didn't disappoint the great number of subscribers that subscribed even before I posted anything. Like. I'm really touched. Thank you all so much ;w; And I hope you didn't find the wait too long >< I really love reading your comments btw, and I'm just starting to write fics so tips on how to improve would be welcome :D 

Signing off now cos I bet you all are tired of listening to me ranting

Here's some Xiuhan to thank you all:



Luhan looks nervous. Lol.

Minseok's look of pure bliss owo

Yeah. My all-time favourite gif. /melts/

(Disclaimer: GIFs are not mine!)

They. Are. So. Real. /spazzes/


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 9: I was wondering why Luhan was initially not going back to civilization with Minseok, but I'm glad they went back together in the end.
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 9: So freaking cute. ^^ Can't wait to read the sequel.
Chapter 9: Thank you! I love love love it!
Chapter 10: It's so FLUFFY *squeal* I wouldn't mind dating a cannibal if he was as nice and goodlooking as Luhan xD
TsukiyoHirasaki #5
Chapter 3: HA! minnie is so funny~ AND YES. Screaming is the new human language Luhan. Learn it, it's the easiest language everyone can learn
Chapter 9: This is so fluffy :33 Perfect word vomit if you ask me ^_^ <3 /goes to sequel <3
Chapter 7: Its beautiful... I am glad finding this fic when I am so stressed up with my school stuff. thank you, and jiayou
Ikallalily21 #8
Chapter 10: I didn't know why did I cried when minseok was about to leave. Omg
Omg this is very coorrrrr<3333 me like this sooo much<3:3xD
Its so sweetT__T like when minseok calls luhan deer omfg i cant breathe bhahahaha;-;
Keep writing and fighting<3