

"I have decided," announced Luhan one day, sounding very important. "If you're gonna live with me in a jungle, you have to learn a few things." Minseok, for the past few days, had been living off Luhan's daily catches. Despite his initial reluctance, he had found that tree frogs were really good to eat. And some species of birds that Luhan had managed to capture were just delicious.
Minseok was less pessimistic about his life with Luhan. Sure, the hygiene conditions weren't exactly what he was used to, but it was a welcome change. This was an experience which he'd brag about once he returned to Korea (he had absolutely no idea when or how that was going to happen, but he would work something out in the end). Meanwhile, he was contented to live Caveman Style.
Minseok sighed loudly. He knew this day was coming sooner or later. The prey that Luhan caught was barely enough for himself, let alone two people. Despite being really unwilling, Minseok still agreed, but not without pouting minimally.
"Come on. I'm gonna teach you how to set a trap today." Luhan reached for Minseok's hand and dragged him out of the hut. Minseok felt his stomach fluttering at the contact, which he had no idea why (cannibal genes, maybe?). Luhan led him deep into the jungle, past the thick foliage and the tall trees that blocked out almost every single inch of sunlight with their spreading canopies. Minseok was thankful that he wore shoes, which protected him from the outside elements (not to mention the increasing number of millipedes and centipedes that he had squashed), but Luhan was barefoot. Minseok had pointed that out to him a few days before but Luhan oly cocked his head and asked, "Shoes? What shoes?" Minseok had then proceeded to lecture him about the various dangers of not possessing a proper pair of footwear, to which Luhan just ruffled his hair and replied, "Don't be silly. I've lived like that since forever." Minseok then remembered that Luhan had lived the greater part of his life without even having proper attire and shoes were the least of his problems, so he promptly shut up.
They stopped at the clearing that Minseok was all too familiar with. "There. We're starting with the simplest trap―the drag noose. I first learnt how to do it when I was eight." Minseok listened in awe. Even the name of the trap sounded important and intimidating.
"Look. You see that animal run over there? It's a track commonly used by animals, so you should set your drag noose over there." Luhan walked over to said animal run, and Minseok followed. "Now, you should attach your rope to a stick and make a noose like this―" Luhan picked up one of the many stray branches on the forest floor and did something with the rope and magically created a noose in less than ten seconds, "―and then use two other sticks to support the stick with the noose." Luhan demonstrated expertly. "Make sure your stick with the noose is propped gently on the supports and not attached to it. When your prey makes its way down the animal run, its head will catch the noose and pull down the stick the noose is attached to. This will startle the animal and it will run to try and escape, but not before the stick gets tangled in the bushes on both sides of the run. And there, you will get your prey." Luhan finished.
He turned to face Minseok, who had been amazed by how quick and nimble Luhan's fingers were. "Now here. You try." Luhan held out the rope.
Minseok took the rope from Luhan. This was too easy. Luhan could do it when he was eight. If he can do it, so can I, right? 
Minseok fumbled with the rope, but his clumsy fingers failed to attach it to the branch and it dropped to the floor. He picked it up and held it underneath his armpit while he worked with the rope which was fast getting tangled. The rope dropped yet again and Minseok picked it up before yelling out a groan of desperation. "I'm clumsy. I can't do it. I'd much rather go back and sleep," he cried, after a series of disappointing failures.
"No harm in trying. I think you're getting the hang of it, you know. Just believe in yourself. You can do it, I trust you," Luhan encouraged.
So Minseok tried. Again and again. Despite multiple mess-ups and a few times of Minseok on the verge of breaking down, Luhan was still there to cheer him up and turn his frown into a smile.
And at last, after an hour of trying and failing, failing and trying, Minseok did it. He successfully managed to make a drag noose. Despite it being not exactly perfect, Minseok was proud of it. After all, it was his own creation, made out of his own effort.
"See, you did it! I knew you would!" Luhan beamed proudly, as if the one achieving such a feat was Luhan himself, not Minseok. And before he could react, Minseok pulled him into a hug, enveloping Luhan's thin body with his strong arms. Luhan tensed a little, before relaxing into the embrace and allowing Minseok to pull him closer, his chin resting in the crook of Minseok's neck. They were content to bask in the warmth of each other, Luhan smelling slightly salty from the dip he took in the sea that morning and Minseok feeling slightly damp from sweat. The only thing that separated them was the thin layer of Minseok's dirtied Armani Exchange shirt. They were so close, Minseok could hear Luhan's heartbeat. (Or maybe it was his own, Minseok wasn't too sure.)
And in that moment everything was perfect.
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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 9: I was wondering why Luhan was initially not going back to civilization with Minseok, but I'm glad they went back together in the end.
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 9: So freaking cute. ^^ Can't wait to read the sequel.
Chapter 9: Thank you! I love love love it!
Chapter 10: It's so FLUFFY *squeal* I wouldn't mind dating a cannibal if he was as nice and goodlooking as Luhan xD
TsukiyoHirasaki #5
Chapter 3: HA! minnie is so funny~ AND YES. Screaming is the new human language Luhan. Learn it, it's the easiest language everyone can learn
Chapter 9: This is so fluffy :33 Perfect word vomit if you ask me ^_^ <3 /goes to sequel <3
Chapter 7: Its beautiful... I am glad finding this fic when I am so stressed up with my school stuff. thank you, and jiayou
Ikallalily21 #8
Chapter 10: I didn't know why did I cried when minseok was about to leave. Omg
Omg this is very coorrrrr<3333 me like this sooo much<3:3xD
Its so sweetT__T like when minseok calls luhan deer omfg i cant breathe bhahahaha;-;
Keep writing and fighting<3