

Everything was perfect, or so it seemed. Between animal hunting and stargazing and exploring new terrain and frolicking in the sea (with frequent hugs and kisses, of course), Minseok and Luhan were never out of each others' sight. (Well, except maybe when they were playing hide-and-seek.)
But, as the proverb says, all good things come to an end. Soon enough, a problem arose. Minseok was homesick. Even spending time with Luhan could not heal the dull ache in his chest. Luhan found that Minseok was moodier than usual and often in a daze. Being a sensitive person, he realised that something was off. 
"What's wrong, Baozi? Aren't you happy here?" Luhan asked one night, between light pecks and whispers of sweet nothings.
"No! I am happy here. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life." 
"Then... why are you so moody?"
Minseok sighed. "It's been nice living with you, Luhan. Scratch that. It's been amazing. You've taught me so many things that I never would have learnt if I hadn't met you. But still, I... I miss home. I miss my parents and my brother, my annoying little brother whom I thought I'd never miss, but here I am, thinking about him. They'll be worried. I haven't contacted them for what? Two months? They know I'm busy and they don't like to disturb me but I've never lost contact with them for so long. Maybe... maybe they'll think that I'm dead," Minseok mumbled incoherently, his face buried in the crook of Luhan's neck.
"Shh... it's okay." Luhan rubbed comforting circles into Minseok's back. "Hey," Luhan brightened, "I have an idea. I could help you build a raft, you know, the very sturdy kind that can tolerate all kinds of weather. Then you can sail off back to civilisation. I hope you remember all our lessons on navigating the sea."
Minseok thought about it. It was a great idea, but―
"What about you, Luhan? I can't leave you."
"No, you can, and you will. You have a whole life ahead of you, Minseok. One that's bright and filled with opportunities. You have your friends and family and a wonderful job. You can't throw that away because of me. I won't allow you to. It's easy for me, I'll just return to living alone here. Everything will be the same as before I met you" ―Minseok didn't know why he felt a pang in his heart at this― "and it's no big deal. I'll manage on my own, just like I always have."
"But haven't you forgotten? I promised to be by your side, always, to keep you company―"
"Hey." Luhan turned to look directly into Minseok's eyes. "To have met you was more than what I wished for. You taught me how to love and how to trust and how to believe in myself again. You've done more than enough for me. To set you free is the only thing I can do to possibly repay you."
" 'Set me free?' But I was never bound!" Minseok started to argue. "I―" 
"Shush! No more buts. We'll start building your raft tomorrow. No more arguing." Luhan was determined, an air of finality in his voice.
It was a few minutes before Minseok spoke up, voice trembling. "Luhan. I can't―just, thank you. Thank you so much.
Smiling softly, Luhan murmured, "You don't have to say anything. Just go to sleep."
And sleep they did.
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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 9: I was wondering why Luhan was initially not going back to civilization with Minseok, but I'm glad they went back together in the end.
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 9: So freaking cute. ^^ Can't wait to read the sequel.
Chapter 9: Thank you! I love love love it!
Chapter 10: It's so FLUFFY *squeal* I wouldn't mind dating a cannibal if he was as nice and goodlooking as Luhan xD
TsukiyoHirasaki #5
Chapter 3: HA! minnie is so funny~ AND YES. Screaming is the new human language Luhan. Learn it, it's the easiest language everyone can learn
Chapter 9: This is so fluffy :33 Perfect word vomit if you ask me ^_^ <3 /goes to sequel <3
Chapter 7: Its beautiful... I am glad finding this fic when I am so stressed up with my school stuff. thank you, and jiayou
Ikallalily21 #8
Chapter 10: I didn't know why did I cried when minseok was about to leave. Omg
Omg this is very coorrrrr<3333 me like this sooo much<3:3xD
Its so sweetT__T like when minseok calls luhan deer omfg i cant breathe bhahahaha;-;
Keep writing and fighting<3