Day 2.

Nine days of December.


7:34 AM. 14th of December. Some loud noise outside woke you up, but it turned out to be the sound of some construction workers working at the house behind yours. You couldn’t go back to sleep, so you checked your phone. You inbox had two messages. The first one was some spam message, saying ‘The World is Ending in Eight Days! Click the link below to see how will you die.’ You scoffed. You didn’t believe that the 21st of December was the end of the world.

The second one was from Joon. Sent at 3 in the morning. ‘What are you doing? I’m bored, keke.’ It was just a simple message, but your heartbeat wouldn’t stop accelerating as you reread it again and again. You decided to reply, ‘I fell aslept yesterday. Good morning!’ before you changed your clothes and went down for breakfast.

Your mom was sitting at the couch in the living room, watching the news. Her eyes were red again, so you didn’t bother talking to her. She was definitely in a bad mood, and you knew you couldn’t help. You grabbed a piece of toast before walking out of the house. Since it was the holidays, many people were sleeping in, so the streets were always quiet.

Your phone vibrated. Joon replied. ‘Good morning! Want to meet up later if you don’t have anything on?’ You almost screamed in happiness. Was this counted as a date? Is he asking you out? ‘Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.’ You mumbled as you replied, trying to sound chilled and normal. ‘Yeah, I’m free. Sure, see you at the café opposite the convinience store where me met?’

You were hardly ever like that, since guys rarely asked you out. You didn’t know why, but you felt as if you had some special feelings for him. You didn’t know how to explain it. Maybe.. you and him.. could really be together one day. You started fantasizing as you walked to the café.

He was there when you reached. Black jacket, tight jeans, slender body, he looked like a model. His posture was perfect, with his fingers curled around the cup of coffee that he was about to drink. He took a sip of his warm mocha, his lips gently after that. You couldn’t take your eyes off him as you walked into the café.

He waved at you while smiling when he saw you. You waved back, and made your way to his table, taking the seat opposite him. The waiter passed a menu to you. ‘You have saliva stains on the side of your face.’ He said softly, trying not to chuckle. Your eyes grew bigger as you realized what he was saying. You drooled in your sleep and you didn’t wash your face when you went out. Ultimate facepalm. You mentally banged yourself on the wall, blushing as you took a tissue to wipe your face.

Joon laughed while looking you, all flustered and embarassed. He softly called your name. You looked up, your face still red. ‘I was kidding.’ You mentally threw your cup of coffee onto him while you reached forward and knocked him on the head with your knuckles. ‘Ouch..’ He pouted and pretended to be sad.

You pouted too, ignoring his puppy eyes. ‘Okay, I’m sorry..’ He said before he pinched your cheeks softly while making a funny face. You bursted out laughing. He smiled too. The both of you left the café and took a walk outside after you were done with your coffee. ‘What are you doing for Christmas?’ You asked him. ‘You don’t believe in the end of the world, do you.’ You added.

He shook his head. ‘Guess not. I don’t have plans for Christmas, what about you?’ He replied. ‘I don’t have any either.’ You said. ‘Lets celebrate it together.’ Those words popped out of your mouth before you even noticed. Joon hung a big smile on his face and nodded vigorously. ‘Promise?’ He held his hand out to do a pinky swear. You promised him.

‘Lets go to the comic book store!’ He tugged you along, running towards it. The whole day was spent that way, with the both of you tugging each other to random stores you liked. Time passed fast, and it was almost 8 when the both of you sat in front of the store that sold ddeokbokki. You finished your plate and Joon paid the bill. You were about to take your wallet out to return him the money, but he stopped you.

‘It’s getting late, huh? Do you need me to send you home?’ Joon asked. You shook your head, happy that he asked. ‘Will you be okay, a girl walking alone at night?’ He asked again, clearly worried that something might happen to you. ‘What’s life if you live it in fear?’ You told him what he said yesterday while sticking your tongue out. He chuckled. ‘Fine, then.’

Before you left, you asked, ‘See you tomorrow?’ He nodded. ‘I’ll text you tomorrow before I come out.’ He said. You smiled and bid goodbye before heading home.

Maybe it really was that easy to be friends with strangers. One day he was an unknown person to you, and the next, you felt like you knewn him all his life. You smiled, happy that there was finally someone you could be so comfortable with, and you smiled more knowing that he’d be there for you when you needed him.

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Chapter 9: I cried. really. This is the 1st story that made me cry. It's sooo, inspiring T.T good job authornim!
Chapter 9: Tears...can't stop falling :'(
This is so well written! Good job authornim! It's a simple storyline but oh I just love it :')
You really have some great works in hand. A good writer, gambatte! New supporter here ^^
Chapter 9: I can't stop crying.....This is soooo sad...
Chapter 9: Let's meet again next life, and the next life...T.T
Park_HyeSun #6
Chapter 9: How about I start my comment by saying that I had a suspicion that he would die/suffering from terminal illness when I started reading Chapter 2.

It's a beautiful story. I have lost a few people to cancer, so I know what it's like to hope that they can hang on, that they will stay for one more day.

Good job! (: Even though they were very minor errors, they did not throw off my mood when I read this story.
KeysLove4ever #7
Chapter 9: T-T joon oppa !!!!
wherearefew #8
Chapter 8: kyaaa!!!~
lee joon! >_<
KeysLove4ever #9
Chapter 3: What !?!?!?! Joon Oppa should not have to go throuh Brain Cancer !!!!!! he's to Smart, Kind and well Cute! .T-T