Someone that understands.

A Dino for a brother, an Angel for a crush.


"Yahhh..MiSeul ah. I need to talk to you." Soojung unnie stood at the doorway.

I sighed and resumed my indifferent expression. "What?"

"I've noticed you've haven't been all that warm and friendly towards us since you've arrived."

"Well, what do you expect? I've just met you all. Plus, you forget the fact that I was abandoned by YOUR parents when I was young, and then abandoned again a few days ago by the ones I've been calling my family for 17 years, and you still expect me to be all warm and cosy? No way." I turned my back on her in a huff.

"Well, for one thing, OUR parents' decision did not concern me. I was only a few years old then. So can you at least TRY to be nice to me? You're gonna be lonely in this house if you don't at least be civil to one person."w

I considered this. Fine. Soojung unnie was the one person I liked at first glance in this household anyway. With her long wavy hair and bright eye-smile, she looked just like one of my best friends. Perhaps that was why I took to her.

"Alright then." I allowed myself to smile a little.

"Well, you're new here, so hurry change and I'll take you out for lunch and some shopping, introduce you to a few people, etc. Look in the closet if you need something new~" she finished in a singsong-y voice.


Intrigued, I stepped towards the huge closet door to find racks and racks of clothes neatly hung along with shelves full of shoes and drawers full of accessories. With my weakness for fashion, I immediately delved in and dug out the clothes I liked best. A note fell out from a stack of soft cardigans. 

"Dear, here are some clothes Soojung picked out for you. Enjoy! -Love, Umma and Appa" I crumpled the note and tossed it on the floor. While I was thankful for the clothes, I didn't need the constant reminder that I was abandoned, adopted and abandoned, andfinally claimed once again.


Finally, I decided on a white chiffon mini dress with flutter-sleeves. I paired it with torn, black leggings and placed a black wire mesh and black lace headband in my hair to mix up the girly dress. Grabbing a casual tote, I completed the look.


"I can see you like fashion...hmm. Maybe you'll get along with Key!"


Unnie just winked mysteriously. "You'll see."


We strolled along the Gangnam streets after being dropped off by the driver. I could tell Unnie, like me, was a shopaholic, stopping at nearly every show window and leaving each one with at least one shopping bag in tow. Finally, after being laden down with so many bags we could barely walk, Unnie stopped outside a Cafe Pascucci outlet (Korea equivalent to Starbucks) and ushered me to a table in the private section near a piano. 


After getting my drink order, I carefully manipulated the full mug of hot vanilla latte to the table. After taking a few sips, I looked up at the sound of a beautiful piano melody. River Flows in You by Yiruma. I stared, captivated by both the song, and the pianist. 

The pianist had princely good looks, an aura of the privileged affluent, and yet managed to give off a pleasant and warm vibe. When he stopped playing, he turned to look over at me, as if he had noticed me watching him intently. The next thing he did, made the embarrassment worth it.


He smiled.



"Yah~ Dongsaeng! Why are you staring at Taemin?"

Oops. Busted.


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hi there~ keke ^^<br />
ooh~ that's cool~ thumbs up for TAEMIN!! haha :P<br />
UPDATE SOON!! <br />
entertaemint #3
New reader. ~ <br />
Love ur story so far ! ^-^<br />
Update soon! ((; ~~~~~
ooooooohhh~<br />
cool! minnie's jealous! lol<br />
update soon! ^^
LOL totally onew condition!
update soon~ ;)
lol<br />
new reader here ;))<br />
update soon ;))
hehe,, she become clumsy cause of nervous,, luv ur update!!
hurry and update soon~~~~