The Fall.

A Dino for a brother, an Angel for a crush.

a/n: Hello. okay, before it gets confusing you should probably read this first. I quote from dramabeans:


The Types of “Oppa”

(1) The brother. This is the most straightforward use of oppa: the blood relative. This can mean a girl’s sibling or cousin, just as long as he’s male and older. Oddly enough, oppa can even mean one’s twin brother, if he were born ahead of the sister. In You’re Beautiful, Mi-nyeo calls her twin Mi-nam “oppa,” because ostensibly he got a few minutes’ head start in the world.

(2) The older guy. The term oppa can also be extended to guys who are not blood-related, but to whom the girl feels some closeness. When a girl is a young child, this is pretty easy to do — every boy older than you is an oppa.

When the girl starts growing older, however, she has a few more choices for things to call older guys and therefore the use of “oppa” becomes at her discretion. Now she gets to pick whether a guy is close enough to be an oppa — or maybe there’s some distance and sunbae, or his work title, or his name would be more appropriate.

A guy who takes on oppa status to a girl he’s not related to also takes on a few implied responsibilities, like generally watching over her and making sure she doesn’t get into trouble. He’s the one who might introduce her to social drinking — but he’s also the guy who’d better cut her off when she’s had too much. An oppa who takes advantage of his drunk charge isn’t worthy of the title oppa. If the currently popular trope of the cold-on-the-outside, fuzzy-on-the-inside hero can look to Mr. Darcy as its archetype, then the quintessential oppa is surely Mr. Knightley.

(3) The romantic oppa.

Hooo boy, now this is the big one.

A girl often calls her (older) boyfriend “oppa.” I know. It’s weird. It’s just how it is.

So you can imagine that the word now takes on all these added implications. No longer are you just the protective older brother-figure. Now the oppa is the object of romantic affection — the manly man, the stud. You take those earlier connotations of the brother-oppa (respect, guidance) and you add in romantic adulation? It’s a heady combination.



So here, Miseul calls Jonghyun oppa, because he's her brother. And then the other shinee boys with the exception of Taemin, because they're the same age, oppa, becos they're older than her. Yep. So no one's dating Miseul yet, so she doesn't call anyone oppa in the romantic way. I think the same goes for the guys calling Soojung "noona'.

Enjoy this chap! and hope the explanation helped.



I fell forward, holding my hands in front of me to brace the fall. I shut my eyes tightly, awaitening the impact that never came. I opened my eyes, puzzled. An arm had caught me around my waist, the other hand on my shoulder. I looked up shyly through my thick eyelashes. My eyes met huge, concerned ones. The guy quickly uprighted me, and asked if I was fine.

Wordlessly, I nodded, still in a daze. I notice Taemin scowling from the corner, at the person who had caught me- Minho.

I wonder how Minho even moved that fast. Probably due to his long legs. Did that mean Taemin was slow? Or just too  weak/skinny to catch me? Teehee^ㅂ^ 


After I finished measuring Taemin, I proceeded to Minho. Surprisingly, there wasn't any awkwardness with him, simply small talk and work. Once or twice he even got me to laugh. 

I guess the SHINee boys aren't so bad after all...maybe I was unbasedly hostile towards Jonghyun, who had in reality, never done anything to me. Maybe I should start being more friendly towards him...


After the interns and I had finished compiling all the information, we decided to do a shopping run. We had gotten credit cards from the company to cover the clothing and styling expenses of the boys, hence we decided to head to myeongdong and dongdaemun districts to do some shopping, and then come back in the evening to match the clothes to the boys and have them take trial shots with the clothes, and send them to the CEO.


Being foreign and therefore unfamiliar with the place, Soojung unnie decided to accompany me, probably using it as an excuse to interrogate me.

"So, how did you find working with the boys? They're quite mischievous really, speaking as a noona here. But they can be quite sweet and caring, and thoughtful, especially...."she trailed off and smiled to herself, hiding a slight blush.

"Yea I know! Unnie, guess what, Minho oppa, today he caught me when I fell...although I probably fell thanks to Taemin. Hmph." I smiled brightly, obviously charmed.

"Oh really..."

"Yup! Ooh this looks like a good store! Let's go in."

Soojung unnie hung around outside, tapping away at her phone while I shopped.


Soojung's POV

The text conv;

Soojung: "Yah. Don't play around with my dongsaeng."

Minho: "What are you talking about, noona?"

Soojung: "After you helped her in the morning...I think she's all floaty and dreamy now."

Minho: "Are you saying I'm leading her on or that she likes me? Noona, I've only met her for like 2 days!"

Soojung: "Miseul's the innocent, gullible type. She's the type to believe that if I guy does something nice for her, he likes her. She's the type to believe in fairytales and prince charmings. She's easily charmed, and is taken with gentlemen. Minho, I know you're all of that (prince charming and a gentleman, and he helped her too) but don't toy with my dongsaeng and don't break her heart."

Minho: "Are you kidding me? She should know I don't like her and she doesn't like me! We've only met for 2 days! She should know!"

Soojung: "Okay, fine. But seriously. And tell the other boys not to mess with her either! If Jonghyun finds out..well you know how protective he can be. His dongsaeng is probably off-limits to you all."

Minho: "Are you sure Taemin knows about that? And what about noonas? Are they offlimits too ;)"

Soojung: "Aw man! Don't tell me Taemin likes her! Please say no!"

Minho: "Yah! Answer me! about the other question!"

Soojung: "Gtg! MiSeul's coming."

Minho: "YAHHH! Noona!"


End of chap

a/n: how was that? do comment etc.

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hi there~ keke ^^<br />
ooh~ that's cool~ thumbs up for TAEMIN!! haha :P<br />
UPDATE SOON!! <br />
entertaemint #3
New reader. ~ <br />
Love ur story so far ! ^-^<br />
Update soon! ((; ~~~~~
ooooooohhh~<br />
cool! minnie's jealous! lol<br />
update soon! ^^
LOL totally onew condition!
update soon~ ;)
lol<br />
new reader here ;))<br />
update soon ;))
hehe,, she become clumsy cause of nervous,, luv ur update!!
hurry and update soon~~~~