First day

A Dino for a brother, an Angel for a crush.

a/n: I got that Supa Luv~ haha somehow Supa Luv is stuck in my head now.



I glanced at the mirror. Since it was going to be my first day of work, I had to look particularly on trend or stylish. What should I wear...I need to stand out, but in a good way. Something unique and yet me. I decided on a casual white graphic print tee, paired with a tulle and gauze skirt (kinda tutu-esque but less horizontally sticking out and less childish, more elegant), and a grey blazer with skull-patterned cuffs, to throw the look into juxtaposition. (LOL not sure if yall can picture it.)

Oh crap I'm late. I hurriedly threw my stuff into a bag and stuffed my feet into converse hightops and sailed out the door.


"Oh great, you're here. Let me introduce you to the other stylists. Here's the main stylist for SNSD, she can help you if you need it. Then here's the intern stylists, they're only slightly younger than you, from an arts design school. These two will assist you in styling SHINee and possibly f(x), although f(x) already has a stylist, just that she might need help sometimes. Then here are the makeup artists and hairdressers. So if you need help, ask any of them alright?" the employee in-charge informed me. I nodded.

"Alright then. Get to work, everyone. Today, Miseul, you and the interns will work in the image for SHINee's upcoming debut. Get some clothes together after designating the image."


"Unnie~" the intern squealed. "Aren't the SHINee boys cute? Omo, especially the one with the smirk! He's sooo hot!" Huh. I decided not to tell them about my family relation just yet.

"Anyway, I'm Hye Ri and this is Min Ji. Glad to be working with you! I hope we learn lots together!" She gave me an overly bright smile as she introduced herself. Min Ji just gave me a nod and an obligatory smile.

"Ja.  (a/n: that's kind of like now, or come now I guess) Let's brainstorm or think about what kind of image SHINee should have. Then when they come in we can discuss it with them and take measurements." 


We sat at the long, white rectangular table for a while, looking up images on our laptops or jotting notes or sketches in our notebooks. Finally, after a long discussion, we reached a consensus. We decided to have a fresh, Yunhanam, style, of course, open to any suggestions or preferences of the boys. After all, they have to be comfortable on stage right?

I suggested to the girls to put together portfolios and files of different clothes each boy suited, as well as info like headshots, measurements, etc of each boy, which would make our jobs easier in the future. They agreed. We picked who we wanted to do by drawing lots, and finally coming up with:

Hye Ri: Jonghyun, Key.

Me: Taemin, Minho.

Min Ji: Onew.

"OMO~" Hye Ri squealed at the prospect of styling Jonghyun, whom she obviously harboured some sort of crush for.

I shook my head and smiled. Tsk. Such a fangirl. (jokingly)


There was a knocking sound on the door. Before long, 5 tall -okay, maybe 4 tall and 1 short-  boys were strolling in.

" 'Sup."


"Hey(; "


"I'm hungry...chicken anyone?"


"Okay, so basically today we'll be doing your portfolios and taking measurements etc, and then we'll discuss what kind of look within the image you want to portray...I'll be doing the 2min, Hyeri Jonghyun and Key, finally, MinJi Onew. Is that okay?" I finished nervously.

A chorus of okays and sures were heard. I smiled brightly, and declared, "Let's get to work then."


Removing a tape measure from my bag, I moved towards Minho with a notepad and pencil. But before I could reach him, Taemin cut into my path.

"Me first!" He smiled innocently, like an over-eager kid, looking over at his hyung, who smiled in indulgence and naturally agreed.

"O..ohkay then," I awkwardly tried to maneuver the tape measure to measure his shoulders, trying not to touch him.

Aish. Why did I have to pick Taemin? This is too awkward! Plus, the evil maknae will now try to make me feel as embarassed or awkward as possible. Grr.

"Yah. Why can't you just measure properly? Am I that scary?"

"No, it's just awkward." I muttered.

"Your job is to be a good stylist, and that includes measurements, so if you daren't touch me how are you going to do that?" he whined. 

"Fine!" I conceded, not wanting to be fired.

As I moved closer, just then the measuring tape got in a tangle, with one side wrapped around my wrist, and the other still firmly in the grasp of my other hand, I tripped over myself and fell fowards.


Crap. Did the widely-known Onew sangtae/condition  have to get me today?


a/n: how was it? No silent readers please. P.S thanks for subscribing.

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hi there~ keke ^^<br />
ooh~ that's cool~ thumbs up for TAEMIN!! haha :P<br />
UPDATE SOON!! <br />
entertaemint #3
New reader. ~ <br />
Love ur story so far ! ^-^<br />
Update soon! ((; ~~~~~
ooooooohhh~<br />
cool! minnie's jealous! lol<br />
update soon! ^^
LOL totally onew condition!
update soon~ ;)
lol<br />
new reader here ;))<br />
update soon ;))
hehe,, she become clumsy cause of nervous,, luv ur update!!
hurry and update soon~~~~