Best Way

Confession - CL and Zico

Jiho took a sip of his latte. It was already dark and he was sitting there alone at the park to meet Chaerin. He had been waiting for her for an hour already. Just then, Jiho saw a familiar figure jooged toward him. Chaerin was wearing sweatpants witha hoodie, the full makeup on her face showed that she had just finished her schedule and came here straight away to meet him. Jiho smiled, at least she has the decensy to come and not leave him here hanging waiting for     her.

Chaerin sat down at the end of the bench and look straight to the empty space in front of them. There was this silence between them and all they could hear was crikets tha decieds to make a lot of noise tonight. 

"Why'd you call me out here for?" Chaerin started the conversation. She soud so cold. This time, Jiho just smile, he didn't want to say anything.

"Should I just leave?" Chaerin voiced out again. The response for him is still the same. Jiho is waiting for the right time to say it.

"If you're going to be like this then i wi-"

"I don't want to talk to you.." Jiho cut off Chaerin in the middle. He let out a soft laughter. He thought that  he might look a little cold and arrogant at this point but it didn't bothered him at all.

Chaerin looks at him, confused and angry at the same time. He knows, he knwos her well to even notice that litle pout and frown on her face which she tried her best to hide.

"Since you left me and we shouldn't be having a conversation right now. You shut up! I just thought that I at least, still deserves to meet you when I miss you after what you did to me."


"The least you can do for me is to let me see you when I miss you after you hurt me soo badly.. Right?"

"Ya! Didn't I told you it's the end?!"

"I said Shut up! Who are you to come here.." Jiho placed his hand on his chest, "and make me fall?! Who told you to do that?"

Jiho quikly stood up andleft Chaerin there, stunned of what had just happened.


"No... I'm really not.." Chaerin was speechless. She was already in her house, to be specific, on her bed with only the bed lamp on. She hasn't removed her makeup, she didn't bother to change. Even he bed lamp seems to bright for her right now. Chaerin closed her eyes and recalled what he said to her just now.

"Who are you to come here and make me fall?! Who told you to do that?" Chaerin kept on recalling the part where Jiho placed his hand on his chest and how he said she makes her fall by coming into his heart. She squinted her eyes and tightlyshuts them tightly. Chaerin placed her hand onto her chest and she felt how her heart was beating calmly. People doesn'tknow that the heart is the most difficult thing to read. It make beat calmly or it ma beat crazily but the content of sadness or happines in it can never be read by any machine in the world. Chaerin let the tears that has been clouding on her eyes to fall.

Now taht she saw Jiho today, she needs time to forget him all over again. She just needs to drown herself with workouts, practice and recording session or even force her brain to compose a song in a day. Jiho is so cruel for making her feellike this and made her suffer this way. What she finds annoying is that, she actually believed that she deserves this punishment since she was the one who did him wrong. She was too selish wasn't she? Chaerin turned off the bedlamp and decied to go to sleep. She slept withot changing into her pajamas and smudged makeup.

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Chapter 16: Such a good story !?!. chaerin and zico ~~ i agree though that its really hard to have inspiration with all these things hapenning to block b :'/i really liked dara's and jaeho's ending too. sometimes some relationships no matter how good they are just not meant to last :-)
I'm happy that in the end they were able to be together.
All the suffering they went through they deserve it.
It was cute how they told their fans through a video.
Please make another ZicoCL fic ^^.
Chapter 16: its really end author ? aawwww i'll miss this story so much :'))
n yeeeyyy finally they together again :D
even after 2 years latter .. heheh *clap clap clap* :)
mm yeah its really sad that 2ne1 was still on hiatus but YG said maybe this march they'll rilis new album .. we are waiting for that righ ??
btw thanks for good story author ^^
n if said yes , would u make oneshoot story of CHAEZICO ??
Chapter 15: and yeahh finally chaezico back :D
im glad that they will start new again ^^
hope that they will be happy i the next ..
for dara n jaeho that was so sad
i though they still love each other right?
Just waiting for the right time hope they can back again :)
thanks for the update author :)
Chapter 14: chaerin was really miss jiho so muchh :(
n dara tried to help chae :)
hope chaezico will be back soon ^^
Chapter 13: okay , this part still sad n poor for those both of couple
but im sure they will be together in the right time
just be patient guys :D
chaezico hwaiting ! <3
Chapter 10: first this story is going good n sweet ..
untill YG knew about them ,that was so bad n sad :( who was tell to YG??
Mmm now they felt the same way in their heart , yes pain n hurt because u have to lied in front of someone u love :( .. So hard ><
what will happend next ??
I like this story ^^ keep writing :)
nana_97 #8
Chapter 10: Keep writting! Plz! I've liked the story till' now
I've only read the first chapter but I like it^^ Gonna finish the rest as soon as I can:P
nana_97 #10
Chapter 5: Aigo!!! So cute!