Unknown Button

The Boys Who Can See Into the Future

Eunhee's Point Of View

I laid on the ground my hand outstretched towards the frozen bowl as I relaxed looking at it as it glistened with coldness.

"OPPA!!" I yelled as I kept my eyes on the bowl which automatically melted and dropped to the ground, breaking into our wood flooring.

Daniel came running down the hall way, with no one behind him.

"You called?" Daniel said huffing, as I looked at him.

"DO I CALL YOU OPPA BIG NOSE?!" I said as I looked at Daniel who smirked and walked back to his room dragging Woohyun out.

"Your sister called!" I could hear Daniel saying as Woohyun sighed. Woohyun appeared in front of my eyes as I looked at the broken bowl on the ground.

"Oppa! Oppa! So ____ and I were cleaning up and ____ can levitate things! I can freeze things too! We have super powers!!!!" I yelled as Woohyun smirked and looked at me.

"Show me." He said simply as I looked at _____. She shrugged and stood up. She placed her hand over the broken pieces of ceramic bowl and nothing happened.

"So?" Woohyun said as she looked at him.

"Hmm. It happened before." She said as she placed her hand over again and stretched her fingers out. I looked at her and she grunted.

"What the hell." She said as I stood up and looked for something to freeze. I smirked at the plant on the kitchen table as I flicked my hand towards the plant.

Nothing happened.

"Okay, is this a joke cause we really have to go." Woohyun said to me as I looked at him. I tried again and nothing happened.

"What the hell!" I said as ___ looked at me and shrugged.

The 2 other boys came out all dressed and what not, when Daniel stuck his tongue at me.

"Oh, two wanna play at this game!" I said as I flicked my wrist at Daniel. 

Again, nothing happened.

"HA, what are you doing? Retard." Woohyun grunted as they walked out of the house. When the door slammed I looked at _____

"What the hell man! We both witnessed it!" She said as I nodded. I sighed.

"Whattever! Maybe we are hallucinating." I say as she nodded. 

Your Point Of View

I was getting ready for bed when I climbed in bed and reached over to turn off the light. I saw a weird glowing green light below my bed as I looked into the reflection of my mirror. 

I smirked at it as I got up, and laid on my floor to look under my bed. Underneath my bed I saw a strange glowing green button. I looked at it and debated to touch it or not.

"EUNHEE!!" I screamed as Eunhee came rushing into my room.

"What what what?!" She said multiple times. I told her to come lay on the floor to see the button with me.

After a few minutes of debating. I placed my finger on the button.




we counted off and I pressed it. Something began to rumble as we looked up to see my bed, lifting into the hair and being compressed into the wall in front of me.

"What the..." Eunhee said as the floor beneath us disappeared. We dropped, we kept on dropping as I looked at Eunhee who's arms and hair were flailing all over the place.

Everything was dark as I felt my body thud on a punch of soft cloth. I looked around to see a punch of green and purple pillows beneath me. I looked to my left to see Eunhee sprawled on the pillows as she lifted her head up and looked at me.

I turned my head to see an unknown place. Silver everything.

We both stood up as we started to walk around in our pajama's.

"What is this place?" Eunhee said as I shrugged. I looked around, there was a black car to the right of me besides the big square table. A REALLY big flat screen TV,

weird looking technology on the wall. 

I heard something turn on like a TV or something and I saw a young man maybe 3 or 4 years older with a suit on. And really nice hair.

"Hello! The Powerful 2." 

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 16: chappie 16: such a tragic death............
but a funny ending..
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 15: chappie 15: ahh!!!!!
when i think it will end with a happy ending.........
and now!!,, they both dead?????!!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 14: chappie 14: awhhh....
so sweet......!!!!
but,, what will happen to woohyun?? will he get a girl??
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: hahahha....
what a sweet war.........
> _ <
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 12: chappie 12: ahhhh!!!!
eunhee!!! why you want to kill them??!!??!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 8: chappie 8: are they busted already?
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 7: chappie 7:huhuhu....
what will happen at hawaii soon~??
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 6: chappie 6: hmm........
which is the bad guy??.................
older........ or, younger........
hahahahahaahaahahahahhh............<br />
happy ending1
Yah! Woohyun! You're such a Koala!!! XD oh well they're together in the end so YAY!~