I'm Stupid


Café downtown…


“If only he could love me back.” Suzy sighed as she puffed her cheeks with a pout.


“He wouldn’t fall for a erted ahjumma like you.” Myungsoo snorted.


“B-bwoh?!” Suzy said almost choking on her drink.


“Who are you calling erted ahjumma you-you-you--- Aish! Whatever demon you are!”


Myungsoo smirked.


“Hah! I’m sooo handsome you can’t even insult me!” he laughed standing up and turning to go.


Suzy then came up with an idea.


“After all these years I’ve spent tormenting you and your whims? Were over just like this? Huh? Yeobo!” she said faking a tear.


Myungsoo stopped laughing. Everyone was already looking at their direction because of Suzy’s loud voice.


‘That guy mercilessly broke up with her?’


‘Oh my, that’s cruel’


‘He even did that in public!’


Myungsoo clicked his tongue before walking back to her.


“Stop this little act Bae Suzy.” He gritted through his teeth.


“Pay for the food~ and I’ll stop.” She whispered hiding a smirk.


“You evil-erted-ahjumma” he muttered.


“Y-yeobo?” she faked a sob.


Myungsoo ruffled his hair frustratedly before dropping some bills on the table, trying to hide his glare.


“I know you didn’t mean it. I forgive you. Let’s go yeobo!” she smiled interlacing their fingers together.


*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*


Damn. She’s the only girl who can make him feel like this. His forever unrequited love.


Suddenly, one of the customers cheered for a kiss, in a moment, everyone was loudly cheering.


Myungsoo, at the same time, was feeling both dislike and like at the given situation. Dislike because he might fall for her harder, if that was even possible. And an unexplainable like in the situation.


“Let’s go” he said dragging her wrist.


One of the waiters playfully blocked their path.


“You have to at least kiss your girlfriend. Come on sir, to make up?” the waiter chided.


‘Eeek! He’s gonna toast me into sweet buns later!’ she thought as she watched Myungsoo’s reaction.


Myungsoo faced her without saying a word; he kissed her with his thumb covering her lips. He then gave the waiter a glare before completely dragging the dumbfounded Suzy out.


They sat at the park.


Suzy nervously looked at Myungsoo.


“Are you… m-mad?” she managed to choke out.


“Babo Suzy.” He blurted out.




“You always get me into deep crap and always, always make me feel like this.” He said finally snapping out.


“Eh?” Suzy tilted her head.


Now she’s completely out of his words. What did he mean by that?


Myungsoo looked at her seriously; Suzy couldn’t help but stare at his features. He is indeed very good looking. He leaned a little closer, making her gulp.


“For four years I’ve been in love with you. But you’ve also been in love with another man. I don’t know what spell or trick you pulled on me, but I’m certain that it isn’t going to wear off soon.” He said seriously before backing away, exhaling deeply.


Suzy bit her lip.


“Babo.” She muttered under her breath.




“I said you’re a fool! You’re an idiotic, moron--” Suzy was cut off by Myungsoo’s lips crashing on hers. Making her eyes shot wide open, unable to process the whole situation.


Myungsoo pulled back.


“I know. Damn. Did you know how long I’ve always wanted to do that?” he said looking straight at her eyes.


“Y-you j-just k-k-k-k-k--” before she could finish her sentence again, Myungsoo held her chin, inching her closer and kissing her again.


Myungsoo haven’t got a response, but it’s not like she’s pushing him away either.


“There’s only one word you need to say. Yes or No.” he said pulling back for the second time.


Now, Suzy’s face was even redder than a tomato.


“Y-yes?” she stuttered and—




Myungsoo looked at her seriously; Suzy couldn’t help but stare at his features. He is indeed very good looking. He leaned a little closer, making her gulp.


“Myungsoo? Hey? Myungsooooooo? Earth to Myungsoo!” Suzy said waving her hands in front of him.


Myungsoo snapped out of his thoughts. A sigh escape his lips.


“What’s happening to you? Are you sick?” Suzy said checking his temperature, making him blush. It was a daydream all along; he couldn’t have said such things to her for real.


“I-I’m fine. Aish! You really get me into troubles young lady!” he said.


yeeeesss ! the connection is back !! we lost internet connection

these past few days so pleeaasee understand mee ?? :D

thank you so muchhhieeeeeeee

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ILOVEYOU! XDD haha don't forget to comment~ :*





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chibiiELF #1
whew ! that was close !!!! :)) update soon !! :)
chibiiELF #2
Aaaawwww how cute~ i can't wait to see jieun's reaction when she gets her memories back! How will suzy deal with it??! XD myungzzzyyyyy!!!
Chapter 5: wohoo, update soon
i want 2 see the trailer but i cant :c cuz its private ono is there any way 2 be able 2 see it OAO ?
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 5: MinHo and JiEun:)
suho_S2_suzy #6
Chapter 4: minho ah u don't love suzy.it's okay cause myung is better than u-the man always hurted her
MilkyCouple4ever #7
Chapter 4: :)) MyungSoo dreaming=)) poor boy!
ExoShineeEmma #8
Chapter 4: update! :)
chibiiELF #9
Chapter 4: hahahah i was fooled !! i thought he did that for real !!! haahha myungzy !! XDDD poor myungsoo. it's going to be really bad if things are revealed ! anyways ! fighting !! :DD
Chapter 3: wohoooo, it's really good . Update soon :D