I'm Stupid




“Bwoh?” Suzy’s pinched eyebrows clearly stated her expressions.


“Ahahaha! Don’t joke like that IU-ah. It’s me, your sister Suzy. How are you feeling?” she laughed dryly.


“Sister? IU?” the younger tilted her head.


Suzy turned a look at the nurse, who was now with a doctor.


“D-doctor Jung! W-what’s happening with her? Why doesn’t she remember me?”


The doctor asked her to come outside to explain things while the nurse accompanied IU inside.


“Your sister is currently suffering from retrograde amnesia, where the previous formed memories are lost. Although, your sister shows no sign of any other illness; I can guarantee that she is healthy. I would still advise that we conduct a few more observations before she can go.”


“When will she be able to regain her lost memories?”


“There is no assurance, but if you would like, I can schedule her for a therapy to make her gain her memories faster.”


Suzy smiled. Her sister’s temporary memory loss might give her some more time.


“I’ll ask my parents about it Doctor Jung. Thank you very much. Please take care of my sister” she bowed. A small smirk making its way to her lips.



Minho plopped down at the nearest bench.


“Where the hell…” Minho ruffled his hair in annoyance before turning his head low. He couldn’t believe that something like this would happen. The more he thinks that Ji Eun might be in danger, the more frustrated he feels.


“It’s my entire fault. I shouldn’t have left. I shouldn’t have let you be alone. We shouldn’t have got into that freaking fight before!”




“You didn’t even tell me you were leaving before hand.” Ji Eun stated as her lips tremble with threatening tears.


“I thought it was for the best.” He quietly spoke, unable to look at her eyes.


“Seriously? Choi Minho?! Then go! I am not going to stop you anymore!” she said turning a leave. Minho bit his bottom lip as he watch her walk away.


‘I’m sorry. Maybe your parents will accept me when you can have something to be proud of me.’ He thought as he turned the other way.

*End of Flashback…


“I was stupid. An ignorant fool. And I miss you. I miss you so, so much. Please come back to me. I promise I’ll be good this time. I won’t get into fights with you ever again, I’ll do everything just please…” he kept murmuring as the tears found its way out of his eyes.


His vision turning blurry from the tears he’s shedding.



A little boy stood up in front of him holding out a lollipop.


“Hyungie? Are you alright? Please don’t cry. Do you have boo boo’s?” the kid innocently asked.


Minho smiled, even with the tears still falling from the corner of his eyes. He sniffed and ruffled the boy’s hair.


“I’m fine. Thanks for worrying about me kiddo. Where’s your mom? What’s your name?” he smiled at the boy.


“Jung Yoogeun! And I’m five years old! Mommy said she’ll pick me up in a bit, she forgot something at the stall.” The little boy beamed, giving Minho his lollipop.


“Were both alone, how about hyung accompany you till your umma comes back?”


The little boy nodded repeatedly, occupying the space beside Minho.


“Hyungie doesn’t want lollipop?”


“Aniyo. I’m fine” he smiled.


The little boy’s mother came rushing.


“Yoogeun-ah! Let’s go home now.” The lady smiled.


Yoogeun quickly went to grab his mother’s hand and waved at Minho.


“Bye hyungie! Umma is here, annyeong!” he smiled.


Minho smiled and bowed at the boy’s mother.


“Thank you for taking care of my little Yoogeun” she bowed lightly.


Minho just smiled as he watch them walk away.


“How I wish goodbyes could end like that. Now I’m all alone, aren’t I?” he said looking up at the sky.




2 weeks later…

“Yah, Suzy-ah! Can’t I go out now?” Ji Eun said as she paced back and forth at her hospital room. Suzy just sat and stared at her.


“Aniyo. You can’t go out yet. Not until the doctors permitted, arrasso?”


“I won’t make a promise~” Ji Eun sang.


Suddenly, Suzy’s phone ringed.


“Yoboseyo? Oh, oppa! Gwenchanha? … Arrasso. I’ll be there.” Suzy giggled as she hung up.


Ji Eun formed a mischievous smirk.


“Who was that? Your boyfriend?” she smiled.


Suzy stiffened. That was Minho, Ji Eun’s boyfriend. Not hers.


“Haha! A-aniyo. I better get going now, behave yourself okay? And, for the last time, you can’t go out yet. You still haven’t got your memories back. If you got lost what would I do? Arrasso?” she said before dashing off.


“Eh? But I already know that you’re my sister, and I have umma and appa. And that’s all I need to know right?” she said tilting her head.


Suzy peeked her head through the door.


“Be good. Bye!” she said before completely disappearing.


After Suzy finally left, Ji Eun changed her clothes to the one she have on her bag.


“Hehe. Just a little sunshine won’t hurt.” She smiled to herself, oblivious about the outside wall of lies.




chapter two up! Enjoy <33



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chibiiELF #1
whew ! that was close !!!! :)) update soon !! :)
chibiiELF #2
Aaaawwww how cute~ i can't wait to see jieun's reaction when she gets her memories back! How will suzy deal with it??! XD myungzzzyyyyy!!!
Chapter 5: wohoo, update soon
i want 2 see the trailer but i cant :c cuz its private ono is there any way 2 be able 2 see it OAO ?
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 5: MinHo and JiEun:)
suho_S2_suzy #6
Chapter 4: minho ah u don't love suzy.it's okay cause myung is better than u-the man always hurted her
MilkyCouple4ever #7
Chapter 4: :)) MyungSoo dreaming=)) poor boy!
ExoShineeEmma #8
Chapter 4: update! :)
chibiiELF #9
Chapter 4: hahahah i was fooled !! i thought he did that for real !!! haahha myungzy !! XDDD poor myungsoo. it's going to be really bad if things are revealed ! anyways ! fighting !! :DD
Chapter 3: wohoooo, it's really good . Update soon :D