Young Mi's past

I'll love you even if death separates us.
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~Minwoo's POV~

We reached Young Mi's house. I'm really scared to go in. What if her mum doesn't like me? Or what if she ask me to leave Young Mi? Aish! I think it's a bad idea to come!

'Oppa, let's go in,' Young Mi pulled my arms. I shook my head. 'Don't worry. Oppa is at work and my mum won't eat you. Even if she does, I'll stop her.' she smiles. I finally gave in and walked into her house.

'Umma! I'm home. And as you wished, I brought Minwoo oppa here.' she said while puffing out her cheeks. She's so cute. I don't think I can ever dislike her now. 

'Oh, ok. Serve him first, ne Young Mi-ah. I'm almost done with dinner.' Mrs. Jang raised her voice so we can hear her since she's in the kitchen. I sat down on the sofa and Young Mi brought me a glass of water. 'I'll go wash up after my mum is done with dinner. Like that you'll not feel bored and you could talk to my mum while I'm not with you~' she smile. I nodded nervously.

I felt stressed out when Mrs.Jang came out of the kitchen. Young Mi smiled at me and whisper to me, 'I'll be back right after I'm done. Don't feel stressed out, ne? She won't do anything to you unless you hurt me.' She kissed me on the cheek. I faked smile and she walked upstairs.

Mrs.Jang sat beside me. 'An...Anyeonghaseyo, ahjumma.' I greeted nervously. 'Aigoo, are you nervous?' she smiled. Does it shows? I stared at my lap. She sigh. 'I wanna talk to you about Young Mi.' she said. I looked at her confusely. 'Could it be.... that... you.... you... don't want us to be... together?' I stammered.

'Aniyo.' she giggles. I looked blankly at her. She smiled. 'Young Mi, that girl, she's a very special girl. She was protected by her oppa and his friends. They won't let anyone get close to her. There's only 2 boys that is not Wooyoung's friends successfully got close to her.' she said. I just looked at her with wide open eyes. Who could it be? 'You and her ex-boyfriend, Im Jaebum.' she continued. Im Jaebum? His name sounded familiar. Who is he?

'You should know him right? He went to the same school as you and Young Mi.' she asked. Im Jaebum, Im Jaebum... Oh, I know him! I nodded. 'Why did Wooyoung hyung let that guy get close to Young Mi?' I asked. 'Because she used to love him a lot.' she replied

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hey guys, i can't update this week because school is starting tomorrow >< so i think i'll update this coming saturday or maybe sunday? pls wait for my update :)


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Chapter 21: I love this story... it's so sad~~~ T.T
clarluvskpop #2
Chapter 6: I'm not saying this was adapted from anything but it's obvious top me that she had cancer cuz in a Singapore drama series,a girl got a lot of noise bleeds and it turned out that she had cancer sooooo.....I WAS RIGHT!
kr8_tiv #3
Chapter 1: superb fanfic author-nim! chapter 18 was a very sad ending. It makes me burst in tears.
jeonggie #4
Chapter 1: Great fanfic! Even though min woo is not my bias, it's really make my heart burnt. so sad.
K-popStyle14 #5
Chapter 19: Update This story is fun..... :)
ohlalala #6
update more !!!
Goldie98 #7
Chapter 18: Update pls.....